File "meta_data_UKArchiveReShare.xlsx" including demographic and session data: - gender - age - NBO administered - NBO completed - questionnaire data available Folder "NBO_data", including for each participant: 1. .mat file with EEG variables - EEGraw_all = EEG raw data for each block (eeg = eeg data; eeg_t = eeg timing info; t_mark = marker timing info) - ERPs_all = ERP data for each block - Output = for each block alternative output measures (not used for BO; incl. Nc latency, Nc peak amplitude, Nc mean amplitude across the standard time window) and the percentage of trials included in the ERP (perc_good) 2. Plots of Nc for each block (including the output measure and the percentage of trials included in the ERP) 3. folder including python BO output - log.txt: Nc output value per iteration (x = stimulus space coordinate; maximum obtained by the algorithm = coordinate of stimulus that elicited the maximum value -- of note, this sometimes differs from the point that the model PREDICTS to elicit the maximum value) - figures: updated Gaussian process model after each iteration, and utility function indicating next stimulus to sample - optimizer.joblib: predicted objective function Folder "questionnaire_data", including for each participant responses to: - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (Parent/Caregiver Form; VABS) - Infant Behaviour Questionnaire (IBQ) - Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS-SF) - Maternal Mood Checklist (MMCL) - IT-HOME-derived questions (HOME), for questions see "IT-HOME-derived_questions.txt"