README - Bias Data - 19/01/2022 This data collection consists of three documents, outlined below; biasdata.dta - A STATA file containing the core dataset Questionnaire.pdf - A PDF containing the survey questions and possible input responses Codebook.xls - An Excel file containing a list of variables, a brief description of each variable and the post values Further information about the sample and methods; This data was collected using an online survey. Recruitment for the study was done through existing business networks, in particular Cornwall Chamber of Commerce and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (the latter of which is a project partner). This involved the use of mailing lists and pieces on their websites. The study was also promoted at a number of business facing events (business 'breakfasts', webinars and other events, etc.). As such, the primary target population for the study was the local Cornish business community. People who are H.R. professionals or otherwise who are involved in making hiring decisions were particularly encouraged to participate and this is reflected in our final sample. In total, 108 participants completed the study (of which 50 did the age IAT as well). The sample is approximately evenly split between a) people in Cornwall and people in other parts of the UK b) people who work for large (250+ employee) companies and people who for Small- to Medium-sized Enterprises (SME, less than 250 employees) c) people are H.R. professionals or are involved in making hiring decisions.