***INDEPENDENT VARIABLES *NOTE s1 = sweep 1, s2 = sweep 2, s3 = sweep 3 etc *recodes use 'father' and 'mother' variables - see syntax 2 "Deriving the sample for analysis 1 (same father-mother households s1-5)" *for details of how these were derived ***Father involvement - in generally looking after the child in s1 (carechilds1) gen carechilds1 = 0 replace carechilds1 = 1 if amgeca00 == 2 & mother1==1 replace carechilds1 = 2 if amgeca00 == 3 & mother1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00 == 1 & mother1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00 == 4 & mother1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00 == 5 & mother1==1 label define carechilds1 1 "Father does most" 2 "Shares equally" 3 "Mother/other does most", modify label values carechilds1 carechilds1 replace carechilds1 = 1 if amgeca00 == 1 & father1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00 == 2 & father1==1 replace carechilds1 = 2 if amgeca00 == 3 & father1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00 == 4 & father1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00 == 5 & father1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00==-8 & mother1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00==-9 & mother1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00==-1 & mother1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00==-8 & father1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00==-9 & father1==1 replace carechilds1 = 3 if amgeca00==-1 & father1==1 recode carechilds1 0=. label var carechilds1 "Father involvement in general childcare (3 categories), s1" ***Fathers who share childcare equally versus those that do less, s1 (share1) gen share1 = carechilds1 recode share1 1=1 2=1 3=2 label define share1 1 "Shares or does most" 2 "Does least", modify label values share1 share1 label var share1 "Binary: Involved fathers (share), s1" ***Fathers who do most/share childcare versus those that do less (care1) **primary caregivers (those that do most are filtered out) gen care1 = carechilds1 recode care1 2=1 3=2 1=. label define care1 1 "Shares or does most" 2 "Does least", modify label values care1 care1 label var care1 "Binary: Involved fathers (do most or share), s1" ***Father involvement - in generally looking after the child in s2 (carechild) gen carechild = 0 replace carechild = 1 if bmgeca00 == 2 & s2mother1==1 replace carechild = 2 if bmgeca00 == 3 & s2mother1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00 == 1 & s2mother1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00 == 4 & s2mother1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00 == 5 & s2mother1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00 == 6 & s2mother1==1 label define carechild 1 "Father does most" 2 "Shares equally" 3 "Mother/other does most", modify label values carechild carechild replace carechild = 1 if bmgeca00 == 1 & s2father1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00 == 2 & s2father1==1 replace carechild = 2 if bmgeca00 == 3 & s2father1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00 == 4 & s2father1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00 == 5 & s2father1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00 == 6 & s2father1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00==-8 & s2mother1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00==-9 & s2mother1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00==-1 & s2mother1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00==-8 & s2father1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00==-9 & s2father1==1 replace carechild = 3 if bmgeca00==-1 & s2father1==1 recode carechild 0=. label var carechild "Father involvement in general childcare (3 categories), s2" *****Fathers who share childcare equally versus those that do less, s2 (share2) gen share2 = carechild recode share2 1=1 2=1 3=2 label define share2 1 "Shares or does most" 2 "Does least", modify label values share2 share2 label var share2 "Binary: Involved fathers (share), s2" gen care2 = carechild recode care2 2=1 3=2 1=. label define care2 1 "Shares or does most" 2 "Does least", modify label values care2 care2 label var care2 "Binary: Involved fathers (do most or share), s1" ****FATHER TAKEN LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE BIRTH, S1 (leave) gen leave=applea00 if father2==1 label define leave 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 3 "Not employd", modify label values leave leave label var leave "Leave taken since birth, s1" replace leave = 1 if amplea00==1 & father1==1 replace leave = 2 if amplea00==2 & father1==1 replace leave = 3 if amplea00==3 & father1==1 replace leave = 1 if axplea00 ==1 & father2==1 replace leave = 2 if axplea00 ==2 & father2==1 replace leave = 3 if axplea00 ==3 & father2==1 replace leave = 3 if applea00 ==-1 & APDWRK00 ==2 & father2==1 replace leave = 3 if applea00 ==-1 & AMDWRK00 ==2 & father1==1 replace leave = 1 if leave ==-1 & BPWKST ==2 & father2==1 recode leave -9=. -8=. -1=. recode leave 3=2 **Fathers emp hours in s1 (fathhours1) *1) MAIN work hours s1 gen mainwkhrsF=0 replace mainwkhrsF = 1 if amwkhr00 == -1 & AMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrsF = 2 if amwkhr00 >=1 & amwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrsF = 3 if amwkhr00 >=30 & amwkhr00 <=86 *2) PART work hours s1 gen partwkhrsF=0 replace partwkhrsF = 1 if aptohr00 == -1 & APDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrsF = 2 if aptohr00 >=1 & aptohr00 <=29 replace partwkhrsF = 3 if aptohr00 >=30 & aptohr00 <=122 **Fathers emp hours in s1 (fathhours) gen fathhours1 = 0 replace fathhours1 = 1 if mainwkhrsF ==1 & father1==1 replace fathhours1 = 2 if mainwkhrsF ==2 & father1==1 replace fathhours1 = 3 if mainwkhrsF ==3 & father1==1 replace fathhours1 = 1 if partwkhrsF ==1 & father2==1 replace fathhours1 = 2 if partwkhrsF ==2 & father2==1 replace fathhours1 = 3 if partwkhrsF ==3 & father2==1 label define fathhours1 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Full-time [30+ hrs p/wk]", modify label values fathhours1 fathhours1 label var fathhours1 "Fathers' emp hour status in s1" **n/a fathers in paid work filtered into mean work hours (aptohr) replace fathhours1 = 3 if fathhours1==0 & APDWRK00 ==1 & father2==1 replace fathhours1 = . if fathhours1==0 & APDWRK00 ==-8 & father2==1 recode fathhours1 0=. drop partwkhrsF mainwkhrsF **FATHERS EMP HOURS in s1 (long version) (fhours1b) **MAIN work hours s1 gen mainwkhrsF=0 replace mainwkhrsF = 1 if amwkhr00 == -1 & AMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrsF = 2 if amwkhr00 >=1 & amwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrsF = 3 if amwkhr00 >=30 & amwkhr00 <=44 replace mainwkhrsF = 4 if amwkhr00 >=45 & amwkhr00 <=86 **PART work hours s1 gen partwkhrsF=0 replace partwkhrsF = 1 if aptohr00 == -1 & APDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrsF = 2 if aptohr00 >=1 & aptohr00 <=29 replace partwkhrsF = 3 if aptohr00 >=30 & aptohr00 <=44 replace partwkhrsF = 4 if aptohr00 >=45 & aptohr00 <=122 **fathers emp hours in s1 gen fhours1b = 0 replace fhours1b = 1 if mainwkhrsF ==1 & father1==1 replace fhours1b = 2 if mainwkhrsF ==2 & father1==1 replace fhours1b = 3 if mainwkhrsF ==3 & father1==1 replace fhours1b = 4 if mainwkhrsF ==4 & father1==1 replace fhours1b = 1 if partwkhrsF ==1 & father2==1 replace fhours1b = 2 if partwkhrsF ==2 & father2==1 replace fhours1b = 3 if partwkhrsF ==3 & father2==1 replace fhours1b = 4 if partwkhrsF ==4 & father2==1 label define fhours1b 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Standard full-time [30-45 hrs p/wk]" 4 "Long ft (45+ per week)", modify label values fhours1b fhours1b label var fhours1b "Fathers' emp status in s1_version 2" replace fhours1b = 4 if fhours1b==0 & APDWRK00 ==1 & father2==1 replace fhours1b = 4 if fhours1b==0 & AMDWRK00 ==1 & father1==1 replace fhours1b = . if fhours1b==0 & APDWRK00 ==-8 & father2==1 recode fhours1b 0=. drop partwkhrsF mainwkhrsF **father's employment status, s1 (fathemp) gen fathemp = fathhours1 recode fathemp 1=1 2=2 3=2 label define fathemp 1 "Out of work" 2 "In work", modify label values fathemp fathemp **father's employment hours in s2, (fathhours2) **MAIN work hours s2 gen mainwkhrs2=0 replace mainwkhrs2 = 1 if bmwkhr00 == -1 & BMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs2 = 2 if bmwkhr00 >=1 & bmwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs2 = 3 if bmwkhr00 >=30 & bmwkhr00 <=114 **PART work hours s2 gen partwkhrs2=0 replace partwkhrs2 = 1 if bpwkhr00 == -1 & BPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs2 = 2 if bpwkhr00 >=1 & bpwkhr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs2 = 3 if bpwkhr00 >=30 & bpwkhr00 <=120 **fathers emp hours in s2 gen fathhours2 = 0 replace fathhours2 = 1 if mainwkhrs2 ==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathhours2 = 2 if mainwkhrs2 ==2 & s2father1==1 replace fathhours2 = 3 if mainwkhrs2 ==3 & s2father1==1 replace fathhours2 = 1 if partwkhrs2 ==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathhours2 = 2 if partwkhrs2 ==2 & s2father2==1 replace fathhours2 = 3 if partwkhrs2 ==3 & s2father2==1 label define fathhours2 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Full-time [30+ hrs p/wk]", modify label values fathhours2 fathhours2 label var fathhours2 "Fathers' emp hour status in s2" replace fathhours2 = 3 if fathhours2 ==0 & s2father2==1 & BPDWRK00 == 1 recode fathhours2 0=. ****FATHERS emp hours at s2 - long version (fhours2b) **MAIN work hours s2 gen mainwkhrs2=0 replace mainwkhrs2 = 1 if bmwkhr00 == -1 & BMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs2 = 2 if bmwkhr00 >=1 & bmwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs2 = 3 if bmwkhr00 >=30 & bmwkhr00 <=44 replace mainwkhrs2 = 4 if bmwkhr00 >=45 & bmwkhr00 <=114 **PART work hours s2 gen partwkhrs2=0 replace partwkhrs2 = 1 if bpwkhr00 == -1 & BPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs2 = 2 if bpwkhr00 >=1 & bpwkhr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs2 = 3 if bpwkhr00 >=30 & bpwkhr00 <=44 replace partwkhrs2 = 4 if bpwkhr00 >=45 & bpwkhr00 <=120 **fathers emp hours in s2 (fhours2b) gen fhours2b = 0 replace fhours2b = 1 if mainwkhrs2 ==1 & s2father1==1 replace fhours2b = 2 if mainwkhrs2 ==2 & s2father1==1 replace fhours2b = 3 if mainwkhrs2 ==3 & s2father1==1 replace fhours2b = 4 if mainwkhrs2 ==4 & s2father1==1 replace fhours2b = 1 if partwkhrs2 ==1 & s2father2==1 replace fhours2b = 2 if partwkhrs2 ==2 & s2father2==1 replace fhours2b = 3 if partwkhrs2 ==3 & s2father2==1 replace fhours2b = 4 if partwkhrs2 ==4 & s2father2==1 label define fhours2b 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Standard full-time [30-45 hrs p/wk]" 4 "Long ft (45+ per week)", modify label values fhours2b fhours2b label var fhours2b "Fathers' emp hour status in s2" **n/a fathers in work/on leave, filter into mean work hours sum bpwkhr00 if bpwkhr00 > 1 & s2father2==1 & fsample5X==1 = 43.9 replace fhours2b = 3 if fhours2b ==0 & s2father2==1 & BPDWRK00 == 1 recode fhours2b 0=. drop mainwkhrs2 partwkhrs2 **FATHERS EMP HOURS IN S3 (fhours3b) **MAIN work hours s3 gen mainwkhrs3=0 replace mainwkhrs3 = 1 if cmwkhr00 == -1 & CMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs3 = 2 if cmwkhr00 >=1 & cmwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs3 = 3 if cmwkhr00 >=30 & cmwkhr00 <=44 replace mainwkhrs3 = 4 if cmwkhr00 >=45 **PART work hours s3 gen partwkhrs3=0 replace partwkhrs3 = 1 if cpwkhr00 == -1 & CPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs3 = 2 if cpwkhr00 >=1 & cpwkhr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs3 = 3 if cpwkhr00 >=30 & cpwkhr00 <=44 replace partwkhrs3 = 4 if cpwkhr00 >=45 **fathers emp hours in s3 (fhours3b) gen fhours3b = 0 replace fhours3b = 1 if mainwkhrs3 ==1 & s3father1==1 replace fhours3b = 2 if mainwkhrs3 ==2 & s3father1==1 replace fhours3b = 3 if mainwkhrs3 ==3 & s3father1==1 replace fhours3b = 4 if mainwkhrs3 ==4 & s3father1==1 replace fhours3b = 1 if partwkhrs3 ==1 & s3father2==1 replace fhours3b = 2 if partwkhrs3 ==2 & s3father2==1 replace fhours3b = 3 if partwkhrs3 ==3 & s3father2==1 replace fhours3b = 4 if partwkhrs3 ==4 & s3father2==1 label define fhours3b 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Standard full-time [30-45 hrs p/wk]" 4 "Long ft (45+ per week)", modify label values fhours3b fhours3b label var fhours3b "Fathers' emp hour status in s3" recode fhours3b 0=. drop partwkhrs3 mainwkhrs3 *filter n/a employed fathers into mean work hours sum cpwkhr if fsample5X==1 & s3father2==1 & cpwkhr>0 & CPDWRK==1 replace fhours3b = 3 if fhours3b==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3father2==1 & CPDWRK==1 replace fhours3b = 3 if fhours3b==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3father1==1 & CMDWRK==1 **SHORT VERSION of fathers employment hours in s3, (fathours3) gen mainwkhrs3=0 replace mainwkhrs3 = 1 if cmwkhr00 == -1 & CMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs3 = 2 if cmwkhr00 >=1 & cmwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs3 = 3 if cmwkhr00 >=30 **PART work hours s3 gen partwkhrs3=0 replace partwkhrs3 = 1 if cpwkhr00 == -1 & CPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs3 = 2 if cpwkhr00 >=1 & cpwkhr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs3 = 3 if cpwkhr00 >=30 **fathers emp hours in s3 gen fathours3 = 0 replace fathours3 = 1 if mainwkhrs3 ==1 & s3father1==1 replace fathours3 = 2 if mainwkhrs3 ==2 & s3father1==1 replace fathours3 = 3 if mainwkhrs3 ==3 & s3father1==1 replace fathours3 = 1 if partwkhrs3 ==1 & s3father2==1 replace fathours3 = 2 if partwkhrs3 ==2 & s3father2==1 replace fathours3 = 3 if partwkhrs3 ==3 & s3father2==1 label define fathours3 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Full-time [30+ hrs p/wk]" , modify label values fathours3 fathours3 label var fathours3 "Fathers' emp hour status in s3 (short)" replace fathours3 = 3 if fathours3==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3father2==1 & CPDWRK==1 replace fathours3 = 3 if fathours3==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3father1==1 & CMDWRK==1 recode fathours3 0=. drop partwkhrs3 mainwkhrs3 ****FATHERS EMPLOYMENT HOURS IN S4, (fhours4b) **MAIN work hours s3 gen mainwkhrs4=0 replace mainwkhrs4 = 1 if dmwkhr00 == -1 & DMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs4 = 2 if dmwkhr00 >=1 & dmwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs4 = 3 if dmwkhr00 >=30 & dmwkhr00 <=44 replace mainwkhrs4 = 4 if dmwkhr00 >=45 **PART work hours s3 gen partwkhrs4=0 replace partwkhrs4 = 1 if dpwkhr00 == -1 & DPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs4 = 2 if dpwkhr00 >=1 & dpwkhr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs4 = 3 if