VAR.NAME,DESCRIPTION,,,,, Authors,Authors of the paper,,,,, Title,Paper title,,,,, DOI,Paper DOI,,,,, Question.purpose,"Research question and/or purpose of the study. Most of the statements in this field are copied verbatim from the original studies, even though they don’t contain quotes",,,,, Result.output,"Result and/or output of the study. Many of the statements in this field are copied verbatim from the original studies, even though they don’t contain quotes",,,,, Context,"Conservation context of the study (forests, wildlife, oceans, etc.)",,,,, Classif,"General classification of the purpose of the study (see Zabala et al 2018,, for details)",,,,, Decision.context.simple,"Step within a decision-making process: pre-decision, decision, post-decision (see Mukherjee et al 2018, for details)",,,,, Decision.context.comment,Comment about the step within the decision-making process,,,,, P.sample.size,Number of respondents (P sample size),,,,, P.sample.size.comment,Additional explanation for number of respondents (P sample size) ,,,,, Approach,"Method to administer the Q sorting (FTF: face-to-face, online, by telephone)",,,,, Approach.comment,Additional explanation for the method to administer the Q sorting,,,,, Q.rationale,Rationale for using the technique,,,,, Q.advantages,Advantages of using Q,,,,, Q.disadvantages,Disadvantages of Q,,,,, Q.recommendations,Recommendations for Q,,,,,,"The papers explains explicitly how Q compares with other research methods (1: yes, 0: no)",,,,,,Additional explanation for the above,,,,, Oth.meth.use.with,"The study uses Q with other methods (1: yes, 0: no)",,,,, Oth.meth.use.1.interview,"Q method used with in-depth interviews (1: yes, 0: no)",,,,, Oth.meth.use.2.survey,"Q method used with surveys (1: yes, 0: no)",,,,, Oth.meth.use.3.other,Q method used with other methods (which),,,,, P.strat.gender,"Gender is used to stratify, classify or describe the sample of respondents (1: yes, 0: no)",,,,, P.strat.gender.male,Number or proportion of male respondents,,,,, P.strat.gender.female,Number or proportion of female respondents,,,,, P.strat.age,"Age is used to stratify, classify or describe the sample of respondents (1: yes, 0: no)",,,,, P.strat.other,"Other demographic or socioeconomic characteristics are used to stratify, classify or describe the sample of respondents, such as level of education or profession (1: yes, 0: no). See specific categories in additional comments to this question",,,,, P.strat.other.comment,Additional explanation for other characteristics used to stratify the sample of respondents,,,,,,Duration of the study,,,,, Duration.concourse.months,Time to develop the concourse (in months),,,,, Duration.datacol.months,Time to collect the data (in months),,,,, Duration.datacol.Qsort.min,Approximate duration for each Q-sort,,,,, Notes,Notes,,,,, QM.sample.stimuli,"Type of stimuli used for sorting; usually statements, but can also be photos, etc.",,,,,,"Method to develop the concourse (comprehensive set of opinions) from which to select the set of statements (or other stimuli) to be sorted; can be interviews, prior experience of the researcher, media analysis, etc.",,,,, QM.concourse.size,"Number of statements in the concourse, from which the Q-set is drawn",,,,, QM.concourse.size.comment,Comment on the size of the concourse,,,,, QM.item.n,Number of statements (or other stimuli items) to be sorted,,,,, QM.item.n.comment,Comment on the number of items,,,,,Method for factor extraction; can be principal components analysis (PCA) or centroid factor analysis QM.factor.n,Number of factors (perspectives) retained in the analysis,,,,, QM.factor.n.comment,"Comment on the choice of number of factors (e.g. if there were more than one sets of factors extracted, the second number is given here)",,,,, QM.extr.method,Method to extract factors (e.g. centroid factor analysis or Principal Components Analysis),,,,, QM.extr.method.comment,Coment on the method to extract factors,,,,, QM.rot.method,Method for rotation of factors; can be mathematically optimal (typically varimax rotation) or manual/judgmental,,,,, QM.rot.method.comment,Comment on the rotation method,,,,, QM.flagging,Method for flagging respondents for the second part of the analytical process; automatic (most common and by default) or manual,,,,, QM.factor.labels,Names given to the factors (perspectives),,,,, QM.factor.n.criteria,"Criteria used to determine the number of factors (perspectives) retained; can be based on eigenvalues, screeplot, etc. (see Watts & Stenner and Zabala for longer lists of possible criteria)",,,,, QM.var.expl,Percentage of the variance in the responses that is explained by the factors,,,,, QM.var.expl.comments,Comments for the percentage of variance explained,,,,, QM.Qsample.method,"Method for sampling the P-set (the set of respondents); commonly purposive in Q methodology (to cover a wide diversity), but sometimes convenience sample",,,,, QM.Qsample.method.comment,Comment for sampling method,,,,, QM.cond.of.instr,"The condition of instruction used in the Q-sorting, e.g. from 'most agree' to 'most disagree'",,,,, QM.cond.of.instr.code,Condition of instruction: category,,,,, QM.ratio.Qset-Pset,"The ratio of number of questions versus number of participants is somewhat contentious in Q studies. This field is calculated by us, based on the info provided by the papers",,,,,,Most precise location name found,,,,, Geo.Country,Country,,,,,,Geographical scope of the study (from local to global),,,,, Geo.Mapped,Mapped,,,,, Geo.Latitude,Latitude,,,,, Geo.Longitude,Longitude,,,,,,Name used to search location in Google,,,,, Geo.desc,Other name given to the location,,,,, Geo.precision,Estimated precision of the geolocation,,,,, Geo.Continent,Continent,,,,,