Hairdressing, image and body work in care services to older people

Ward, Richard (2017). Hairdressing, image and body work in care services to older people. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-851506

This research will explore the role that hairdressing plays in the lives of older people who are high-level users of health and social care. This will include investigating the formal/paid services provided by hairdressers, and the styling and management of hair undertaken by care workers.

There are four main aims to this research:

to describe the experience of hairdressing and explore the significance it holds for older service users

to describe the workplace experience of care-based hairdressers and care workers

to scrutinise and document the constituent elements of hairdressing encounters

to consider patterns of provision, access and affordability of hairdressing services to older service users.

This ethnographic study will be conducted over three types of setting: care received at home, long-stay hospital care settings and care homes. It will include observations and filming in care-based salons as well as interviews with care workers, hairdressers and older service users. The findings will inform policy and practices in care and raise the profile of body-work that is fundamental to well-being and the avoidance of decline, depression and neglect. The study addresses an aspect of care settings that is little understood and for which no evidence-base currently exists

Data description (abstract)

Data set comprising interviews with a range of stakeholders including: care-based hairdressers, people with dementia, informal carers, care workers and other practitioners and key informants.

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Ward Richard University of Stirling
Sponsors: Economic and Social Research Council
Grant reference: RES-061-25-0484
Topic classification: Health
Labour and employment
Society and culture
Keywords: care, dementia, hairdressing
Project title: Hairdressing, image and body work in care services to older people
Alternative title: hairdressing, image and body work in care services to older people
Grant holders: Richard Ward
Project dates:
1 November 20101 November 2013
Date published: 21 Nov 2014 13:27
Last modified: 13 Jul 2017 15:45

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