dpwkhr00 >=30 & dpwkhr00 <=44 replace partwkhrs4 = 4 if dpwkhr00 >=45 **fathers emp hours in s4 (fhours4b) gen fhours4b = 0 replace fhours4b = 1 if mainwkhrs4 ==1 & s4father1==1 replace fhours4b = 2 if mainwkhrs4 ==2 & s4father1==1 replace fhours4b = 3 if mainwkhrs4 ==3 & s4father1==1 replace fhours4b = 4 if mainwkhrs4 ==4 & s4father1==1 replace fhours4b = 1 if partwkhrs4 ==1 & s4father2==1 replace fhours4b = 2 if partwkhrs4 ==2 & s4father2==1 replace fhours4b = 3 if partwkhrs4 ==3 & s4father2==1 replace fhours4b = 4 if partwkhrs4 ==4 & s4father2==1 label define fhours4b 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Standard full-time [30-45 hrs p/wk]" 4 "Long ft (45+ per week)", modify label values fhours4b fhours4b label var fhours4b "Fathers' emp hour status in s4" sum dpwkhr if fsample5X==1 & s4father2==1 & dpwkhr>0 & DPDWRK==1 replace fhours4b = 3 if fhours4b==0 & fsample5X==1 & s4father2==1 & DPDWRK==1 replace fhours4b = 3 if fhours4b==0 & fsample5X==1 & s4father1==1 & DMDWRK==1 recode fhours4b 0=. drop partwkhrs4 mainwkhrs4 **SHORT VERSION of fathers employment hours in s4, (fathours4) gen mainwkhrs4=0 replace mainwkhrs4 = 1 if dmwkhr00 == -1 & DMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs4 = 2 if dmwkhr00 >=1 & dmwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs4 = 3 if dmwkhr00 >=30 **PART work hours s3 gen partwkhrs4=0 replace partwkhrs4 = 1 if dpwkhr00 == -1 & DPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs4 = 2 if dpwkhr00 >=1 & dpwkhr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs4 = 3 if dpwkhr00 >=30 **fathers emp hours in s3 gen fathours4 = 0 replace fathours4 = 1 if mainwkhrs4 ==1 & s4father1==1 replace fathours4 = 2 if mainwkhrs4 ==2 & s4father1==1 replace fathours4 = 3 if mainwkhrs4 ==3 & s4father1==1 replace fathours4 = 1 if partwkhrs4 ==1 & s4father2==1 replace fathours4 = 2 if partwkhrs4 ==2 & s4father2==1 replace fathours4 = 3 if partwkhrs4 ==3 & s4father2==1 label define fathours4 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Full-time [30+ p/wk]", modify label values fathours4 fathours4 label var fathours4 "Fathers' emp hour status in s4 (short)" replace fathours4 = 3 if fathours4==0 & fsample5X==1 & s4father2==1 & DPDWRK==1 replace fathours4 = 3 if fathours4==0 & fsample5X==1 & s4father1==1 & DMDWRK==1 recode fathours4 0=. drop partwkhrs4 mainwkhrs4 ****FATHERS EMPLOYMENT HOURS IN S5 (fhours5b) **MAIN work hours s5 gen mainwkhrs5=0 replace mainwkhrs5 = 1 if EPWKHR001 == -1 & EDDWRK001 ==2 replace mainwkhrs5 = 2 if EPWKHR001 >=1 & EPWKHR001 <=29 replace mainwkhrs5 = 3 if EPWKHR001 >=30 & EPWKHR001 <=44 replace mainwkhrs5 = 4 if EPWKHR001 >=45 **PART work hours s5 gen partwkhrs5=0 replace partwkhrs5 = 1 if EPWKHR002 == -1 & EDDWRK002 ==2 replace partwkhrs5 = 2 if EPWKHR002 >=1 & EPWKHR002 <=29 replace partwkhrs5 = 3 if EPWKHR002 >=30 & EPWKHR002 <=44 replace partwkhrs5 = 4 if EPWKHR002 >=45 **fathers emp hours in s5 (fhours5b) gen fhours5b = 0 replace fhours5b = 1 if mainwkhrs5 ==1 & s5father1==1 replace fhours5b = 2 if mainwkhrs5 ==2 & s5father1==1 replace fhours5b = 3 if mainwkhrs5 ==3 & s5father1==1 replace fhours5b = 4 if mainwkhrs5 ==4 & s5father1==1 replace fhours5b = 1 if partwkhrs5 ==1 & s5father2==1 replace fhours5b = 2 if partwkhrs5 ==2 & s5father2==1 replace fhours5b = 3 if partwkhrs5 ==3 & s5father2==1 replace fhours5b = 4 if partwkhrs5 ==4 & s5father2==1 label define fhours5b 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Standard full-time [30-45 hrs p/wk]" 4 "Long ft (45+ per week)", modify label values fhours5b fhours5b label var fhours5b "Fathers' emp hour status in s5" sum EPWKHR002 if fsample5X==1 & s5father2==1 & EPWKHR002>0 & EDDWRK002==1 replace fhours5b = 3 if fhours5b==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5father2==1 & EDDWRK002==1 replace fhours5b = 3 if fhours5b==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5father1==1 & EDDWRK001==1 drop partwkhrs5 mainwkhrs5 **SHORT VERSION of fathers employment hours in s5, (fathhrs5) *MAIN work hours s5 gen mainwkhrs5=0 replace mainwkhrs5 = 1 if EPWKHR001 == -1 & EDDWRK001 ==2 replace mainwkhrs5 = 2 if EPWKHR001 >=1 & EPWKHR001 <=29 replace mainwkhrs5 = 3 if EPWKHR001 >=30 **PART work hours s5 gen partwkhrs5=0 replace partwkhrs5 = 1 if EPWKHR002 == -1 & EDDWRK002 ==2 replace partwkhrs5 = 2 if EPWKHR002 >=1 & EPWKHR002 <=29 replace partwkhrs5 = 3 if EPWKHR002 >=30 **fathers emp hours in s5 gen fathhrs5 = 0 replace fathhrs5 = 1 if mainwkhrs5 ==1 & s5father1==1 replace fathhrs5 = 2 if mainwkhrs5 ==2 & s5father1==1 replace fathhrs5 = 3 if mainwkhrs5 ==3 & s5father1==1 replace fathhrs5 = 1 if partwkhrs5 ==1 & s5father2==1 replace fathhrs5 = 2 if partwkhrs5 ==2 & s5father2==1 replace fathhrs5 = 3 if partwkhrs5 ==3 & s5father2==1 label define fathhrs5 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Full-time [30 hrs p/wk]" label values fathhrs5 fathhrs5 label var fathhrs5 "Fathers' emp hour status in s5 (3 categories)" replace fathhrs5 = 3 if fathhrs5==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5father2==1 & EDDWRK002==1 replace fathhrs5 = 3 if fathhrs5==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5father1==1 & EDDWRK001==1 recode fathhrs5 0=. ***Mother emp hours, s1 (mothhours1) *1) MAIN work hours s1 gen mainwkhrs1=0 replace mainwkhrs1 = 1 if amwkhr00 == -1 & AMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs1 = 2 if amwkhr00 >=1 & amwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs1 = 3 if amwkhr00 >=30 & amwkhr00 <=86 *2) PARTNER work hours s1 gen partwkhrs1=0 replace partwkhrs1 = 1 if aptohr00 == -1 & APDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs1 = 2 if aptohr00 >=1 & aptohr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs1 = 3 if aptohr00 >=30 & aptohr00 <=122 **mother emp hours in s1 (mothhours1) gen mothhours1 = 0 replace mothhours1 = 1 if mainwkhrs1 ==1 & mother1==1 replace mothhours1 = 2 if mainwkhrs1 ==2 & mother1==1 replace mothhours1 = 3 if mainwkhrs1 ==3 & mother1==1 replace mothhours1 = 1 if partwkhrs1 ==1 & mother2==1 replace mothhours1 = 2 if partwkhrs1 ==2 & mother2==1 replace mothhours1 = 3 if partwkhrs1 ==3 & mother2==1 label define mothhours1 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Full-time [30+ hrs p/wk]", modify label values mothhours1 mothhours1 label var mothhours1 "Mothers' emp hour status in s1 (3 categories)" recode mothhours1 0=. replace mothhours1 = 2 if mothhours1==. & AMDWRK00 ==1 & mother1 ==1 drop partwkhrsF mainwkhrsF ***mother emp hours in s1 - long version (mothhours1x) **MAIN work hours s1 gen mainwkhrs1=0 replace mainwkhrs1 = 1 if amwkhr00 == -1 & AMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs1 = 2 if amwkhr00 >=1 & amwkhr00 <=19 replace mainwkhrs1 = 3 if amwkhr00 >=20 & amwkhr00 <=30 replace mainwkhrs1 = 4 if amwkhr00 >=31 & amwkhr00 <=40 replace mainwkhrs1 = 5 if amwkhr00 >=41 & amwkhr00 <=86 **PART work hours s1 gen partwkhrs1=0 replace partwkhrs1 = 1 if aptohr00 == -1 & APDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs1 = 2 if aptohr00 >=1 & aptohr00 <=19 replace partwkhrs1 = 3 if aptohr00 >=20 & aptohr00 <=30 replace partwkhrs1 = 4 if aptohr00 >=31 & aptohr00 <=40 replace partwkhrs1 = 5 if aptohr00 >=41 & aptohr00 <=122 **mothers emp hours in s1 - long gen mothhours1x = 0 replace mothhours1x = 1 if mainwkhrs1 ==1 & mother1==1 replace mothhours1x = 2 if mainwkhrs1 ==2 & mother1==1 replace mothhours1x = 3 if mainwkhrs1 ==3 & mother1==1 replace mothhours1x = 4 if mainwkhrs1 ==4 & mother1==1 replace mothhours1x = 5 if mainwkhrs1 ==5 & mother1==1 replace mothhours1x = 1 if partwkhrs1 ==1 & mother2==1 replace mothhours1x = 2 if partwkhrs1 ==2 & mother2==1 replace mothhours1x = 3 if partwkhrs1 ==3 & mother2==1 replace mothhours1x = 4 if partwkhrs1 ==4 & mother2==1 replace mothhours1x = 5 if partwkhrs1 ==5 & mother2==1 label define mothhours1x 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [<20 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Long PT [20-30 hrs p/wk" /// 4 "Full-time [30-40 hrs p/wk]" 5 "long FT 41+ hrs p/w", modify label values mothhours1x mothhours1x label var mothhours1x "Mothers' emp hour status in s1 (5 categories)" recode mothhours1x 0=. replace mothhours1x = 3 if mothhours1x==. & AMDWRK00 ==1 & mother1 ==1 drop partwkhrs1 mainwkhrs1 ***mother's employment hours, s1 (4 categories) (mothhrs1) gen mothhrs1= mothhours1x recode mothhrs1 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=4 label define mothhrs1 1 "Out of work" 2 "PT <20 hours" 3 "Long PT 20-30 hrs" 4 "FT 30+" label values mothhrs1 mothhrs1 label var mothhrs1 "Mothers emp hours s1 (4 categories)" **mothers' employment hours, s2 (mothhours2) **MAIN work hours s2 gen mainwkhrs2=0 replace mainwkhrs2 = 1 if bmwkhr00 == -1 & BMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs2 = 2 if bmwkhr00 >=1 & bmwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs2 = 3 if bmwkhr00 >=30 & bmwkhr00 <=114 **PART work hours s2 gen partwkhrs2=0 replace partwkhrs2 = 1 if bpwkhr00 == -1 & BPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs2 = 2 if bpwkhr00 >=1 & bpwkhr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs2 = 3 if bpwkhr00 >=30 & bpwkhr00 <=120 **mothers emp hours in s2 gen mothhours2 = 0 replace mothhours2 = 1 if mainwkhrs2 ==1 & s2mother1==1 replace mothhours2 = 2 if mainwkhrs2 ==2 & s2mother1==1 replace mothhours2 = 3 if mainwkhrs2 ==3 & s2mother1==1 replace mothhours2 = 1 if partwkhrs2 ==1 & s2mother2==1 replace mothhours2 = 2 if partwkhrs2 ==2 & s2mother2==1 replace mothhours2 = 3 if partwkhrs2 ==3 & s2mother2==1 label define mothhours2 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Full-time [30+ hrs p/wk]", modify label values mothhours2 mothhours2 label var mothhours2 "Mothers' emp hour status in s2 (3 categories)" replace mothhours2 = 3 if mothhours2==. & BMDWRK00 ==1 & bmwkhr00 ==45 replace mothhours2 = 1 if mothhours2==. & BMDWRK00 ==2 & bmwkhr00 ==-1 replace mothhours2 = 2 if mothhours2==. & BMDWRK00 ==1 & bmpjob00 ==1 & bmwkhr00 ==-1 recode mothhours2 0=. drop partwkhrs2 mainwkhrs2 **mothers' employment hours, s2 - 4 categories (mothhrs2) **MAIN work hours s2 gen mainwkhrs2=0 replace mainwkhrs2 = 1 if bmwkhr00 == -1 & BMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs2 = 2 if bmwkhr00 >=1 & bmwkhr00 <=19 replace mainwkhrs2 = 3 if bmwkhr00 >=20 & bmwkhr00 <=30 replace mainwkhrs2 = 4 if bmwkhr00 >30 & bmwkhr00 <=40 replace mainwkhrs2 = 5 if bmwkhr00 >40 & bmwkhr00 <=115 **PART work hours s2 gen partwkhrs2=0 replace partwkhrs2 = 1 if bpwkhr00 == -1 & BPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs2 = 2 if bpwkhr00 >=1 & bpwkhr00 <=19 replace partwkhrs2 = 3 if bpwkhr00 >=20 & bpwkhr00 <=30 replace partwkhrs2 = 4 if bpwkhr00 >30 & bpwkhr00 <=40 replace partwkhrs2 = 4 if bpwkhr00 >41 & bpwkhr00 <=120 **mothers emp hours in s2 gen mothhrs2 = 0 replace mothhrs2 = 1 if mainwkhrs2 ==1 & s2mother1==1 replace mothhrs2 = 2 if mainwkhrs2 ==2 & s2mother1==1 replace mothhrs2 = 3 if mainwkhrs2 ==3 & s2mother1==1 replace mothhrs2 = 4 if mainwkhrs2 ==4 & s2mother1==1 replace mothhrs2 = 5 if mainwkhrs2 ==5 & s2mother1==1 replace mothhrs2 = 1 if partwkhrs2 ==1 & s2mother2==1 replace mothhrs2 = 2 if partwkhrs2 ==2 & s2mother2==1 replace mothhrs2 = 3 if partwkhrs2 ==3 & s2mother2==1 replace mothhrs2 = 4 if partwkhrs2 ==4 & s2mother2==1 replace mothhrs2 = 5 if partwkhrs2 ==5 & s2mother2==1 label define mothhrs2 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Long PT 20-30 hrs" 4 "FT 30-40" 5 "41+", modify label values mothhrs2 mothhrs2 label var mothhrs2 "Mothers' emp hour status in s2 (4 categories)" replace mothhrs2 = 1 if mothhrs2==0 & fsample5X==1 & BPDWRK==2 replace mothhrs2 = 1 if mothhrs2==0 & fsample5X==1 & BMDWRK==2 replace mothhrs2 = 3 if mothhrs2==0 & fsample5X==1 & BPDWRK==1 & s2mother2==1 replace mothhrs2 = 3 if mothhrs2==0 & fsample5X==1 & BPDWRK==1 & s2mother1==1 recode mothhrs2 0=. drop partwkhrs2 mainwkhrs2 **mothers' employment hours, s3: 4 categories (mothhrs3) **MAIN work hours s3 gen mainwkhrs3=0 replace mainwkhrs3 = 1 if cmwkhr00 == -1 & CMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs3 = 2 if cmwkhr00 >=1 & cmwkhr00 <=19 replace mainwkhrs3 = 3 if cmwkhr00 >=20 & cmwkhr00 <=30 replace mainwkhrs3 = 4 if cmwkhr00 >30 & cmwkhr00 <=40 replace mainwkhrs3 = 5 if cmwkhr00 >40 **PART work hours s3 gen partwkhrs3=0 replace partwkhrs3 = 1 if cpwkhr00 == -1 & CPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs3 = 2 if cpwkhr00 >=1 & cpwkhr00 <=19 replace partwkhrs3 = 3 if cpwkhr00 >=20 & cpwkhr00 <=30 replace partwkhrs3 = 4 if cpwkhr00 >30 & cpwkhr00 <=40 replace partwkhrs3 = 5 if cpwkhr00 >40 **mothers emp hours in s3 gen mothhrs3 = 0 replace mothhrs3 = 1 if mainwkhrs3 ==1 & s3mother1==1 replace mothhrs3 = 2 if mainwkhrs3 ==2 & s3mother1==1 replace mothhrs3 = 3 if mainwkhrs3 ==3 & s3mother1==1 replace mothhrs3 = 4 if mainwkhrs3 ==4 & s3mother1==1 replace mothhrs3 = 5 if mainwkhrs3 ==5 & s3mother1==1 replace mothhrs3 = 1 if partwkhrs3 ==1 & s3mother2==1 replace mothhrs3 = 2 if partwkhrs3 ==2 & s3mother2==1 replace mothhrs3 = 3 if partwkhrs3 ==3 & s3mother2==1 replace mothhrs3 = 4 if partwkhrs3 ==4 & s3mother2==1 replace mothhrs3 = 5 if partwkhrs3 ==5 & s3mother2==1 label define mothhrs3 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Long PT 20-30 hrs" 4 "FT 30-40" 5 "41+", modify label values mothhrs3 mothhrs3 label var mothhrs3 "Mothers' emp hour status in s3 (4 categories)" recode mothhrs3 0=. tab CMDWRK if mothhrs3==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3mother1==1 tab CPDWRK if mothhrs3==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3mother2==1 sum cmwkhr if cmwkhr>0 & fsample5X==1 & s3mother1==1 & CMDWRK==1 replace mothhrs3 = 3 if mothhrs3 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3mother1==1 & CMDWRK==1 replace mothhrs3 = 3 if mothhrs3 ==0 &fsample5X==1 & s3mother2==1 & CPDWRK==1 drop partwkhrs3 mainwkhrs3 ***mother's employment hours, s3 - short version (3 categories) (mothours3) **MAIN work hours s3 gen mainwkhrs3=0 replace mainwkhrs3 = 1 if cmwkhr00 == -1 & CMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs3 = 2 if cmwkhr00 >=1 & cmwkhr00 <=29 replace mainwkhrs3 = 3 if cmwkhr00 >=30 **PART work hours s3 gen partwkhrs3=0 replace partwkhrs3 = 1 if cpwkhr00 == -1 & CPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs3 = 2 if cpwkhr00 >=1 & cpwkhr00 <=29 replace partwkhrs3 = 3 if cpwkhr00 >=30 **mothers emp hours in s3 gen mothours3 = 0 replace mothours3 = 1 if mainwkhrs3 ==1 & s3mother1==1 replace mothours3 = 2 if mainwkhrs3 ==2 & s3mother1==1 replace mothours3 = 3 if mainwkhrs3 ==3 & s3mother1==1 replace mothours3 = 1 if partwkhrs3 ==1 & s3mother2==1 replace mothours3 = 2 if partwkhrs3 ==2 & s3mother2==1 replace mothours3 = 3 if partwkhrs3 ==3 & s3mother2==1 label define