ASPIRE COVID-19 Work Package 2: National Stakeholders Interviews, the Netherlands, 2020-2022

Thomson, G and de Jonge, A and van den Berg, LMM and Franso, B and Topalidou, A and Downe, S (2022). ASPIRE COVID-19 Work Package 2: National Stakeholders Interviews, the Netherlands, 2020-2022. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-855861

UK policy is for safe, personalised maternity care. However, during COVID-19 tests and visits have been reduced in some places, and some women with worrying symptoms are not going to hospital. Other places are trying new solutions, including remote access technologies. Some Trusts have reduced community maternity services, including home and birthcentre births; barred birth companions in early labour; and separated mothers, babies, and partners during labour, and in neonatal units. There are reports of women giving birth at home without professional help, possibly due to fear of infection, or of family separation. In contrast, the Netherlands has a policy of increased community maternity services during COVID-19. We want to find out how best to provide care for mothers, babies, and partners during and after a pandemic. We will look at what documents and national leads say about service organisation in the UK and the Netherlands, and at women's and parents experiences. We will also look in detail at what happened in 8 UK Trusts during the pandemic. We will find out how their services have been organised during COVID-19, what parents and staff think, and what the outcomes are, including infections. We will then share the findings with key stakeholders to agree a final organisational model that can be used to ensure safe, personalised routine and crisis maternity care, now, and in future. This will include useful resources and links relating to innovative best practices that we find out about during the study.

Data description (abstract)

*The dataset is a collection of data undertaken by the members of Work Package 2 (WP2), of the ASPIRE COVID-19 project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), as part of UK Research and Innovation’s rapid response to COVID-19 [grant number ES/V004581/1]. Full details of the main study are available via ResearchRegistry (researchregistry5911) and via UKRI Gateway ( This dataset contains interviews (n=13) with leads (stakeholders in maternal and neonatal care) in relevant national governmental, professional, and service user organisations in the Netherlands (See section WP2 – point 3).
*13 anonymised semi-structured interviews – transcribed (NL only).
*The relevant UK dataset can be found here:

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Thomson G University of Central Lancashire
de Jonge A Amsterdam University Medical Centre
van den Berg LMM Amsterdam University Medical Centre
Franso B Amsterdam University Medical Centre
Topalidou A University of Central Lancashire
Downe S University of Central Lancashire
Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Balaam MC University of Central Lancashire
Nowland R University of Central Lancashire
Crossland N University of Central Lancashire
Sponsors: ESRC
Grant reference: ES/V004581/1
Topic classification: Health
Project title: ASPIRE-COVID-19: Achieving Safe and Personalised maternity care In Response to Epidemics
Grant holders: Soo Downe, George Ellison, Carol Kingdon, Gill Thomson, Anastasia Topalidou, Zoe Matthews, Alexander Heazell, Sarah Neal, Ank De Jonge, Alison Wright, Alan Charles Fenton, Alexandra Severns
Project dates:
31 May 202025 February 2022
Date published: 01 Aug 2022 20:18
Last modified: 01 Aug 2022 20:18

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