The lived experiences of migration 1996-2017

Kovacheva, Siyka and Demireva, Neli (2020). The lived experiences of migration 1996-2017. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-853333

The study focuses on the ‘lived’ experiences of migration. It builds upon the understanding that mobility is a complex and dynamic process starting with the decisions that are made before and along the journey and proceeding with examination of the challenges to migrants’ early adaptation, work and social integration, and the changes in their feelings of belonging and citizenship status. The research examines the impact of crosscutting factors such as gender, nationality, skill level and occupational sector. Using qualitative methodology of in-depth interviews, the study looks into the motivations, mobility channels and assessments that migrants make of the sending context, as well as of the receiving context – in terms of the climate of reception and levels of discrimination by employers, of the transferability of their own human capital and the success with which they will be admitted and encouraged to stay. The fieldwork of six country teams from Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK resulted in 236 interviews in total. Of these 154 were conducted with ‘actual migrants’ – people who had migrated and lived in four EU countries: UK, Germany, Spain and Italy. Additionally, 42 ‘prospective’ migrants were interviewed at home about their plans to migrate in less than 12 months to a EU country. Further, the sample included 40 interviews with experts from public and private recruiting agencies from the four sedning countries. All interviews have been audio recorded and fully transcribed in the language in which they were conducted. Additionally, three-page summaries in English were prepared to all interviews.

Data description (abstract)

The data collection consists of the full transcripts of 236 in-depth interviews conducted in Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK in the respective national languages. Of these 154 were conducted with ‘actual migrants’ – people who had migrated and lived in four EU countries: UK, Germany, Spain and Italy. Additionally, 42 ‘prospective’ migrants were interviewed at home in Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Spain about their plans to migrate in less than 12 months to a EU country. Further the collection contains 40 interviews with experts from public and private recruiting agencies. Additionally, three-page summaries of all interviews in English are included in the collection.

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Kovacheva Siyka New Europe Centre, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Demireva Neli University of Essex
Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Popivanov Boris New Europe Centre
Peeva Radka New Europe Centre, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Nanov Plamen New Europe Centre
Coletto Diego University of Milano-Bicocca
Dimitriadis Iraklis University of Milano-Bicocca
Fullin Giovanna University of Milano-Bicocca
Fischer-Souan Maricia Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Tichelbäcker Thomas Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Sozialforschung (WZB), Germany
Capros Mircea Petru Center for Urban and Regional Sociology
Pop Alexandra University of Essex
Sponsors: Horizon 2020 Programme, European Commission
Grant reference: 649255-GEMM-H2020-EURO-SOCIETY-2014
Topic classification: Demography (population, vital statistics and censuses)
Social stratification and groupings
Labour and employment
Keywords: migrants, labour mobility, labour market, motivation, social integration, european identity, skilled workers, semi-skilled workers, gender
Project title: The lived experiences of migration, part of the Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets Project (GEMM)
Alternative title: WP4 of project GEMM, Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets
Grant holders: Neli Demireva, Wouter Zwysen and Alexandra Pop, University of Essex, UK, Siyka Kovacheva, Boris Popivanov, Radka Peeva and Plamen Nanov, New Europe Centre, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Diego Coletto, Iraklis Dimitriadis and Giovanna Fullin, University of Milano- Bicocca, Italy, Maricia Fischer-Souan, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, Octav Marcovici and Dorel Abraham , Center for Urban and Regional Sociology, Bucharest, Romania , Thomas Tichelbäcker, The Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Sozialforschung (WZB), Germany
Project dates:
1 September 201531 December 2018
Date published: 05 Sep 2018 13:48
Last modified: 22 Jan 2020 15:58

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