mothours3 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "FT 30+", modify label values mothours3 mothours3 label var mothours3 "Mothers' emp hour status in s3 (3 categories)" tab CMDWRK if mothhrs3==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3mother1==1 tab CPDWRK if mothhrs3==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3mother2==1 sum cmwkhr if cmwkhr>0 & fsample5X==1 & s3mother1==1 & CMDWRK==1 replace mothours3 = 3 if mothours3 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s3mother1==1 & CMDWRK==1 replace mothours3 = 3 if mothours3 ==0 &fsample5X==1 & s3mother2==1 & CPDWRK==1 recode mothours3 0=. drop partwkhrs3 mainwkhrs3 **mothers' employment hours, s4: 4 categories (mothhrs4) **MAIN work hours s4 gen mainwkhrs4=0 replace mainwkhrs4 = 1 if dmwkhr00 == -1 & DMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs4 = 2 if dmwkhr00 >=1 & dmwkhr00 <=19 replace mainwkhrs4 = 3 if dmwkhr00 >=20 & dmwkhr00 <=30 replace mainwkhrs4 = 4 if dmwkhr00 >30 & dmwkhr00 <=40 replace mainwkhrs4 = 5 if dmwkhr00 >40 **PART work hours s4 gen partwkhrs4=0 replace partwkhrs4 = 1 if dpwkhr00 == -1 & DPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs4 = 2 if dpwkhr00 >=1 & dpwkhr00 <=19 replace partwkhrs4 = 3 if dpwkhr00 >=20 & dpwkhr00 <=30 replace partwkhrs4 = 4 if dpwkhr00 >30 & dpwkhr00 <=40 replace partwkhrs4 = 4 if dpwkhr00 >40 **mothers emp hours in s4 gen mothhrs4 = 0 replace mothhrs4 = 1 if mainwkhrs4 ==1 & s4mother1==1 replace mothhrs4 = 2 if mainwkhrs4 ==2 & s4mother1==1 replace mothhrs4 = 3 if mainwkhrs4 ==3 & s4mother1==1 replace mothhrs4 = 4 if mainwkhrs4 ==4 & s4mother1==1 replace mothhrs4 = 5 if mainwkhrs4 ==5 & s4mother1==1 replace mothhrs4 = 1 if partwkhrs4 ==1 & s4mother2==1 replace mothhrs4 = 2 if partwkhrs4 ==2 & s4mother2==1 replace mothhrs4 = 3 if partwkhrs4 ==3 & s4mother2==1 replace mothhrs4 = 4 if partwkhrs4 ==4 & s4mother2==1 replace mothhrs4 = 5 if partwkhrs4 ==5 & s4mother2==1 label define mothhrs4 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Long PT 20-30 hrs" 4 "FT 30+" 5 "41+", modify label values mothhrs4 mothhrs4 label var mothhrs4 "Mothers' emp hour status in s4 (4 categories)" sum dmwkhr if dmwkhr>0 & fsample5X==1 & s4mother1==1 & DMDWRK==1 replace mothhrs4 = 3 if mothhrs4 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s4mother1==1 & DMDWRK==1 replace mothhrs4 = 3 if mothhrs4 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s4mother2==1 & DPDWRK==1 recode mothhrs4 0=. drop partwkhrs4 mainwkhrs4 ***mother's employment hours, s4 - short version (3 categories) (mothours4) **MAIN work hours s4 gen mainwkhrs4=0 replace mainwkhrs4 = 1 if dmwkhr00 == -1 & DMDWRK00 ==2 replace mainwkhrs4 = 2 if dmwkhr00 >=1 & dmwkhr00 <=19 replace mainwkhrs4 = 3 if dmwkhr00 >=30 **PART work hours s4 gen partwkhrs4=0 replace partwkhrs4 = 1 if dpwkhr00 == -1 & DPDWRK00 ==2 replace partwkhrs4 = 2 if dpwkhr00 >=1 & dpwkhr00 <=19 replace partwkhrs4 = 3 if dpwkhr00 >=30 **mothers emp hours in s4 gen mothours4 = 0 replace mothours4 = 1 if mainwkhrs4 ==1 & s4mother1==1 replace mothours4 = 2 if mainwkhrs4 ==2 & s4mother1==1 replace mothours4 = 3 if mainwkhrs4 ==3 & s4mother1==1 replace mothours4 = 1 if partwkhrs4 ==1 & s4mother2==1 replace mothours4 = 2 if partwkhrs4 ==2 & s4mother2==1 replace mothours4 = 3 if partwkhrs4 ==3 & s4mother2==1 label define mothours4 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "FT 30+", modify label values mothours4 mothours4 label var mothours4 "Mothers' emp hour status in s4 (3 categories)" sum dmwkhr if dmwkhr>0 & fsample5X==1 & s4mother1==1 & DMDWRK==1 replace mothours4 = 3 if mothours4 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s4mother1==1 & DMDWRK==1 replace mothours4 = 3 if mothours4 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s4mother2==1 & DPDWRK==1 recode mothours4 0=. drop partwkhrs4 mainwkhrs4 ***Mother's employment hours, s5 (4 categories) (mothhrs5) **MAIN work hours s5 gen mainwkhrs5=0 replace mainwkhrs5 = 1 if EPWKHR001 == -1 & EDDWRK001 ==2 replace mainwkhrs5 = 2 if EPWKHR001 >=1 & EPWKHR001 <=19 replace mainwkhrs5 = 3 if EPWKHR001 >=20 & EPWKHR001 <=30 replace mainwkhrs5 = 4 if EPWKHR001 >30 **PART work hours s5 gen partwkhrs5=0 replace partwkhrs5 = 1 if EPWKHR002 == -1 & EDDWRK002 ==2 replace partwkhrs5 = 2 if EPWKHR002 >=1 & EPWKHR002 <=19 replace partwkhrs5 = 3 if EPWKHR002 >=20 & EPWKHR002 <=30 replace partwkhrs5 = 4 if EPWKHR002 >30 *mothers emp hours in s5 (mothhrs5) gen mothhrs5 = 0 replace mothhrs5 = 1 if mainwkhrs5 ==1 & s5mother1==1 replace mothhrs5 = 2 if mainwkhrs5 ==2 & s5mother1==1 replace mothhrs5 = 3 if mainwkhrs5 ==3 & s5mother1==1 replace mothhrs5 = 4 if mainwkhrs5 ==4 & s5mother1==1 replace mothhrs5 = 1 if partwkhrs5 ==1 & s5mother2==1 replace mothhrs5 = 2 if partwkhrs5 ==2 & s5mother2==1 replace mothhrs5 = 3 if partwkhrs5 ==3 & s5mother2==1 replace mothhrs5 = 4 if partwkhrs5 ==4 & s5mother2==1 label define mothhrs5 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "Long PT 20-30 hrs" 4 "FT 30+", modify label values mothhrs5 mothhrs5 label var mothhrs5 "Mothers' emp hour status in s5 (4 categories)" sum EPWKHR001 if EPWKHR001>0 & fsample5X==1 & s5mother1==1 & EDDWRK001==1 sum EPWKHR002 if EPWKHR002>0 & fsample5X==1 & s5mother2==1 & EDDWRK002==1 replace mothhrs5 = 3 if mothhrs5 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5mother1==1 & EDDWRK001==1 replace mothhrs5 = 1 if mothhrs5 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5mother1==1 & EDDWRK001==2 drop partwkhrs5 mainwkhrs5 ***mother's employment hours, s5 - short version (3 categories) (mothours5) **MAIN work hours s5 gen mainwkhrs5=0 replace mainwkhrs5 = 1 if EPWKHR001 == -1 & EDDWRK001 ==2 replace mainwkhrs5 = 2 if EPWKHR001 >=1 & EPWKHR001 <=29 replace mainwkhrs5 = 3 if EPWKHR001 >=30 **PART work hours s5 gen partwkhrs5=0 replace partwkhrs5 = 1 if EPWKHR002 == -1 & EDDWRK002 ==2 replace partwkhrs5 = 2 if EPWKHR002 >=1 & EPWKHR002 <=29 replace partwkhrs5 = 3 if EPWKHR002 >=30 **mothers emp hours in s5 gen mothours5 = 0 replace mothours5 = 1 if mainwkhrs5 ==1 & s5mother1==1 replace mothours5 = 2 if mainwkhrs5 ==2 & s5mother1==1 replace mothours5 = 3 if mainwkhrs5 ==3 & s5mother1==1 replace mothours5 = 4 if mainwkhrs5 ==4 & s5mother1==1 replace mothours5 = 1 if partwkhrs5 ==1 & s5mother2==1 replace mothours5 = 2 if partwkhrs5 ==2 & s5mother2==1 replace mothours5 = 3 if partwkhrs5 ==3 & s5mother2==1 replace mothours5 = 4 if partwkhrs5 ==4 & s5mother2==1 label define mothours5 1 "Out of work" 2 "Part-time [1-29 hrs p/wk]" 3 "FT 30+", modify label values mothours5 mothours5 label var mothours5 "Mothers' emp hour status in s5 (3 categories)" **as per averages above in mothhrs5 replace mothours5 = 3 if mothours5 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5mother1==1 & EDDWRK001==1 replace mothours5 = 3 if mothours5 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5mother2==1 & EDDWRK002==1 replace mothours5 = 1 if mothours5 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5mother1==1 & EDDWRK001==2 replace mothours5 = 1 if mothours5 ==0 & fsample5X==1 & s5mother2==1 & EDDWRK002==2 recode mothours5 0=. drop partwkhrs5 mainwkhrs5 **Did the mother have a job during pregnancy, s1 (jobpreg) gen jobpreg = 0 replace jobpreg = 1 if amwkpr00 == 1 & mother1==1 replace jobpreg = 2 if amwkpr00 == 2 & mother1==1 recode jobpreg 0=. label define jobpreg 1 "Had job when preg" 2 "No job when preg" label values jobpreg jobpreg label var jobpreg "Did mother have a job when pregnant, s1?" **Frequency father works weekends, s1 (fathwkend) gen fathwkend = apwkwe00 if father2==1 label define fathwkend 1 "Every week" 2 "At least once a month" 3 "Less than once a month" 4 "Never" label values fathwkend fathwkend label var fathwkend "Frequency father works at the weekend, s1" replace fathwkend = 1 if amwkwe00 ==1 & father1==1 replace fathwkend = 2 if amwkwe00 ==2 & father1==1 replace fathwkend = 3 if amwkwe00 ==3 & father1==1 replace fathwkend = 4 if amwkwe00 ==4 & father1==1 replace fathwkend = -1 if amwkwe00 ==-1 & father1==1 replace fathwkend = -8 if amwkwe00 ==-8 & father1==1 replace fathwkend = -9 if amwkwe00 ==-9 & father1==1 replace fathwkend = 1 if fathwkend==-1 & axwkwe00==1 & father2==1 replace fathwkend = 2 if fathwkend==-1 & axwkwe00==2 & father2==1 replace fathwkend = 3 if fathwkend==-1 & axwkwe00==3 & father2==1 replace fathwkend = 4 if fathwkend==-1 & axwkwe00==4 & father2==1 replace fathwkend = 4 if fathwkend==-1 & APDWRK00 == 2 & father2==1 replace fathwkend = 4 if fathwkend==-1 & AMDWRK00 == 2 & father1==1 replace fathwkend = 1 if fathwkend ==-8 & aptohr00 == 92 recode fathwkend -9=. -8=. -1=. ***Father works weekend at least once a month (fathwkdD) gen fathwkdD = fathwkend recode fathwkdD 1=1 2=1 3=0 4=0 -9=0 -8=0 -1=0 label define fathwkdD 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not" label values fathwkdD fathwkdD label var fathwkdD "Binary: father works at the wkend at least once a month or more, s1" recode fathwkdD .=0 if fsample5X==1 **Frequency father works in the evening, s1 (fatheve) gen fatheve = apevew00 if father2==1 label define fatheve 1 "Every week" 2 "At least once a month" 3 "Less than once a month" 4 "Never" label values fatheve fatheve label var fatheve "Frequency father works in the evening, s1" replace fatheve = 1 if amevew00 ==1 & father1==1 replace fatheve = 2 if amevew00 ==2 & father1==1 replace fatheve = 3 if amevew00 ==3 & father1==1 replace fatheve = 4 if amevew00 ==4 & father1==1 replace fatheve = -1 if amevew00 ==-1 & father1==1 replace fatheve = -8 if amevew00 ==-8 & father1==1 replace fatheve = -9 if amevew00 ==-9 & father1==1 replace fatheve = 1 if fatheve==-1 & axevew00==1 & father2==1 replace fatheve = 2 if fatheve==-1 & axevew00==2 & father2==1 replace fatheve = 3 if fatheve==-1 & axevew00==3 & father2==1 replace fatheve = 4 if fatheve==-1 & axevew00==4 & father2==1 replace fatheve = 4 if fatheve==-1 & APDWRK00 == 2 & father2==1 replace fatheve = 4 if fatheve==-1 & AMDWRK00 == 2 & father1==1 replace fatheve = 1 if fatheve ==-8 & aptohr00 == 92 recode fatheve -9=. -8=. -1=. *father works in evening at least once a month, s1 (fatheveD) gen fatheveD = fatheve recode fatheveD 1=1 2=1 3=0 4=0 -9=0 -8=0 -1=0 label define fatheveD 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not" label values fatheveD fatheveD label var fatheveD "Binary: father works in the eve at least once a month or more, s1" recode fatheveD .=0 if fsample5X==1 **Frequency dad works at night, s1 (fathngt) gen fathngt = apngtw00 if father2==1 label define fathngt 1 "Every week" 2 "At least once a month" 3 "Less than once a month" 4 "Never" label values fathngt fathngt label var fathngt "Frequency father works at night, s1" replace fathngt = 1 if amngtw00 ==1 & father1==1 replace fathngt = 2 if amngtw00 ==2 & father1==1 replace fathngt = 3 if amngtw00 ==3 & father1==1 replace fathngt = 4 if amngtw00 ==4 & father1==1 replace fathngt = -1 if amngtw00 ==-1 & father1==1 replace fathngt = -8 if amngtw00 ==-8 & father1==1 replace fathngt = -9 if amngtw00 ==-9 & father1==1 replace fathngt = 1 if fathngt==-1 & axngtw00==1 & father2==1 replace fathngt = 2 if fathngt==-1 & axngtw00==2 & father2==1 replace fathngt = 3 if fathngt==-1 & axngtw00==3 & father2==1 replace fathngt = 4 if fathngt==-1 & axngtw00==4 & father2==1 replace fathngt = 4 if fathngt==-1 & APDWRK00 == 2 & father2==1 replace fathngt = 4 if fathngt==-1 & AMDWRK00 == 2 & father1==1 replace fathngt = 1 if fathngt ==-8 & aptohr00 == 92 recode fathngt -9=. -8=. -1=. *father works at night at least once a month, s1 (fathngtD) gen fathngtD = fathngt recode fathngtD 1=1 2=1 3=0 4=0 .=0 label define fathngtD 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not" label values fathngtD fathngtD label var fathngtD "Binary: father works at night at least once a month or more, s1" recode fathngtD -9=0 **frequency mother works weekends, s1 (mothwkend) gen mothwkend = amwkwe00 if mother1==1 label define mothwkend 1 "Every week" 2 "At least once a month" 3 "Less than once a month" 4 "Never" label values mothwkend mothwkend label var mothwkend "Frequency mother works at the weekend, s1" replace mothwkend = 1 if apwkwe00 ==1 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = 2 if apwkwe00 ==2 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = 3 if apwkwe00 ==3 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = 4 if apwkwe00 ==4 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = -1 if apwkwe00 ==-1 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = -8 if apwkwe00 ==-8 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = -9 if apwkwe00 ==-9 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = 4 if mothwkend==-1 & AMDWRK00 == 2 & mother1==1 replace mothwkend = 4 if mothwkend==-1 & APDWRK00 == 2 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = 1 if amdayw == 6 & mothwkend==-1 & mother1==1 replace mothwkend = 1 if amdayw == 7 & mothwkend==-1 & mother1==1 replace mothwkend = 1 if apdayw == 6 & mothwkend==-1 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = 1 if apdayw == 7 & mothwkend==-1 & mother2==1 replace mothwkend = 3 if mothwkend ==-8 **Mother works weekend at least once a month (mothwkdD) gen mothwkdD = mothwkend recode mothwkdD 1=1 2=1 3=0 4=0 -9=0 -8=0 -1=0 label define mothwkdD 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not" label values mothwkdD mothwkdD label var mothwkdD "Binary: mother works at the wkend at least once a month or more" ***Freq mother works in the evening, s1 (motheve) gen motheve = amevew00 if mother1==1 label define motheve 1 "Every week" 2 "At least once a month" 3 "Less than once a month" 4 "Never" label values motheve motheve label var motheve "Frequency mother works in the evening, s1" replace motheve = 1 if apevew00 ==1 & mother2==1 replace motheve = 2 if apevew00 ==2 & mother2==1 replace motheve = 3 if apevew00 ==3 & mother2==1 replace motheve = 4 if apevew00 ==4 & mother2==1 replace motheve = -1 if apevew00 ==-1 & mother2==1 replace motheve = -8 if apevew00 ==-8 & mother2==1 replace motheve = -9 if apevew00 ==-9 & mother2==1 replace motheve = 4 if motheve==-1 & APDWRK00 == 2 & mother2==1 replace motheve = 4 if motheve==-1 & AMDWRK00 == 2 & mother1==1 replace motheve = 4 if motheve==-1 & ampjob==2 & mother1==1 recode motheve -8=. -1=. *mother works in evening at least once a month, s1 (mptheveD) gen motheveD = motheve recode motheveD 1=1 2=1 3=0 4=0 .