Parent-infant concurrent EEG and looking data

Leong, Victoria and Wass, Sam (2018). Parent-infant concurrent EEG and looking data. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-853123

Learning is an inherently social activity, but previous research typically only considers the learner in isolation, or when interacting with an inanimate "teacher". Our project aims to address this gap by developing new techniques to investigate how mothers’ and infants' brains co-operate during learning. Our hypothesis, based on previous research from our lab and others, is that the electrical patterns of activity in mothers' and infants' brains become synchronised when both are jointly focussed on the same object, and this inter-personal (brain-to-brain, 'b2b') synchronisation boosts infants' learning and memory for new information. This has never been addressed before because nobody has measured the electrical activity in mothers’ and infants' brains at the same time. In the past, people have only looked either at mother’s brains or at their child’s.

Data description (abstract)

This dataset comprises EEG neural indices and looking data recorded concurrently from N=42 infants and their mothers during one of two social conditions, Joint Play and Solo Play.
Exact descriptions of the participants and experimental procedures are given in the attached manuscript, Wass et al. (in press, Developmental Science).

Data creators:
Creator Name Affiliation ORCID (as URL)
Leong Victoria Cambridge University
Wass Sam University of East London
Sponsors: Economic and Social Research Council
Grant reference: ES/N006461/1
Topic classification: Psychology
Keywords: EEG, Looking time, social interaction, Parent-infant, Visual attention
Project title: Using "naturalistic dual-EEG" to measure mother-infant brain-to-brain (b2b) synchrony in socially-mediated learning
Grant holders: Victoria Leong, Sam Wass
Project dates:
1 January 201631 December 2017
Date published: 26 Mar 2018 14:52
Last modified: 08 Nov 2018 10:49

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