username,experience,eco_awareness,positive,negative,app,compensation,participateLonger user100,It was an interesting experience,3,"the easy usage of the app, being able to reflect on your behavior by knowing how much CO2 emissions I am producing","sometimes the location recording would get lost, remembering using the app, notifications via email rather than via SMS or App itself (I am not always checking my emails in the evening)","implementing notification via the app, constant visualization of one own performance",1,1 Millie22,"The study went fine, the directions were quite clear and it didn't take long to do. I wasn't able to do some of the things asked such as taking a photo of my electric meter as I don't have access to i",3,"quick to do every day, did make me aware of what i was leaving on standby during the day.",I was not quite sure I was doing the gps collection right and did not always remember to do this throughout the day.,"For the ways of travelling question, when using more than one form of transport there might be different reasons for using them but you could only pick one reason.",1,1 ariman111,Very easy to upload data and nice incentive. Interesting to be a participant in a study and see the process.,3,"Quick to upload data. Also, I liked receiving the graph giving me information on the meaning of my raw data, along with how they compared to other participants.","I didn't fully understand all of the data we had to input and how it would effect the outcome. Also, I would have liked to have seen how the emission figures were calculated from the raw data.",More details and data inputs.,1,1 Salford,Found the study easy to use and took up little of my day. The reminders were helpful and allowed me to create a routine.,3,"Did not take up much of my time, intuitive app.",Struggled to make connections with the idea of the survey.,Had some difficulties with the location services. But data collection method effective on phones. Could have linked the comparison data to the app.,1,1 Coffee123,I had a good experience and found the app easy to use,3,The app was easy to use and it was interesting to see my eco performance versus others,Sometimes I would nearly forget to upload data - there were no reminders from the app only on email which I don't always check,Could send you notifications to remind you to upload the data,1,1 Tumbleweed56,Taking part in the study has made me more aware of my ecological footprint but I found it difficult to change much as I have set routine due to work Monday to Friday.,2,Getting an overview of my daily ecological footprint compared to others.,I found it a bit repetitive as I have a set daily routine Mon to Fri due to work. It was hard to adapt my behaviour to improve my ecological footprint.,More reminders - I never remembered to do location data for example. More data to more accurately assess your ecological footprint e.g I usually did very short trips by car,1,1 cc23,"Easy to plug in data. However, sometimes it was hard to remember to register my position whenever I was going somewhere or remember to send the electricity readings. Reminders were very useful",3,Possibility to think about what I have consumed throughout the day and think whether there was anything I could have done any different,No,"By allowing to insert quantities of food consumed or waste produced. In the same way, distances travelled with a mean of transport should be also included.",1,1 Steppenwoelfin,"The participation in the study was easy and clear. Not very time consuming. The app was also very easy to use. In some domains, it was also eye opening to see how to reduce personal C02 use.",3,Easy to use thanks to a good application. The personal advices,"Maybe giving advice on how to improve C02 footprint on a larger scale (not only individual): e.g. informing about how to support campaigns, NGOs, initiatives, local political groups etc.","In order to be more useful for the personal C02 reduction performance, maybe the study needs to be a bit more detailed: e.g. questions where food (fruits, vegetables etc) come from (local, seasonal?)",3,1 BigUnit1,"I struggled to remember to update locations, and a few times forgot to upload in the evening, even after entering data - at first I didn't realise importance of uploading on the day.More info required",3,"It simply made me think about my consumption on a daily basis, but I don't think I changed anything as a result, but perhaps because I already think I do.",I found quite a few of the categories frustrating and I found it hard to understand how the consumption was arrived at since no quantities were taken. Also journeys limited but forms of transport not.,"I needed an app or text reminder. And it would be great if you could get a prompt when you move too? E.g. If I only pop out briefly one day, I am unlikely to think about updating location.",1,1 cymro14,"Sometimes found the study hard to fully complete, as sometimes my phone would run out of power between start and end of detonation. Generally easy, especially after the first two days.",2,Made me more conscious to travel in an eco friendly way,Sometimes was hard to faithfully upload data.,An option to manually upload you destination and start point.,1,1 penguin89,My experience was good.,3,It was interesting to see data to compare my own ecological footprint to others taking part in the study.,Inputting geographical data was not very easy.,Easier to input travel data. The app did not take into account distance traveled by various transport. Also it did not take into account the type of car being used.,1,2 summer17,"The survey was straightforward and easy to complete, I enjoyed being part of this study.",2,I think it was pretty useful to see and compare my ecological footprint with others. I was part of the social study and realized I actually produce a lot of CO2 emissions,NA,It was very easy to use.,1,1 Justme,It was no big deal to participate of this study. But it was not possible to save the data during the day and the answers were to generic.,4,It was nice to compare with other study participants.,It was not possible to save the data during the day. It would be better to get informations to improve my behaviour.,Save the date during the day and get a signal from the app to finish the procedure daily. (Get a signal maybe more than once.),1,1 Panda101,"The study has been okay, however there are some improvements I would make on the app.",2,I realised how terrible for the environment taking cabs is.,The app did not have all transport sources for example it did not have metro / underground / tram which I have used frequently during the study. Difficult to change behaviour if flights already booked,"As above. Also, it really needs push notifications to work on the app as a reminder. Similarly when updating the data collection throughout the day the time stamp should update also.",3,1 Hennie007,It was difficult at times to remember to mark the start of my position and the destination. I also found that I would rarely buy anything other than food and therefore would always skip that part.,2,It made you think about and question the reasons for your choice of travel. This is something I would normally never do. It also made me more aware of the energy I'm using in terms of electric devices,I think the destination part of the survey could be improved. It would be easier if it could track your journey manually and through the journey rather than just the start and finish point.,"I think having it as an app was the best way to do it, because everyone uses their phone. To improve maybe send notifications to remind the particupant rather than an email.",1,1 G_onw,"It was a easy and enjoyable study, which was my first experience of participating in a study. Recording the daily activities turned out to be reallye essential and helpful.",1,It helped me to develop a further understanding of my daily activities and my daily pollution levels.,Noting particular.,The section of collecting start and destination location could be improved as I sometimes forget to set the start location and was unable to do it later at the end of the day.,1,1 Lampard_Frank8,It was useful to keep track of my daily activities.,3,It identified how much I use a car.,Nothing,"More options for each question and a more accurate collection, e.g. not just that I used a car but for how long.",1,1 spirb,I've enjoyed it. what I found challanging is that I could not register retrospectively the data from an earlier day..this could be something to consider opening in the future..,2,curiosity,that I could not record the data retrospectively on some days I was too tired to put it in For use taxi add option no bus/train at the time or route needed-which was my case,see above and introduce another option on shopping to record online/in person shopping. online shopping i would assume is less enviromentaly friendly or perhaps not f you buy in bulk,1,3 ctrlaltdelliott,The study was easy to participate in as it took little time out of my day to fill in the information - each daily survey about my environmental impact probably took about 5-8 minutes to fill in each.,4,"Easy, accessible",The data collection methods,"The surveys did not take into account how much of each measurement you were using/wasting. For example, the food question did not take into account how much of each category made up my daily intake.",1,1 wje414,Overall positive experience. The app was easy to use and the study interesting.,5,Interesting to see how I compared to the rest of the sample.,"I didn't like that I couldn't enter specific amounts/distances for the factors asked, e.g. food eaten and travel by car.",The photo uploads didn't work all the time.,1,1