=0 label define motheveD 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not" label values motheveD motheveD label var motheveD "Binary: mother works in the eve at least once a month or more, s1" recode motheveD -9=0 ***Freq mother works at night, s1 (mothngt) gen mothngt = amngtw00 if mother1==1 label define mothngt 1 "Every week" 2 "At least once a month" 3 "Less than once a month" 4 "Never" label values mothngt mothngt label var mothngt "Frequency mother works at night, s1" replace mothngt = 1 if apngtw00 ==1 & mother2==1 replace mothngt = 2 if apngtw00 ==2 & mother2==1 replace mothngt = 3 if apngtw00 ==3 & mother2==1 replace mothngt = 4 if apngtw00 ==4 & mother2==1 replace mothngt = -1 if apngtw00 ==-1 & mother2==1 replace mothngt = -8 if apngtw00 ==-8 & mother2==1 replace mothngt = -9 if apngtw00 ==-9 & mother2==1 replace mothngt = 4 if mothngt==-1 & APDWRK00 == 2 & mother2==1 replace mothngt = 4 if mothngt==-1 & AMDWRK00 == 2 & mother1==1 replace mothngt = 4 if mothngt==-1 & ampjob==2 & mother1==1 recode mothngt -8=. -1=. -9=. *mother works at night at least once a month, s1 (mothngtD) gen mothngtD = mothngt recode mothngtD 1=1 2=1 3=0 4=0 .=0 label define mothngtD 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not" label values mothngtD mothngtD label var mothngtD "Binary: mother works at night at least once a month or more, s1" recode mothngtD -9=0 **FREQUENCY MOTHER WORKS IN THE EVENING, S2 (motheve2) gen motheve2 = bmevew00 if s2mother1==1 label define motheve2 1 "Every day" 2 "Every week" 3 "At least once a month" 4 "Less than once a month" 5 "Never", modify label values motheve2 motheve2 label var motheve2 "Frequency mother works in the evening, s2" replace motheve2 = 5 if BMDWRK==2 & motheve2==-1 & s2mother1==1 replace motheve2 = 5 if BPDWRK==2 & motheve2==-1 & s2mother2==1 replace motheve2 = 5 if BPDWRK==2 & motheve2==. & s2mother2==1 recode motheve2 -1=. *****FREQUENCY MOTHER WORKS IN THE EVENING AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH (BINARY), S2 (motheve2D) gen motheve2D = motheve2 recode motheve2D 1=1 2=1 3=1 4=0 5=0 .=0 label define motheve2D 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not", modify label values motheve2D motheve2D label var motheve2D "Binary: mother works in the eve at least once a month or more, s2" **FREQUENCY MOTHER WORKS IN THE EVENING, S3 (motheve3) gen motheve3 = cmevew00 if s3mother1==1 label define motheve3 1 "Every day" 2 "Every week" 3 "At least once a month" 4 "Less than once a month" 5 "Never", modify label values motheve3 motheve3 label var motheve3 "Frequency mother works in the evening, s3" replace motheve3 = 5 if CMDWRK==2 & motheve3==-1 & s3mother1==1 replace motheve3 = 5 if CPDWRK==2 & motheve3==-1 & s3mother2==1 recode motheve3 -8=. -1=. *****FREQUENCY MOTHER WORKS IN THE EVENING AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH (BINARY), S3 (motheve3D) gen motheve3D = motheve3 recode motheve3D 1=1 2=1 3=1 4=0 5=0 .=0 label define motheve3D 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not" label values motheve3D motheve3D label var motheve3D "Binary: mother works in the eve at least once a month or more, s3" recode motheve3D -9=. **FREQUENCY MOTHER WORKS IN THE EVENING, S4 (motheve4) gen motheve4 = dmevew00 if s4mother1==1 label define motheve4 1 "Every day" 2 "Every week" 3 "At least once a month" 4 "Less than once a month" 5 "Never", modify label values motheve4 motheve4 label var motheve4 "Frequency mother works in the evening, s4" replace motheve4 = 1 if dpevew00 ==1 & s4mother2==1 replace motheve4 = 2 if dpevew00 ==2 & s4mother2==1 replace motheve4 = 3 if dpevew00 ==3 & s4mother2==1 replace motheve4 = 4 if dpevew00 ==4 & s4mother2==1 replace motheve4 = 5 if dpevew00 ==5 & s4mother2==1 replace motheve4 = 5 if DMDWRK==2 & motheve4==-1 & s4mother1==1 replace motheve4 = 5 if DPDWRK==2 & motheve4==-1 & s4mother2==1 replace motheve4 = 5 if DMDWRK==2 & motheve4==. & s4mother1==1 replace motheve4 = 5 if DPDWRK==2 & motheve4==. & s4mother2==1 replace motheve4 = 5 if DMDWRK==2 & motheve4==-8 & s4mother1==1 replace motheve4 = 5 if DPDWRK==2 & motheve4==-8 & s4mother2==1 *****FREQUENCY MOTHER WORKS IN THE EVENING AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH (BINARY), S4 (motheve4D) gen motheve4D = motheve4 recode motheve4D 1=1 2=1 3=1 4=0 5=0 .=0 -8=0 -1=0 label define motheve4D 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not", modify label values motheve4D motheve4D label var motheve4D "Binary: mother works in the eve at least once a month or more, s4" recode motheve4D -9=. **FREQUENCY MOTHER WORKS IN THE EVENING, S5 (motheve5) gen motheve5 = EPEVEW001 if s5mother1==1 label define motheve5 1 "Every day" 2 "Every week" 3 "At least once a month" 4 "Less than once a month" 5 "Never", modify label values motheve5 motheve5 label var motheve5 "Frequency mother works in the evening, s5" replace motheve5 = 1 if EPEVEW002 ==1 & s5mother2==1 replace motheve5 = 2 if EPEVEW002 ==2 & s5mother2==1 replace motheve5 = 3 if EPEVEW002 ==3 & s5mother2==1 replace motheve5 = 4 if EPEVEW002 ==4 & s5mother2==1 replace motheve5 = 5 if EPEVEW002 ==5 & s5mother2==1 replace motheve5 = 5 if EDDWRK001==2 & motheve5==-1 & s5mother1==1 replace motheve5 = 5 if EDDWRK002==2 & motheve5==-1 & s5mother2==1 replace motheve5 = 5 if EDDWRK001==2 & motheve5==-1 & s5mother1==1 replace motheve5 = 5 if EDDWRK002==2 & motheve5==-1 & s5mother2==1 *****FREQUENCY MOTHER WORKS IN THE EVENING AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH (BINARY), S5 (motheve5D) gen motheve5D = motheve5 recode motheve5D 1=1 2=1 3=1 4=0 5=0 .=0 -8=0 -1=0 label define motheve5D 1 "At least once a month or more" 0 "Not", modify label values motheve5D motheve5D label var motheve5D "Binary: mother works in the eve at least once a month or more, s5" recode motheve5D -9=. ***Sample of dads that are unemployed, sweep 1 (s1unemp) gen s1unemp = 0 replace s1unemp = 1 if AMDWRK00 == 2 & father1==1 replace s1unemp = 1 if APDWRK00 == 2 & father2==1 label define s1unemp 0 "not" 1 "Not unemployed in s1" label values s1unemp s1unemp label var s1unemp "Sample of dads who are not employed at s1, n=1948" ***Sample of dads that are unemployed, sweep 2 (s2unemp) gen s2unemp = 0 replace s2unemp = 1 if BMDWRK00 == 2 & s2father1==1 replace s2unemp = 1 if BPDWRK00 == 2 & s2father2==1 label define s2unemp 0 "not" 1 "Not unemployed in s1" label values s2unemp s2unemp label var s2unemp "Sample of dads who are not employed at s2, n=1337" ***Sample of dads that are unemployed, sweep 3 (s3unemp) gen s3unemp = 0 replace s3unemp = 1 if CMDWRK00 == 2 & s3father1==1 replace s3unemp = 1 if CPDWRK00 == 2 & s3father2==1 label define s3unemp 0 "not" 1 "Not unemployed in s1" label values s3unemp s3unemp label var s3unemp "Sample of dads who are not employed at s3, n=1253" ***Sample of dads that are unemployed, sweep 4 (s4unemp) gen s4unemp = 0 replace s4unemp = 1 if DMDWRK00 == 2 & s4father1==1 replace s4unemp = 1 if DPDWRK00 == 2 & s4father2==1 label define s4unemp 0 "not" 1 "Not unemployed in s1" label values s4unemp s4unemp label var s4unemp "Sample of dads who are not employed at s4, n=1072" ***Sample of dads that are unemployed, sweep 5 (s5unemp) gen s5unemp = 0 replace s5unemp = 1 if EDDWRK001 == 2 & s5father1==1 replace s5unemp = 1 if EDDWRK002 == 2 & s5father2==1 label define s5unemp 0 "not" 1 "Not unemployed in s1" label values s5unemp s5unemp label var s5unemp "Sample of dads who are not employed at s5, n=1038" ****FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, S1 (fathocc1) gen fathocc1 = APD05S00 if father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if AMD05S00 ==1 & father1==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if AMD05S00 ==2 & father1==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if AMD05S00 ==3 & father1==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if AMD05S00 ==4 & father1==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if AMD05S00 ==5 & father1==1 replace fathocc1 = 6 if fathocc1==-1 & APDWRK00 ==2 & apemse00 ==3 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 6 if fathocc1==-1 & AMDWRK00 ==2 & amemse00 ==3 & father1==1 label define fathocc1 1 "Managerial/prof" 2 "Intermediate" 3 "Small emp & self-emp" 4 "Lo sup & tech" 5 "Semi routine/routine" 6 "Unemployed/ never had a paid job", modify label values fathocc1 fathocc1 label var fathocc1 "Fathers occ class in s1 (5 categories)" **imputing n/a partner respondent fathers using apsecc: replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==3.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==3.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==3.3 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==3.4 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==4.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==4.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==4.3 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==4.4 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==5 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==6 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==7.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==7.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==7.3 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==7.4 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==8.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==8.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==9.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==9.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==10 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==11.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==11.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==12.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==12.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==12.3 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==12.4 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==12.5 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==12.6 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==12.7 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==13.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==13.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==13.3 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==13.4 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsecc00 ==13.5 & father2==1 **There are no main respondent dads who are in the n/a category ***imputing remaining n/a partner respondent fathers using apsocc replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsocc00 >=1121 & apsocc00 <=3537 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==-1 & apsocc00 ==4123 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if fathocc1==-1 & apsocc00 >=5111 & apsocc00 <=5434 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & apsocc00 >=7111 & apsocc00 <=9233 & father2==1 **imputing n/a fathers using other variables from the MCS: replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1 ==-1 & apemse00 ==2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1 ==-1 & amemse00 ==2 & father1==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsupv00== 1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & apsupv00== 2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 6 if fathocc1==-1 & APDWRK==2 replace fathocc1 = 6 if fathocc1==. & amwkst00 ==4 & father1==1 **imputing n/a fathers using axsecc (proxy variable) replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==3.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==3.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==4.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==4.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==5 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==6 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==7.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==7.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==7.4 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==8.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==8.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==9.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==9.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==10 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==11.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==11.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==12.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==12.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==12.3 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==12.4 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==12.5 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==13.1 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==13.2 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==13.3 & father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==-1 & axsecc00 ==13.4 & father2==1 recode fathocc1 6=5 recode fathocc1 -1=. replace fathocc1 = 1 if fathocc1==. & fathocc2==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 2 if fathocc1==. & fathocc2==2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 3 if fathocc1==. & fathocc2==3 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 4 if fathocc1==. & fathocc2==4 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc1 = 5 if fathocc1==. & fathocc2==5 & s2father2==1 **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, s1 - COLLAPSED(4 CATEGORIES) (fathocc1c) gen fathocc1c = fathocc1 recode fathocc1c 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=4 label define fathocc1c 1 "Man/prof" 2 "intermediate" 3 "small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech/semi/routine" label values fathocc1c fathocc1c label var fathocc1c "Father occ class, s1 (4 categories)" **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, S2 (fathocc2) gen fathocc2 = BPD05S00 if s2father2==1 label define fathocc2 1 "Man and prof" 2 "Intermediate" 3 "Small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech" 5 "semi-routine/routine", modify label values fathocc2 fathocc2 replace fathocc2 = 1 if BMD05S00 == 1 & s2father1==1 replace fathocc2 = 2 if BMD05S00 == 2 & s2father1==1 replace fathocc2 = 3 if BMD05S00 == 3 & s2father1==1 replace fathocc2 = 4 if BMD05S00 == 4 & s2father1==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if BMD05S00 == 5 & s2father1==1 *impute n/a partner fathers using bpjbns replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==3.1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==3.2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==3.3 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==3.4 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==4.1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==4.2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==4.3 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==4.4 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 2 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==7.1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 2 