The power of political voice: Women's political representation and crime in India 2010-2015

Iyer, Lakshmi and Mani, Anandi and Mishra, Prachi and Topalova, Petia (2020). The power of political voice: Women's political representation and crime in India 2010-2015. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-854133

Data description (abstract)

The data consists of records of reported number of crimes at the district and state level from various issues of the “Crime in India” publications of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) at the Ministry of Home Affairs, for the period 1985-2007. It also consists of annual data on the number of arrests made for each crime category. Data on the representation of women in legislature and local government is compiled from different sources including the electoral commission of India.
The project uses variation in the timing of political reforms in India to compile some evidence of the effect of increased representation of women in local government on socio-political issues such as crime. Different forms of political representation are examined and reported in the data as well as in the main findings of the project.

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Iyer Lakshmi Notre Dame University
Mani Anandi University of Oxford
Mishra Prachi IMF
Topalova Petia IMF
Sponsors: Economic and Social Research Council
Grant reference: ES/H021248/1
Topic classification: Law, crime and legal systems
Project title: Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE)
Grant holders: Nicholas Crafts, Andrew Oswald, Sharun Mukand, Sascha O Becker, Sayantan Ghosal, Kimberley Scharf, Stephen Broadberry, Anandi Mani, John Whalley
Project dates:
4 January 20103 January 2015
Date published: 16 Apr 2020 16:20
Last modified: 16 Apr 2020 16:20

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