## Title: Experimental games and questionnaire survey for understanding conservation conflicts in Gabon, Scotland, Madagascar and Kenya (H2020 European Research Council grant no. 67965) This archive consists of (a) primary dataset and (b) accompanying documents for “experimental games and household questionnaire survey' segment of the data for the ConFooBio project (https://sti-cs.org/confoobio/). ConFooBio is focussed on the resolution of conflicts between food security and biodiversity conservation under uncertainty. The experimental games were designed to evaluate the impacts of conflict interventions on farmer behaviour. The accompanying survey was designed to provide background information on household’s socio-demographics, livelihoods and assets, and trust and equity attitudes. We collected data on three conservation conflicts case studies in four countries (Scotland, Gabon, Madagascar and Kenya) with a total of 716 households. Folder structure of the uploaded files is as follows: |--ReadMe.txt |-- data |-- Data Gabon.xlsb |-- Data Madagascar and Kenya.xlsb |-- Data Orkney.xlsb |-- Variable codes Gabon.xlsx |-- Variable codes Madagascar and Kenya.xlsx |-- Variable codes Orkney.xlsx |-- docs |-- Methods.pdf |-- Oral consent forms (Madagascar, Gabon and Kenya).pdf |-- Participant information sheet ConFooBIo.pdf |-- Questionnaire Gabon Eng.pdf |-- Questionnaire Gabon Fren.pdf |-- Questionnaire Madagascar & Kenya Eng.pdf |-- Questionnaire Madagascar in Mgs.pdf |-- Questionnaire Orkney.pdf |-- Written consent form Scotland.pdf ### (a) Primary data (within 'data' folder) - Primary data from the experimental games and household surveys (anonymised) is stored in three data sheets in Excel's Binary XLSB File (.xlsb) format. Names of the sheets and data contained within are as follows: + *Data Gabon*: Information related to the experimental games and household surveys in Gabon + *Data Madagascar and Kenya*: Information related to the experimental games and household surveys in Madagascar and Kenya + *Data Orkney*: Information related to the experimental games and household surveys in Orkney + *Variable codes Gabon*: An Excel Workbook with a sheets describing the coding for data file *Data Gabon.xlsb*. It lists all the variables in the corresponding data file, their description, and their origin (i.e., from questionnaire or 'calculated'). + *Variable codes Madagascar and Kenya*: An Excel Workbook with a sheets describing the coding for data file *Data Madagascar and Kenya.xlsb*. It lists all the variables in the corresponding data file, their description, and their origin (i.e., from questionnaire or 'calculated'). + *Variable codes Orkney*: An Excel Workbook with a sheets describing the coding for data file * Data Orkney.xlsb*. It lists all the variables in the corresponding data file, their description, and their origin (i.e., from questionnaire or 'calculated'). ### (b) Accompanying documents (within 'docs' folder) - docs contains accompanying documents in PDF format. Brief description of each document (name in parentheses) is provided below: + *Methods*: A PDF document with description of research questions, approach and data collection methods (19 pages). + *Oral consent forms (Madagascar, Gabon and Kenya*: A PDF document containing information read out to the participants for oral consent prior to the interviews in Madagascar, Gabon and Kenya (as approved by the University of Stirling's Research Ethics procedures) (1 page). + *Participant information Sheet ConFooBio*: A PDF document of the participant information sheet in English (1 page). + *Questionnaire Gabon Eng*: A PDF document containing the translated English-language questionnaire used in the household surveys in Gabon (8 pages). + *Questionnaire Gabon Fren*: A PDF document containing the original French-language questionnaire used in the household surveys in Gabon (6 pages). + *Questionnaire Madagascar & Kenya Eng*: A PDF document containing the translated English-language questionnaire used in the household surveys in Madagascar and Kenya (8 pages). + *Questionnaire Madagascar & Kenya Mgs*: A PDF document containing the translated Malagasy-language questionnaire used in the household surveys in Madagascar (8 pages). + *Questionnaire Orkney*: A PDF document containing the original English-language questionnaire used in the household surveys in Orkney (8 pages). + *Written consent form Scotland*: A PDF document containing information read and signed by participants in Scotland prior to beginning the experimental games as approved by the University of Stirling's Research Ethics procedures) (1 page).