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==7.2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 2 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==7.3 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 2 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==7.4 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 3 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==8.1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 3 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==8.2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 3 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==9.1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 3 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==9.2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 4 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==11.1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 4 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==11.2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==12.1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==12.2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==12.3 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==12.4 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==12.5 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==12.6 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==12.7 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==13.1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==13.2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==13.3 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==13.4 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & bpjbns00==13.5 & s2father2==1 tab fathocc1 if fathocc2==-1 & s2father2==1 & fsample5X==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==-1 & fathocc1 ==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 2 if fathocc2==-1 & fathocc1 ==2 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 3 if fathocc2==-1 & fathocc1 ==3 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 4 if fathocc2==-1 & fathocc1 ==4 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==-1 & fathocc1 ==5 & s2father2==1 replace fathocc2 = 1 if fathocc2==. & fathocc1 ==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathocc2 = 2 if fathocc2==. & fathocc1 ==2 & s2father1==1 replace fathocc2 = 3 if fathocc2==. & fathocc1 ==3 & s2father1==1 replace fathocc2 = 4 if fathocc2==. & fathocc1 ==4 & s2father1==1 replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==. & fathocc1 ==5 & s2father1==1 recode fathocc2 -1=. replace fathocc2 = 5 if fathocc2==. & fsample5X==1 label var fathocc2 "fathers occ class, s2 (5 categories)" **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, s2 - COLLAPSED(4 CATEGORIES) (fathocc2c) gen fathocc2c = fathocc2 recode fathocc2c 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=4 label define fathocc2c 1 "Man/prof" 2 "intermediate" 3 "small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech/semi/routine", modify label values fathocc2c fathocc2c label var fathocc2c "Father occ class, s2 (4 categories)" **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, S3 (fathocc3) gen fathocc3 = CPD05S00 if s3father2==1 label define fathocc3 1 "Man and prof" 2 "Intermediate" 3 "Small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech" 5 "semi-routine/routine", modify label values fathocc3 fathocc3 replace fathocc3 = 1 if CMD05S00 == 1 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3 = 2 if CMD05S00 == 2 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3 = 3 if CMD05S00 == 3 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3 = 4 if CMD05S00 == 4 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3 = 5 if CMD05S00 == 5 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3= 1 if fathocc3==-1 & CPD05C00==1 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3= 2 if fathocc3==-1 & CPD05C00==2 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3= 3 if fathocc3==-1 & CPD05C00==3 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3= 4 if fathocc3==-1 & CPD05C00==4 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3= 5 if fathocc3==-1 & CPD05C00==5 & s3father2==1 **Missing main respondent dads in fathocc3 are imputed using last available occ class data s2 replace fathocc3=1 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==1 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=2 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==2 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=3 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==3 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=4 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==4 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=5 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==5 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=1 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==1 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3=2 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==2 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3=3 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==3 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3=4 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==4 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3=5 if fathocc3==-1 & fathocc2==5 & s3father1==1 **missing partner respondent dads in fathocc3 are imputed using last available occ class data s2 replace fathocc3=1 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==1 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=2 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==2 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=3 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==3 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=4 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==4 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=5 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==5 & s3father2==1 replace fathocc3=1 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==1 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3=2 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==2 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3=3 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==3 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3=4 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==4 & s3father1==1 replace fathocc3=5 if fathocc3==. & fathocc2==5 & s3father1==1 recode fathocc3 -1 = . replace fathocc3 = 5 if fathocc3==. & fsample5X==1 label var fathocc3 "Fathers occ class, s3 (5 categories)" **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, s3 - COLLAPSED(4 CATEGORIES) (fathocc3c) gen fathocc3c = fathocc3 recode fathocc3c 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=4 label define fathocc3c 1 "Man/prof" 2 "intermediate" 3 "small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech/semi/routine" label values fathocc3c fathocc3c label var fathocc3c "Father occ class, s3 (4 categories)" **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, S4 (fathocc4) gen fathocc4 = DPD05S00 if s4father2==1 label define fathocc4 1 "Man and prof" 2 "Intermediate" 3 "Small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech" 5 "semi-routine/routine", modify label values fathocc4 fathocc4 replace fathocc4 = 1 if DMD05S00 == 1 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4 = 2 if DMD05S00 == 2 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4 = 3 if DMD05S00 == 3 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4 = 4 if DMD05S00 == 4 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4 = 5 if DMD05S00 == 5 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4= 1 if fathocc4==-1 & DPD05C00==1 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4= 2 if fathocc4==-1 & DPD05C00==2 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4= 3 if fathocc4==-1 & DPD05C00==3 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4= 4 if fathocc4==-1 & DPD05C00==4 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4= 5 if fathocc4==-1 & DPD05C00==5 & s4father2==1 *impute missings from previous occupational class data (sweep 3) replace fathocc4=1 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==1 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=2 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==2 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=3 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==3 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=4 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==4 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=5 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==5 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=1 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==1 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=2 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==2 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=3 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==3 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=4 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==4 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=5 if fathocc4==-1 & fathocc3==5 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=1 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==1 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=2 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==2 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=3 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==3 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=4 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==4 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=5 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==5 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc4=1 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==1 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=2 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==2 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=3 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==3 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=4 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==4 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc4=5 if fathocc4==. & fathocc3==5 & s4father1==1 recode fathocc4 -1 =. replace fathocc4 = 5 if fathocc4==. & fsample5X==1 label var fathocc4 "Father's occ class, s4 (5 categories)" **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, s4 - COLLAPSED 4 CATEGORIES) (fathocc4c) gen fathocc4c = fathocc4 recode fathocc4c 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=4 label define fathocc4c 1 "Man/prof" 2 "intermediate" 3 "small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech/semi/routine" label values fathocc4c fathocc4c label var fathocc4c "Father occ class, s4 (4 categories)" **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, S5 (fathocc5) gen fathocc5 = EDD05S002 if s5father2==1 label define fathocc5 1 "Man and prof" 2 "Intermediate" 3 "Small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech" 5 "semi-routine/routine", modify label values fathocc5 fathocc5 replace fathocc5 = 1 if EDD05S001 == 1 & s5father1==1 replace fathocc5 = 2 if EDD05S001 == 2 & s5father1==1 replace fathocc5 = 3 if EDD05S001 == 3 & s5father1==1 replace fathocc5 = 4 if EDD05S001 == 4 & s5father1==1 replace fathocc5 = 5 if EDD05S001 == 5 & s5father1==1 **missing fathers imputed from fathocc4 replace fathocc5=1 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==1 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=2 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==2 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=3 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==3 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=4 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==4 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=5 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==5 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=1 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==1 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=2 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==2 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=3 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==3 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=4 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==4 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=5 if fathocc5==-1 & fathocc4==5 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=1 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==1 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=2 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==2 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=3 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==3 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=4 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==4 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=5 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==5 & s4father2==1 replace fathocc5=1 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==1 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=2 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==2 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=3 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==3 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=4 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==4 & s4father1==1 replace fathocc5=5 if fathocc5==. & fathocc4==5 & s4father1==1 label var fathocc5 "Fathers occ class, s5 (5 categories)" recode fathocc5 -1=. **FATHER'S OCCUPATIONAL CLASS, s5 - COLLAPSED 4 CATEGORIES) (fathocc5c) gen fathocc5c = fathocc5 recode fathocc5c 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=4 label define fathocc5c 1 "Man/prof" 2 "intermediate" 3 "small emp/s-emp" 4 "Lo sup tech/semi/routine" label values fathocc5c fathocc5c label var fathocc5c "Father occ class, s5 (4 categories)" **Household income (income) gen income = ADHINC00 recode income 1=1 2=1 3=2 4=3 5=4 6=5 label define income 1 "Very low £10400 or less" 2 "low £10400-20800" 3 "moderate £20800-31200" 4 "moderate to high 31200-52000" 5 "High £52000+", modify label values income income label var income "Household income, s1" **some cases - filter into average hhold income for 2000/01: replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==96 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==1 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==96 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==2 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==96 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==1 