The Concise National Health Service Human Resources and Equality Diversity Survey, 2018-2019

Mumford, Karen and Einarsóttir, Anna and Birks, Yvonne and Aguirre, Edith and Lockyer, Bridget and Sayli, Melisa (2021). The Concise National Health Service Human Resources and Equality Diversity Survey, 2018-2019. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-855320

In recent years, the British workplace has become more diverse. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals form an important part of this diversity. Most large organisations have established LGBT employee networks to support gender and sexual minorities and run training programs to inform employees about equality and diversity related matters. Despite this, we still know little about LGBT networks and why adversity against this group of employees has not yet been stamped out. To address this problem, this project aims to offer better understanding of how LGBT networks are run and what they can do to improve relationships between colleagues, and ultimately, improve the wellbeing of LGBT employees. In doing so, we focus on LGBT employee networks within the NHS in nine different institutions by administering surveys, interviewing network members and taking part in network activities. To achieve our research aims, the following objectives have been set: 1) Establish baseline understanding of how LGBT employee networks operate; 2) Map network membership and explore ways of addressing insufficient representation of different groups within the networks; 3) Explore what support is in place to achieve network's vision and what barriers exists to realise this vision; 4) Examine ways of using LGBT employee networks to address negativity towards sexual and gender minorities more effectively. With support from our research partners, NHS Employers; Stonewall; Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei); a theatre production team and through our academic networks, the results of the research will be published, debated and applied to target LGBT employees in and outside of the NHS, HR practitioners, policy makers, and scholars in the field of diversity in organisations, and gender and sexualities studies together with the general public. Research outputs include an APP connecting LGBT employee networks, practitioners report and academic journal articles. They further include a dedicated website hosting discussion forums and social media activities, on the road regional workshops, national and international conference presentations, a press conference and a theatre production. Project outcomes will further help to shape programs delivered by enei to public, private and third sector organisations, and to support ongoing campaigns on behalf of Stonewall to improve work experiences of LGBT employees.

Data description (abstract)

This research aims to offer better understanding of how lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT plus) employee networks are run and what they can do to improve relationships between colleagues, and ultimately, improve the wellbeing of LGBT employees. In doing so, the research focuses on LGBT employee networks within the NHS in nine different institutions by administering surveys, interviewing network members and taking part in network activities. The National Health Service Human Resources and Equality Diversity and Inclusion survey (NHS HR & EDI Survey) is an online survey of the organisational culture and workforce structure at NHS trusts in England. The survey required one response per trust from Human Resources (HR) staff and/or Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) leads working in NHS trust in England.

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Mumford Karen University of York
Einarsóttir Anna University of York
Birks Yvonne University of York
Aguirre Edith University of Essex
Lockyer Bridget Bradford Institute for Health Research
Sayli Melisa University of Surrey
Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Smith Ben Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
Sponsors: Economic and Social Research Council
Grant reference: ES/N019334/1
Topic classification: Social welfare policy and systems
Social stratification and groupings
Labour and employment
Society and culture
Project title: LGBT plus employee networks in the NHS
Alternative title: NHS HR-EDI
Grant holders: Anna Einarsóttir, Karen Mumford, Yvonne Birks
Project dates:
2 May 201728 February 2021
Date published: 07 Dec 2021 13:57
Last modified: 07 Dec 2021 13:58

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