International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: How the Input Shapes the Acquisition of Verb Morphology: Elicited Production and Computational Modelling in Two Highly Inflected Languages, 2014-2020

Engelmann, Felix and Granlund, Sonia and Kolak, Joanna and Szreder, Marta and Ambridge, Ben and Pine, Julian and Theakston, Anna and Lieven, Elena (2021). International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: How the Input Shapes the Acquisition of Verb Morphology: Elicited Production and Computational Modelling in Two Highly Inflected Languages, 2014-2020. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-853914

The International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD) will bring about a transformation in our understanding of how children learn to communicate, and deliver the crucial information needed to design effective interventions in child healthcare, communicative development and early years education. Learning to use language to communicate is hugely important for society. Failure to develop language and communication skills at the right age is a major predictor of educational and social inequality in later life. To tackle this problem, we need to know the answers to a number of questions: How do children learn language from what they see and hear? What do measures of children's brain activity tell us about what they know? and How do differences between children and differences in their environments affect how children learn to talk? Answering these questions is a major challenge for researchers. LuCiD will bring together researchers from a wide range of different backgrounds to address this challenge. The LuCiD Centre will be based in the North West of England and will coordinate five streams of research in the UK and abroad. It will use multiple methods to address central issues, create new technology products, and communicate evidence-based information directly to other researchers and to parents, practitioners and policy-makers. LuCiD's RESEARCH AGENDA will address four key questions in language and communicative development: 1) ENVIRONMENT: How do children combine the different kinds of information that they see and hear to learn language? 2) KNOWLEDGE: How do children learn the word meanings and grammatical categories of their language? 3) COMMUNICATION: How do children learn to use their language to communicate effectively? 4) VARIATION: How do children learn languages with different structures and in different cultural environments? The fifth stream, the LANGUAGE 0-5 PROJECT, will connect the other four streams. It will follow 80 English learning children from 6 months to 5 years, studying how and why some children's language development is different from others. A key feature of this project is that the children will take part in studies within the other four streams. This will enable us to build a complete picture of language development from the very beginning through to school readiness. Applying different methods to study children's language development will constrain the types of explanations that can be proposed, helping us create much more accurate theories of language development. We will observe and record children in natural interaction as well as studying their language in more controlled experiments, using behavioural measures and correlations with brain activity (EEG). Transcripts of children's language and interaction will be analysed and used to model how these two are related using powerful computer algorithms. LuciD's TECHNOLOGY AGENDA will develop new multi-method approaches and create new technology products for researchers, healthcare and education professionals. We will build a 'big data' management and sharing system to make all our data freely available; create a toolkit of software (LANGUAGE RESEARCHER'S TOOLKIT) so that researchers can analyse speech more easily and more accurately; and develop a smartphone app (the BABYTALK APP) that will allow parents, researchers and practitioners to monitor, assess and promote children's language development. With the help of six IMPACT CHAMPIONS, LuCiD's COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA will ensure that parents know how they can best help their children learn to talk, and give healthcare and education professionals and policy-makers the information they need to create intervention programmes that are firmly rooted in the latest research findings.

Data description (abstract)

The aim of the present work was to develop a computational model of how children acquire inflectional morphology for marking person and number; one of the central challenges in language development. First, in order to establish which putative learning phenomena are sufficiently robust to constitute a target for modelling, we ran large-scale elicited production studies with native learners of Finnish (N = 77; 35–63 months) and Polish (N = 81; 35–59 months), using a novel method that, unlike previous studies, allows for elicitation of all six person/number forms in the paradigm (first, second and third person; singular and plural). We then proceeded to build and test a connectionist model of the acquisition of person/number marking which not only acquires near adult-like mastery of the system (including generalisation to unseen items), but also yields all of the key phenomena observed in the elicited-production studies; specifically, effects of token frequency and phonological neighbourhood density of the target form, and a pattern whereby errors generally reflect the replacement of low frequency targets by higher-frequency forms of the same verb, or forms with the same person/number as the target, but with a suffix from an inappropriate conjugation class. The findings demonstrate that acquisition of even highly complex systems of inflectional morphology can be accounted for by a theoretical model that assumes rote storage and phonological analogy, as opposed to formal symbolic rules.

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Engelmann Felix University of Manchester
Granlund Sonia University of Liverpool
Kolak Joanna University of Salford
Szreder Marta University of Manchester
Ambridge Ben University of Liverpool
Pine Julian University of Liverpool
Theakston Anna University of Manchester
Lieven Elena University of Manchester
Sponsors: Economic and Social Research Council
Grant reference: ES/L008955/1
Topic classification: Psychology
Project title: The International Centre for Language and Communicative Development
Alternative title: LuCiD WP6
Grant holders: Elena Lieven, Bob McMurray, Jeffrey Elman, Gert Westermann, Morten H Christiansen, Thea Cameron-Faulkner, Fernand Gobet, Ludovica Serratrice, Sabine Stoll, Meredith Rowe, Padraic Monaghan, Michael Tomasello, Ben Ambridge, Silke Brandt, Anna Theakston, Eugenio Parise, Caroline Frances Rowland, Colin James Bannard, Grzegorz Krajewski, Franklin Chang, Floriana Grasso, Evan James Kidd, Julian Mark Pine, Arielle Borovsky, Vincent Michael Reid, Katherine Alcock, Daniel Freudenthal
Project dates:
1 September 201431 May 2020
Date published: 26 Aug 2021 16:49
Last modified: 26 Aug 2021 16:49

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