READ ME FILE ############ code_fields: details of the code fields used in all Results_final.txt, Results_display.txt and Results_binned.txt # EXP1 ## analysis AgeGroup.txt: table corresponding each participant's ID to its age groupe (younger than 2.5 yo or older) analysis_reliability_exp1.Rmd: Rmarkdown analysis file analysis_reliability_exp1.html: Rmarkdown output of the above file eyetrack.R: R function to plot eye gaze figures python script to compute a permutation analysis between one condition and a baseline python script to compute a permutation analysis between both experiments Python script compute a permutation analysis in a between subject design ## data Results_final.txt: result file, eye gaze during the test phase of a trial Results_display.txt: result file, eye gaze during the display phase of a trial Results_binned.txt: binned results (50ms) of results_final.txt ## material Videos used during the teaching phase of both exp1 and exp2 # EXP2 ## analysis analysis_reliability_exp2.Rmd: Rmarkdown analysis file analysis_reliability_exp2.html: Rmarkdown output of the above file Python script compute a permutation analysis in a between subject design ## data ### adults Results_final.txt: result file, eye gaze during the test phase of a trial ### children Results_final.txt: result file, eye gaze during the test phase of a trial Results_display.txt: result file, eye gaze during the display phase of a trial Results_binned.txt: binned results (50ms) of results_final.txt