replace income = 2 if ADHINC00 ==96 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==2 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==97 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==1 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==97 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==2 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==97 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==1 replace income = 2 if ADHINC00 ==97 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==2 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==-1 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==1 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==-1 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==2 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==-1 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==1 replace income = 2 if ADHINC00 ==-1 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==2 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==-6 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==1 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==-6 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==2 replace income = 3 if ADHINC00 ==-6 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==1 replace income = 2 if ADHINC00 ==-6 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==2 replace income = 1 if income ==96 & AMDWRK==2 & adresp00 ==1 replace income = 3 if income ==96 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK==-1 replace income = 1 if income ==96 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK==-8 replace income = 1 if income ==97 & AMDWRK==2 & APDWRK ==-1 replace income = 3 if income ==97 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK ==-1 replace income = 3 if income ==97 & AMDWRK==1 & APDWRK ==-8 **collapse (very low and low) (incomeC) gen incomeC = income recode incomeC 1=1 2=1 3=2 4=3 5=4 label define incomeC 1 "very low/low £0-20800" 2 "moderate £20800-31200" 3 "moderate to high" 4 "high £31200+", modify label values incomeC incomeC label var incomeC "Household income, s1 - collapsed" **Household income, s2 (s2income) gen s2income = BDHINC00 recode s2income 1=1 2=1 3=2 4=3 5=4 6=5 label define s2income 1 "Very low £0-1100" 2 "Low £11-22000" 3 "moderate £22000-33000" 4 "Moderately high £33000-55000" 5 "High £55000+", modify label values s2income s2income replace s2income = 1 if s2income == -1 & BPDWRK00 == 2 & BMDWRK00 ==2 label var s2income "s2 household income" *Use last available s1 household income data to filter missing s2 household income data: replace s2income = 1 if s2income==-1 & income == 1 replace s2income = 2 if s2income==-1 & income == 2 replace s2income = 3 if s2income==-1 & income == 3 replace s2income = 4 if s2income==-1 & income == 4 replace s2income = 5 if s2income==-1 & income == 5 recode s2income -1=. **Household income, s2 - collapsed (put very low and low together) (s2incomeC) gen s2incomeC = s2income recode s2incomeC 1=1 2=1 3=2 4=3 5=4 label define s2incomeC 1 "very low/low £0-20800" 2 "moderate £20800-31200" 3 "moderate to high" 4 "high £31200+", modify label values s2incomeC s2incomeC label var s2incomeC "Household income, s2 (4 categories)" ***OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s1 (eqincome1) gen eqincome1 = ADOEDP00 label define eqincome1 0 "Above 60% median" 1 "Below 60% median" label values eqincome1 eqincome1 label var eqincome1 "OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s1" **I use income from the next sweep to impute missing values replace eqincome1 = 0 if eqincome1==-1 & BDOEDP00 ==0 replace eqincome1 = 1 if eqincome1==-1 & BDOEDP00 ==1 replace eqincome1 = 0 if eqincome1==-1 & CDOEDP00 ==0 replace eqincome1 = 1 if eqincome1==-1 & CDOEDP00 ==1 replace eqincome1 = 1 if eqincome1==-1 & DOEDP000 ==1 & fsample5X==1 ***OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s2 (eqincome2) gen eqincome2 = BDOEDP00 label define eqincome2 0 "Above 60% median" 1 "Below 60% median" label values eqincome2 eqincome2 label var eqincome2 "OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s2" **I use income from the next sweep to impute missing values replace eqincome2 = 0 if eqincome2==-1 & CDOEDP00 ==0 replace eqincome2 = 1 if eqincome2==-1 & CDOEDP00 ==1 replace eqincome2 = 0 if eqincome2==-1 & DOEDP000 ==0 replace eqincome2 = 1 if eqincome2==-1 & DOEDP000 ==1 ***OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s3 (eqincome3) gen eqincome3 = CDOEDP00 label define eqincome3 0 "Above 60% median" 1 "Below 60% median" label values eqincome3 eqincome3 label var eqincome3 "OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s3" **I use income from the next sweep to impute missing values replace eqincome3 = 0 if eqincome3==-1 & DOEDP000 ==0 replace eqincome3 = 1 if eqincome3==-1 & DOEDP000 ==1 ***OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s4 (eqincome4) gen eqincome4 = DOEDP000 label define eqincome4 0 "Above 60% median" 1 "Below 60% median" label values eqincome4 eqincome4 label var eqincome4 "OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s4" replace eqincome4 = 0 if eqincome4==-1 & eqincome5 ==0 replace eqincome4 = 1 if eqincome4==-1 & eqincome5 ==1 ***OECD below 60% median poverty indicator, s5 (eqincome5) rename EOEDP000 eqincome5 **GENDER ROLE ATTITUDES **Fathers opinion that child suffers if works before school, s1 (Fathchsuf) gen Fathchsuf = apchsu00 if father2==1 label define Fathchsuf 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Disagree" 5 "Strongly disagree" label values Fathchsuf Fathchsuf replace Fathchsuf = 1 if amchsu00 ==1 & father1==1 replace Fathchsuf = 2 if amchsu00 ==2 & father1==1 replace Fathchsuf = 3 if amchsu00 ==3 & father1==1 replace Fathchsuf = 4 if amchsu00 ==4 & father1==1 replace Fathchsuf = 5 if amchsu00 ==5 & father1==1 recode Fathchsuf 6=3 -1=3 -8=3 -9=3 label var Fathchsuf "Fathers opinion on child suffers if mother works before school" ***Collapsed (Fathchsuf_C) gen Fathchsuf_C = 0 replace Fathchsuf_C = 1 if Fathchsuf ==1 replace Fathchsuf_C = 1 if Fathchsuf ==2 replace Fathchsuf_C = 2 if Fathchsuf ==3 replace Fathchsuf_C = 3 if Fathchsuf ==4 replace Fathchsuf_C = 3 if Fathchsuf ==5 label define Fathchsuf_C 1 "Strongly agree/agree" 2 "Neither" 3 "Disagree/strongly" label values Fathchsuf_C Fathchsuf_C label var Fathchsuf_C "Fathers opinion on child suffers if mother works before school - collapsed" recode Fathchsuf_C 0=. **Fathers opinion that child suffers if works before school, s2 (fathchsu2) gen fathchsu2 = bpchsu00 if s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 1 if bmchsu00 ==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 2 if bmchsu00 ==2 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if bmchsu00 ==3 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 4 if bmchsu00 ==4 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 5 if bmchsu00 ==5 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 6 if bmchsu00 ==6 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = -1 if bmchsu00 ==-1 & s2father1==1 label define fathchsu2 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Disagree" 5 "Strongly disagree", modify label values fathchsu2 fathchsu2 recode fathchsu2 6=3 ***Missing data for fathchsu2 is imputed from the sweep 1 main and partner respondent variables (amchsu and apchsu) replace fathchsu2 = 1 if amchsu00 ==1 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 2 if amchsu00 ==2 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if amchsu00 ==3 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 4 if amchsu00 ==4 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 5 if amchsu00 ==5 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if amchsu00 ==6 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 1 if apchsu00 ==1 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 2 if apchsu00 ==2 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if apchsu00 ==3 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 4 if apchsu00 ==4 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 5 if apchsu00 ==5 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if apchsu00 ==6 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 1 if amchsu00 ==1 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 2 if amchsu00 ==2 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if amchsu00 ==3 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 4 if amchsu00 ==4 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 5 if amchsu00 ==5 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if amchsu00 ==6 & fathchsu2==-1 & father1==1 & s2father2==1 replace fathchsu2 = 1 if apchsu00 ==1 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 2 if apchsu00 ==2 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if apchsu00 ==3 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 4 if apchsu00 ==4 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 5 if apchsu00 ==5 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if apchsu00 ==6 & fathchsu2==-1 & father2==1 & s2father1==1 replace fathchsu2 = 3 if fathchsu2 ==-1 & Fathchsuf ==3 & s2father2==1 recode fathchsu2 -1=. label var fathchsu2 "Does father agree that children suffer if mother works before they start school - s2" **Fathers opinion that child suffers if works before school, s2 - collapsed (fathchsu2C) gen fathchsu2C = fathchsu2 recode fathchsu2C 1=1 2=1 3=2 4=3 5=3 label define fathchsu2C 1 "Strongly agree/agree" 2 "Neither" 3 "Strongly disagree/disagree" label values fathchsu2C fathchsu2C label var fathchsu2C "Does father agree that children suffer if mother works before they start school, s2 (3 categories)" recode fathchsu2C -1=. **Father opinion on mother /family happier if works (fathhap) gen fathhap = apwkha00 if father2==1 label define fathhap 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Disagree" 5 "Strongly disagree", modify label values fathhap fathhap replace fathhap = 1 if amwkha00 ==1 & father1==1 replace fathhap = 2 if amwkha00 ==2 & father1==1 replace fathhap = 3 if amwkha00 ==3 & father1==1 replace fathhap = 4 if amwkha00 ==4 & father1==1 replace fathhap = 5 if amwkha00 ==5 & father1==1 recode fathhap 6=3 -1=3 -8=3 -9=3 label var fathhap "Fathers opinion on Mother & Fam happier if she works" **reverse coded (fathhapR): gen fathhapR = fathhap recode fathhapR 1=5 2=4 3=3 4=2 5=1 label define fathhapR 1 "Strongly disagree" 2 "Disagree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Agree" 5 "Strongly agree" label values fathhapR fathhapR label var fathhapR "Fathers opinion on Mother & Fam happier if she works - reversed scored" **collapsed (fathhapC): gen fathhapC = fathhapR recode fathhapC 1=1 2=1 3=2 4=3 5=3 label define fathhapC 1 "Strongly /disagree" 2 "neither" 3 "Strongly/agree" label values fathhapC fathhapC label var fathhapC "fathers opinion on Mother & Fam happier if she works - reversed scored & collapsed" **two attitude variables added (fathgenaC): egen fathgenaC = rsum(fathhapC Fathchsuf_C) recode fathgenaC 0=. 1=. label var fathgenaC "Father gender role atts (sum of chsu & hap) high = egalitarian" **Father gender role attitudes (sum) recoded (gratt): gen gratt=fathgenaC recode gratt 2=1 3=1 4=2 5=3 6=3 label define gratt 1 "Trad" 2 "Moderate" 3 "Egalitarian", modify label values gratt gratt label var gratt "Fathers GR attitudes (child suffer + moth happier) - coded" **Mothers attitude on whether child suffers if mothers work before start school (Mothchsuf) gen Mothchsuf = amchsu00 if mother1==1 label define Mothchsuf 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Disagree" 5 "Strongly disagree", modify label values Mothchsuf Mothchsuf replace Mothchsuf = 3 if apchsu00 ==3 & mother2==1 replace Mothchsuf = 4 if apchsu00 ==4 & mother2==1 recode Mothchsuf 6=3 -1=3 -8=3 -9=3 label var Mothchsuf "Mothers opinion on child suffers if mother works before school" ***collapsed (Mothchsuf_C) gen Mothchsuf_C = 0 replace Mothchsuf_C = 1 if Mothchsuf == 1 replace Mothchsuf_C = 1 if Mothchsuf == 2 replace Mothchsuf_C = 2 if Mothchsuf == 3 replace Mothchsuf_C = 3 if Mothchsuf == 4 replace Mothchsuf_C = 3 if Mothchsuf == 5 label define Mothchsuf_C 1 "Strongly agree/agree" 2 "Neither" 3 "Disagree/strongly", modify label values Mothchsuf_C Mothchsuf_C label var Mothchsuf_C "Mothers opinion on child suffers if mother works before school" recode Mothchsuf_C 0=. ***Mother opinion on - mother & family is happier if she works (mothhap) gen mothhap = amwkha00 if mother1==1 label define mothhap 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Disagree" 5 "Strongly disagree", modify label values mothhap mothhap replace mothhap = 3 if apwkha00 ==3 & mother2==1 replace mothhap = 4 if apwkha00 ==4 & mother2==1 recode mothhap 6=3 -1=3 -8=3 -9=3 label var mothhap "Mothers opinion on Mother & Fam happier if she works" **reverse code gen mothhapR = mothhap recode mothhapR 1=5 2=4 3=3 4=2 5=1 label define mothhapR 1 "Strongly disagree" 2 "Disagree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Agree" 5 "Strongly agree" label values mothhapR mothhapR label var mothhapR "Mothers opinion on Mother & Fam happier if she works - reversed scored" **collapse into 3 categories gen mothhapC = mothhapR recode mothhapC 1=1 2=1 3=2 4=3 5=3 label define mothhapC 1 "Strongly /disagree" 2 "neither" 3 "Strongly/agree" label values mothhapC mothhapC label var mothhapC "mothers opinion on Mother & Fam happier if she works - reversed scored & collapsed" **Add mothers' gender role attitudes together (mothgenaC): egen mothgenaC = rsum(mothhapC Mothchsuf_C) recode mothgenaC 0=. label var mothgenaC "Mother gender role atts (sum of chsu & hap) high = egalitarian" **Mother gender role attitudes (sum) recoded (mgratt): gen mgratt=mothgenaC recode mgratt 2=1 3=1 4=2 5=3 6=3 label define mgratt 1 "Trad" 2 "Neutral" 3 "Egalitarian" label values mgratt mgratt label var mgratt "Mothers GR attitudes (child suffer + moth happier) - coded" **Difference in gender role attitudes between mother and father (grdiff): gen grdiff = fathgenaC - mothgenaC **coded (grdiffc) gen grdiffc = grdiff recode grdiffc 0=1 1=2 -1=2 -2=2 2=2 3=3 -3=3 4=3 -4=3 label define grdiffc 1 "Same atts" 2 "Moderately diff" 3 "Radically diff" label values grdiffc grdiffc label var grdiffc "Gender role attitudes of both parents" gen grdiffc = grdiff recode grdiffc 0=1 1=2 -1=2 -2=2 2=2 3=3 -3=3 4=3 -4=3 label define grdiffc 1 "Same atts" 2 "Moderately diff" 3 "Radically diff" label values grdiffc grdiffc label var grdiffc "Gender role attitudes of both parents" ***Fathers attitudes towards their involvement in child's upbringing (fathinv) gen fathinv = apchfa00 if father2==1 label define fathinv 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Disagree" 