A new attribute-linked residential property price dataset for England and Wales 2011-2019

Chi, Bin and Dennett, Adam and Oléron-Evans, Thomas and Morphet, Robin (2024). A new attribute-linked residential property price dataset for England and Wales 2011-2019. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-854240

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Current residential house price variation research in the UK is limited by lack of an open and comprehensive house price database that contains both transaction price alongside dwelling attributes such as size. This research outlines one approach which addresses this deficiency in England and Wales through combining transaction information from the official open Land Registry Price Paid Data (PPD) and property size information form the official open Domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). A four-stage data linkage is created to generate a new linked data, representing 79% of the full market sales in Land Registry PPD. This new linked dataset offers greater flexibility for the exploration of house price (house price per square metre) variation in England and Wales at different spatial scales over postcode unit between 2011 and 2019.

Data description (abstract)

Land Registry Price Paid Data (PPD) have been published as open data since 2013. These data have been transformative for house price variation research in the UK as they are a comprehensive record of residential transactions at address level and cover the whole of England and Wales over a period dating back to 1995. Despite the utility of these data, a lack of attribute information relating to the properties, such as total floor area information, is identified as one of the major shortcomings of the PPD data. This means that the impacts of stock mix on broader price patterns cannot be fully accounted for. This research outlines one approach which addresses this deficiency by combining transaction information from the official open Land Registry Price Paid Data (PPD) with property size information form the official open Domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). A four-stage data linkage is created to generate a new linked dataset, representing 79% of the full market sales in the Land Registry PPD. This new linked dataset details 5,732,838 transactions in England and Wales between 2011 and 2019, along with each property's total floor area and the number of habitable rooms. Codes for other commonly used spatial units from Output Area to Local Authority are also included in the dataset. This offers greater flexibility for the exploration of house price variation in England and Wales at different spatial scales. The data collection includes the scripts used for linkage, as well as the resulting dataset.

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Chi Bin University College London https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5815-7428
Dennett Adam University College London https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8036-0185
Oléron-Evans Thomas University College London https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1364-3606
Morphet Robin University College London https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8203-8429
Sponsors: UCL-CSC scholarship
Grant reference: CSC201708060184
Topic classification: Housing and land use
Project title: A new attribute-linked residential property price dataset for England and Wales, 2011 to 2019
Grant holders: Bin Chi
Project dates:
26 September 201615 September 2020
Date published: 28 May 2021 16:33
Last modified: 22 Jul 2024 13:45

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