5 "Strongly disagree", modify label values fathinv fathinv label var fathinv "Fathers opinion on father involvement in child's upbringing" replace fathinv = 1 if amchfa00 ==1 & father1==1 replace fathinv = 2 if amchfa00 ==2 & father1==1 replace fathinv = 3 if amchfa00 ==3 & father1==1 replace fathinv = 4 if amchfa00 ==4 & father1==1 replace fathinv = 5 if amchfa00 ==5 & father1==1 replace fathinv = -1 if amchfa00 ==-1 & father1==1 replace fathinv = -8 if amchfa00 ==-8 & father1==1 replace fathinv = -9 if amchfa00 ==-9 & father1==1 replace fathinv = 6 if amchfa00 ==6 & father1==1 recode fathinv 6=3 -1=3 -8=3 -9=3 **collapsed (fathinvC): gen fathinvC = 0 replace fathinvC = 1 if fathinv ==1 replace fathinvC = 1 if fathinv ==2 replace fathinvC = 2 if fathinv ==3 replace fathinvC = 3 if fathinv ==4 replace fathinvC = 3 if fathinv ==5 label define fathinvC 1 "Strongly/Agree" 2 "Neither" 3 "Strongly/Disagree" label values fathinvC fathinvC label var fathinvC "Fathers opinion on father involvement in child's upbringing- 3 cats" *Fathers attitudes towards couples should not separate (fathcple) gen fathcple = apnose00 if father2==1 label define fathcple 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Disagree" 5 "Strongly disagree" label values fathcple fathcple label var fathcple "Fathers opinion on couples should not separate if have children" replace fathcple = 1 if amnose00 ==1 & father1==1 replace fathcple = 2 if amnose00 ==2 & father1==1 replace fathcple = 3 if amnose00 ==3 & father1==1 replace fathcple = 4 if amnose00 ==4 & father1==1 replace fathcple = 5 if amnose00 ==5 & father1==1 recode fathcple 6=3 -1=3 -8=3 -9=3 **Collapsed (fathcple_C): gen fathcple_C = 0 replace fathcple_C = 1 if fathcple ==1 replace fathcple_C = 1 if fathcple ==2 replace fathcple_C = 2 if fathcple ==3 replace fathcple_C = 3 if fathcple ==4 replace fathcple_C = 3 if fathcple ==5 label define fathcple_C 1 "Strongly/Agree" 2 "Neither" 3 "Strongly/Disagree" label values fathcple_C fathcple_C label var fathcple_C "Father's opinion on couples should not separate if have children - 3 cats" recode fathcple_C 0=1 **Mothers attitudes towards couples should not separate (mothcple) gen mothcple = amnose00 if mother1==1 label define mothcple 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Neither" 4 "Disagree" 5 "Strongly disagree" label values mothcple mothcple label var mothcple "Mother's opinion on couples should not separate if have children" replace mothcple = 1 if apnose00 ==1 & mother2==1 replace mothcple = 2 if apnose00 ==2 & mother2==1 replace mothcple = 3 if apnose00 ==3 & mother2==1 replace mothcple = 4 if apnose00 ==4 & mother2==1 replace mothcple = 5 if apnose00 ==5 & mother2==1 recode mothcple 6=3 -1=3 -8=3 -9=3 **collapsed variable (mothcple_C) gen mothcple_C = 0 replace mothcple_C = 1 if mothcple ==1 replace mothcple_C = 1 if mothcple ==2 replace mothcple_C = 2 if mothcple ==3 replace mothcple_C = 3 if mothcple ==4 replace mothcple_C = 3 if mothcple ==5 label define mothcple_C 1 "Strongly/Agree" 2 "Neither" 3 "Strongly/Disagree" label values mothcple_C mothcple_C label var mothcple_C "Mother's opinion on couples should not separate if have children - 3 cats" recode mothcple_C 0=1 **sex of cohort child (sexcc) gen sexcc = ahcsexa00 label define sexcc 1 "Male" 2 "Female" label values sexcc sexcc label var sexcc "Sex of cohort child" **Father's education level, s1 ***father's education gen fatheducat = 0 replace fatheducat = 1 if apacqu00 == 1 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 1 if apacqu00 == 2 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 2 if apacqu00 == 3 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 2 if apacqu00 == 4 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 3 if apacqu00 >=5 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 1 if amacqu00 == 1 & father1==1 replace fatheducat = 1 if amacqu00 == 2 & father1==1 replace fatheducat = 2 if amacqu00 == 3 & father1==1 replace fatheducat = 2 if amacqu00 == 4 & father1==1 replace fatheducat = 3 if amacqu00 >=5 & father1==1 label define fatheducat 1 "Degree or higher" 2 "Secondary level" 3 "Compulsory or lower" label values fatheducat fatheducat replace fatheducat = 1 if fatheducat ==. & axacqu00 == 1 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 1 if fatheducat ==. & axacqu00 == 2 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 2 if fatheducat ==. & axacqu00 == 3 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 2 if fatheducat ==. & axacqu00 == 4 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 3 if fatheducat ==. & axacqu00 >=5 & father2==1 replace fatheducat = 3 if fatheducat ==. & apacqu00 == -8 & father2==1 ***FATHER'S EDUCATION, S1 (BINARY) (fathed_b) gen fathed_b = fatheducat recode fathed_b 1=1 2=2 3=2 label define fathed_b 1 "Degree or higher" 2 "Secondary or lower", modify label values fathed_b fathed_b label var fathed_b "Fathers education, s1 - binary" **Mother's education, s1 (motheduc) gen motheduc = amacqu00 recode motheduc 1=1 2=1 3=2 4=2 5=3 6=3 95=3 96=3 label define motheduc 1 "First degree or higher" 2 "Secondary" 3 "Compulsory or lower" label values motheduc motheduc label var motheduc "Mothers' education level in s1" recode motheduc -8=. -1=. -9=. **Age mother left full time education (medage) gen medage= 0 replace medage = amlfte00 if mother1==1 replace medage = aplfte00 if mother2==1 **coded (medagec) gen medagec = medage recode medagec 1/15 = 1 16/18 = 2 19/35 =3 0 =4 label define medagec 1 "under 16" 2 "16-18" 3 "Over 18" 4 "Still in FT ed", modify label values medagec medagec label var medagec "Age mother left FT ed, s1" replace medagec = 4 if medagec ==-8 & motheduc == 3 & mother1==1 replace medagec = 4 if medagec ==-9 & motheduc == 3 & mother1==1 recode medagec -8 = . -1 =. -9=. replace medagec = 3 if medagec ==4 & mothage1 >=17 recode medagec 4=. **Father's ethncity, s1 (fatheth) gen fatheth = APD06E00 if father2==1 label define fatheth 1 "White" 2 "Mixed" 3 "Indian" 4 "Pakistani/Bang" 5 "Black/Black Brit" 6 "Other ethnic" label values fatheth fatheth replace fatheth = 1 if AMD06E0 == 1 & father1==1 replace fatheth = 3 if AMD06E0 == 3 & father1==1 replace fatheth = 4 if AMD06E0 == 4 & father1==1 replace fatheth = 5 if AMD06E0 == 5 & father1==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 1 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 2 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 3 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 4 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 5 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 6 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 7 & father2==1 replace fatheth =3 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 8 & father2==1 replace fatheth =4 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 9 & father2==1 replace fatheth =4 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 10 & father2==1 replace fatheth =4 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 11 & father2==1 replace fatheth =5 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 12 & father2==1 replace fatheth =5 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 13 & father2==1 replace fatheth =5 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 14 & father2==1 replace fatheth =6 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 15 & father2==1 replace fatheth =6 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethe00 == 95 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 1 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 2 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 3 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 4 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 5 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 6 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 7 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 8 & father2==1 replace fatheth =3 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 9 & father2==1 replace fatheth =4 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 10 & father2==1 replace fatheth =4 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 11 & father2==1 replace fatheth =4 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 12 & father2==1 replace fatheth =5 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 13 & father2==1 replace fatheth =5 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 14 & father2==1 replace fatheth =5 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 15 & father2==1 replace fatheth =6 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 16 & father2==1 replace fatheth =6 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethw00 == 95 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axeths00 == 1 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axeths00 == 2 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axeths00 == 3 & father2==1 replace fatheth =2 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axeths00 == 10 & father2==1 replace fatheth =1 if APD06E00 ==-1 & axethn00 == 1 & father2==1 recode fatheth -8=. -9 =. -1=. label var fatheth "Father's ethnicity (recorded at s1)" **mothers' ethnicity (mothethnic) gen mothethnic = AMD06E00 recode mothethnic -9=. -8=. -1=. label define mothethnic 1 "White" 2 "Mixed" 3 "Indian" 4 "Pakistani/Bangladeshi" 5 "Black or Black British" 6 "Othe ethnic group" label values mothethnic mothethnic label var mothethnic "Mothers ethnicity" **Both parent's ethnicity, s1 (ethn) gen ethn = 0 replace ethn = 1 if fatheth ==1 & mothethnic ==1 replace ethn = 2 if fatheth ==3 & mothethnic ==3 replace ethn = 2 if fatheth ==3 & mothethnic ==4 replace ethn = 2 if fatheth ==4 & mothethnic ==3 replace ethn = 2 if fatheth ==4 & mothethnic ==4 replace ethn = 3 if fatheth==2 & mothethnic==2 replace ethn = 3 if fatheth ==5 & mothethnic ==5 replace ethn = 3 if fatheth ==5 & mothethnic ==6 replace ethn = 3 if fatheth ==6 & mothethnic ==5 replace ethn = 3 if fatheth ==6 & mothethnic ==6 label define ethn 1 "Both white origin" 2 "Both indian/pakistani" 3 "Both black, oth or mixed", modify label values ethn ethn label var ethn "Mother + father ethnic origin" replace ethn = 4 if fatheth ==1 & mothethnic ==2 replace ethn = 4 if fatheth ==1 & mothethnic ==3 replace ethn = 4 if fatheth ==1 & mothethnic ==4 replace ethn = 4 if fatheth ==1 & mothethnic ==5 replace ethn = 4 if fatheth ==1 & mothethnic ==6 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==1 & fatheth ==2 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==1 & fatheth ==3 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==1 & fatheth ==4 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==1 & fatheth ==5 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==1 & fatheth ==6 label define ethn 4 "Couple is mixed", modify replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==2 & fatheth ==3 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==2 & fatheth ==4 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==2 & fatheth ==5 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==2 & fatheth ==6 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==3 & fatheth ==2 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==3 & fatheth ==5 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==3 & fatheth ==6 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==4 & fatheth ==2 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==4 & fatheth ==6 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==5 & fatheth ==2 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==5 & fatheth ==4 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==6 & fatheth ==2 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==6 & fatheth ==3 replace ethn = 4 if mothethnic ==6 & fatheth ==4 *IS THE MOTHER CURRENTLY PREGNANT? s1 (preg1) gen preg1 = amcupr00 if mother1==1 replace preg1 = 1 if apcupr00 == 1 & mother2==1 replace preg1 = 2 if apcupr00 == 2 & mother2==1 label define preg1 1 "Yes" 2 "No" label values preg1 preg1 replace preg1 = 2 if preg1 ==-8 replace preg1 = 2 if preg1 ==-1 replace preg1 = 2 if preg1 ==. & apcupr00 ==-1 & mother2==1 label var preg1 "Mother is currently pregnant, s1" **Marital status (in sweep 1) (marital) gen marital = ADRELP00 recode marital 1=1 2=0 3=. -1=. label define marital 1 "Married" 0 "Cohabiting", modify label values marital marital label var marital "Marital status in s1" ***Number of other children in the household, s1 (sibs1) gen sibs1 = ADOTHS00 recode sibs1 0=0 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=3 5=3 6=3 7=3 8=3 9=3 label define sibs1 0 "none" 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "Three or more" label values sibs1 sibs1 label var sibs1 "Number of siblings of CM in the household" ***Number of other children in the household, s2 (sibs2) gen sibs2 = BDOTHS00 recode sibs2 0=0 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=3 5=3 6=3 7=3 8=3 9=3 10=3 12=3 label define sibs2 0 "none" 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "Three or more" label values sibs2 sibs2 label var sibs2 "Number of siblings of CM in the household, s2" ***Number of other children in the household, s3 (sibs3) gen sibs3 = CDOTHS00 recode sibs3 0=0 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=3 5=3 6=3 7=3 8=3 9=3 10=3 11=3 12=3 label define sibs3 0 "none" 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "Three or more" label values sibs3 sibs3 label var sibs3 "Number of siblings of CM in the household, s3" recode sibs3 -1=. ***Number of other children in the household, s4 (sibs4) gen sibs4 = DDOTHS00 recode sibs4 0=0 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=3 5=3 6=3 7=3 8=3 9=3 10=3 11=3 12=3 13=3 label define sibs4 0 "none" 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "Three or more" label values sibs4 sibs4 label var sibs4 "Number of siblings of CM in the household, s4" **father's age (in sweep 1) (fathage1) gen fathage1 = APDAGI00 if father2==1 replace fathage1 = 20 if AMDAGI00 == 20 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 22 if AMDAGI00 == 22 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 23 if AMDAGI00 == 23 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 25 if AMDAGI00 == 25 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 27 if AMDAGI00 == 27 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 28 if AMDAGI00 == 28 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 29 if AMDAGI00 == 29 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 30 if AMDAGI00 == 30 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 31 if AMDAGI00 == 31 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 32 if AMDAGI00 == 32 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 33 if AMDAGI00 == 33 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 35 if AMDAGI00 == 35 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 36 if AMDAGI00 == 36 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 37 if AMDAGI00 == 37 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 38 if AMDAGI00 == 38 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 39 if AMDAGI00 == 39 & father1==1 replace fathage1 = 40 if AMDAGI00 == 40 & father1==1 label var fathage1 "Father's age in s1" replace fathage1 = 34 if fathage1==-2 **mother's age (in sweep 1) (mothage1) gen mothage1 = 0 replace mothage1 = AMDAGI00 if mother1==1 replace mothage1 = APDAGI00 if mother2==1 label variable mothage1 "Mothers age in s1' **Age difference between the parents, s1 (agediff) gen agediff=mothage1-fathage1 **Age difference between the parents, s1 - categorical (agediffc) gen agediffc = 0 replace agediffc = 1 if agediff >=-5 & agediff <=5 replace agediffc = 2 if agediff >5 & agediff <=10 replace agediffc = 2 if agediff ==-6 | agediff == -7 | agediff == -8 | agediff == -9 | agediff == -10 replace agediffc = 3 if agediff >10 replace agediffc = 3 if agediff <-10 label define agediffc 1 "Age diff 5 years or less" 2 "Age diff 5-10 years" 3 "Age diff over 10 years" label values agediffc agediffc label var agediffc "Age difference between parents, s1" **FATHER'S AGE, S2 (fathage2) gen fathage2 = BPDAGI00 if s2father2==1 replace fathage2 = 22 if BMDAGI00 == 22 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 24 if BMDAGI00 == 24 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 25 if BMDAGI00 == 25 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 26 if BMDAGI00 == 26 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 27 if BMDAGI00 == 27 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 28 if BMDAGI00 == 28 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 29 if BMDAGI00 == 29 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 30 if BMDAGI00 == 30 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 31 if BMDAGI00 == 31 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 32 if BMDAGI00 == 32 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 33 if BMDAGI00 == 33 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 34 if BMDAGI00 == 34 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 35 if BMDAGI00 == 35 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 36 if BMDAGI00 == 36 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 37 if BMDAGI00 == 37 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 38 if BMDAGI00 == 38 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 39 if BMDAGI00 == 39 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 40 if BMDAGI00 == 40 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 41 if BMDAGI00 == 41 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 42 if BMDAGI00 == 42 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 43 if BMDAGI00 == 43 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 44 if BMDAGI00 == 44 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 45 if BMDAGI00 == 45 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 46 if BMDAGI00 == 46 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 47 if BMDAGI00 == 47 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 48 if BMDAGI00 == 48 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 49 if BMDAGI00 == 49 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 50 if BMDAGI00 == 50 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 51 if BMDAGI00 == 51 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 52 if BMDAGI00 == 52 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 53 if BMDAGI00 == 53 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 57 if BMDAGI00 == 57 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 62 if BMDAGI00 == 62 & s2father1==1 replace fathage2 = 64 if BMDAGI00 == 64 & s2father1==1 label var fathage2 "Father's age in s2" replace fathage2 = 36 if fathage2==-2 **FATHER'S AGE, S3 (fathage3) gen fathage3 = CPDAGI00 if s3father2==1 replace fathage3 = 21 if CMDAGI00 == 21 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 23 if CMDAGI00 == 23 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 24 if CMDAGI00 == 24 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 25 if CMDAGI00 == 25 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 26 if CMDAGI00 == 26 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 27 if CMDAGI00 == 27 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 28 if CMDAGI00 == 28 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 29 if CMDAGI00 == 29 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 30 if CMDAGI00 == 30 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 31 if CMDAGI00 == 31 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 32 if CMDAGI00 == 32 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 33 if CMDAGI00 == 33 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 34 if CMDAGI00 == 34 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 35 if CMDAGI00 == 35 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 36 if CMDAGI00 == 36 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 37 if CMDAGI00 == 37 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 38 if CMDAGI00 == 38 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 39 if CMDAGI00 == 39 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 40 if CMDAGI00 == 40 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 41 if CMDAGI00 == 41 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 42 if CMDAGI00 == 42 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 43 if CMDAGI00 == 43 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 44 if CMDAGI00 == 44 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 45 if CMDAGI00 == 45 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 46 if CMDAGI00 == 46 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 47 if CMDAGI00 == 47 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 48 if CMDAGI00 == 48 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 49 if CMDAGI00 == 49 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 50 if CMDAGI00 == 50 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 51 if CMDAGI00 == 51 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 52 if CMDAGI00 == 52 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 53 if CMDAGI00 == 53 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 54 if CMDAGI00 == 54 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 55 if CMDAGI00 == 55 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 56 if CMDAGI00 == 56 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 57 if CMDAGI00 == 57 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 58 if CMDAGI00 == 58 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 59 if CMDAGI00 == 59 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 60 if CMDAGI00 == 60 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3 = 66 if CMDAGI00 == 66 & s3father1==1 replace fathage3=38 if fathage3==-1 & fsample5X==1 label var fathage3 "Fathers age in s3" **FATHER'S AGE, S4 (fathage4) gen fathage4 = DPDAGI00 if s4father2==1 replace fathage4 = 23 if DMDAGI00 == 23 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 24 if DMDAGI00 == 24 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 25 if DMDAGI00 == 25 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 26 if DMDAGI00 == 26 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 27 if DMDAGI00 == 27 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 28 if DMDAGI00 == 28 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 29 if DMDAGI00 == 29 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 30 if DMDAGI00 == 30 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 31 if DMDAGI00 == 31 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 32 if DMDAGI00 == 32 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 33 if DMDAGI00 == 33 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 34 if DMDAGI00 == 34 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 35 if DMDAGI00 == 35 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 36 if DMDAGI00 == 36 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 37 if DMDAGI00 == 37 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 38 if DMDAGI00 == 38 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 39 if DMDAGI00 == 39 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 40 if DMDAGI00 == 40 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 41 if DMDAGI00 == 41 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 42 if DMDAGI00 == 42 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 43 if DMDAGI00 == 43 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 44 if DMDAGI00 == 44 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 45 if DMDAGI00 == 45 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 46 if DMDAGI00 == 46 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 47 if DMDAGI00 == 47 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 48 if DMDAGI00 == 48 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 49 if DMDAGI00 == 49 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 50 if DMDAGI00 == 50 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 51 if DMDAGI00 == 51 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 52 if DMDAGI00 == 52 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 53 if DMDAGI00 == 53 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 54 if DMDAGI00 == 54 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 55 if DMDAGI00 == 55 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 56 if DMDAGI00 == 56 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 57 if DMDAGI00 == 57 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 60 if DMDAGI00 == 60 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 61 if DMDAGI00 == 61 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 62 if DMDAGI00 == 62 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 66 if DMDAGI00 == 66 & s4father1==1 replace fathage4 = 67 if DMDAGI00 == 67 & s4father1==1 label var fathage4 "Fathers age in s4" **FATHER'S AGE, S5 (fathage5) gen fathage5 = EDDAGI002 if s5father2==1 replace fathage5 = 30 if EDDAGI001 == 30 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 31 if EDDAGI001 == 31 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 32 if EDDAGI001 == 32 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 33 if EDDAGI001 == 33 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 34 if EDDAGI001 == 34 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 35 if EDDAGI001 == 35 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 36 if EDDAGI001 == 36 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 37 if EDDAGI001 == 37 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 38 if EDDAGI001 == 38 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 39 if EDDAGI001 == 39 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 40 if EDDAGI001 == 40 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 41 if EDDAGI001 == 41 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 42 if EDDAGI001 == 42 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 43 if EDDAGI001 == 43 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 44 if EDDAGI001 == 44 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 45 if EDDAGI001 == 45 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 46 if EDDAGI001 == 46 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 47 if EDDAGI001 == 47 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 48 if EDDAGI001 == 48 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 49 if EDDAGI001 == 49 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 50 if EDDAGI001 == 50 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 51 if EDDAGI001 == 51 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 52 if EDDAGI001 == 52 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 53 if EDDAGI001 == 53 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 54 if EDDAGI001 == 54 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 55 if EDDAGI001 == 55 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 56 if EDDAGI001 == 56 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 57 if EDDAGI001 == 57 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 58 if EDDAGI001 == 58 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 59 if EDDAGI001 == 59 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 64 if EDDAGI001 == 64 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 65 if EDDAGI001 == 65 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 66 if EDDAGI001 == 66 & s5father1==1 replace fathage5 = 71 if EDDAGI001 == 71 & s5father1==1 label var fathage5 "Father's age in s5" **Father present at birth (birthf) gen birthf = 0 replace birthf = 1 if amwatb0a ==2 replace birthf = 1 if birthf == 0 & amwatb0b ==2 replace birthf = 1 if birthf == 0 & amwatb0c ==2 label define birthf 1 "present at birth" 0 "not" label values birthf birthf label var birthf "Father present at birth, s1" **child born through caesarean (caesar) gen caesar= 0 replace caesar = 1 if amdewm0a ==5 replace caesar = 1 if amdewm0a ==6 label define caesar 0 "not" 1 "caesarean birth" label values caesar caesar label var caesar "Child born by caesarean, s1" ***low birth weight (birwgt) **The WHO define low birth weight as < 5lbs 8 oz or <2.5 kg gen birwgt = 0 replace birwgt = 1 if amwtkga0 >=.391 & amwtkga0 <2.5 replace birwgt = 1 if amwtlba0 >=1 & amwtlba0 <6 & amwtoua0 >=1 & amwtoua0 <8 label define birwgt 0 "normal weight" 1 "Low birth weight" label values birwgt birwgt label var birwgt "Low birth weight of baby" **Time since couple started living together (live) gen live = 0 replace live = 1 if amliyr00 >=1970 & amliyr00 <=1990 replace live = 2 if amliyr00 >=1991 & amliyr00 <=1996 replace live = 3 if amliyr00 >1996 label define live 1 "Over 10 years" 2 "5-10 years" 3 "Less than 5 years" label values live live label var live "Time lived together as of 2000, s1" replace live = 2 if live ==0 & amclyr00 >=1994 & amclyr00 <=1996 replace live = 3 if live ==0 & amclyr00 >1996 replace live = 4 if live ==0 & amlibo==3 label define live 4 "Not living together or only resident PT", modify replace live =4 if live==0 & amliyr00==-8 replace live =4 if live==0 & apptpc00==2 tab ammayr if amlibm ==2 & live ==0 & marital ==1 & fsample1X==1 & s4relsamp==1 replace live = 1 if amlibm ==2 & live ==0 & marital ==1 & ammayr >=1972 & ammayr <=1990 replace live = 2 if amlibm ==2 & live ==0 & marital ==1 & ammayr >=1991 & ammayr <=1996 replace live = 3 if amlibm ==2 & live ==0 & marital ==1 & ammayr >=1996 replace live = 3 if live ==0 & amlibm==2 recode live 0=.