There are three files: -- Parochial Altruism.ztt: The main ztree code for trust game, public goods game and competition game; -- Parochial Altruism (Holt and Laury).ztt: The ztree code for Holt and Laury task (plus its variants) -- Parochial Altruism.csv: The data file. The notes for thye variables in the data file: Date_Time: The date and time of when the session was conducted Session: Session Number Period NumSubjects: # of subjects in the session PsychologyFirst NumGroups: # of groups in the session CounterBalance Task Stage Round Group Subject SubjectIndex Coparticipant: Subject number of the coparticipant MixedMatch Role Give: Points the truster gives in Trust Game Return: Points the trustee returns in Trust Game GivingRate GivenRate ReturnRate Contribution: Point the player contributes in Public Goods Game CoparticipantContribution TotalContribution Earning: Round earnings in Public Goods Game CompetitiveOption: 0 = not competitive; 1 = competitive CalcEstimate: Self-estimation of the # of calculations CalcEstimateCoparticipant NumCorrectAnswers NumCorrectAnswersCoparticipant CompetitiveOptionCoparticipant MyToken: Round earnings in Competition Game SubjectEcoExp: Subject id in Economics Experiment SubjectPsyTask: Subject id in Psychology Task PCTerminal: Computer terminal number in the lab RiskAversionGain: The degree of risk aversion in Holt and Laury task for Gain RiskLovingLoss: The degree of risk loving in the extended Holt and Laury task for Loss LossAversion AmbiguityAversion InconsistencyGain: The inconsistency in the choices of the player in Holt and Laury (Gain) task. InconsistencyLoss InconsistencyAmbiguity TrustQuestion1 - 2: Control questions for Trust Game PublicGoodsQuestion1 - 4: Control questions for Public Goods Game CompetitionQuestion1 - 4: Control questions for Competition Game NeedCognition - higher numbers equal a higer 'need for cognition' or preference for thinking Gender 2 = female Ethnic: 6 = white british, 1 = asian, non-Indian; 2 = Black; 3 = Caribbean or Latin America; 4 = Indian; 5 = Middle Eastern; 7 = White non-british; 8 = Other Def_Fight - one of Philip's RST scales Panic - same BIS - behavioral inhibition system FFFS - fight flight freeze system Reward_interest Goal_drive_p Reward_React Impulsivity - higher = more impulsive The Big five are in columns 186-200, each factor has 2 subscales and a total score. generally ignore subscales and use, e.g., openness_Tot Alexithymia has three subcales, just look at the aggregate, Alexithymia_overall SDO -- social dominance orientation higher numbers endorse social dominating ideology RWA -- Right wing authoritarianism -- higher numbers equal more authoritarian SOCDES -- Social Desirability Scale NEEDCLOSURE -- Need for Closure -- higher scorers dislike ambiguity The next 4 come from Carver and White's BIS/BAS scales: BASDRIVE BASFun BASRewardResp BISscore 215-233 are emotions, higher numbers mean people are feeling more of that emotion at the current time. P's were instructed to indicate to how much of each emotion they were feeling at the present moment inter = interested inspir = inspired nerv = nervous mus_neighbour - how comfortable would you be having a Muslim neighbour 1-5 scale mus_rel = think of the Muslim person who you have the closest relationship with -- what is their relationship to you? ranges from 1 (parent, brother, sister) to 12 (I don't really know any Muslim people) mus_contact - this is the aggregate of 4 scale items, with higher numbers equating to more intergroup contact with muslims, 1-4 scale The next 20 items, beginning with t_ are feeling thermometer measures. Basically, People were asked to rate how warm or cold they felt toward each group (British, Muslim, Conservatives, etc.) from 0 (very cold) to 100 (very warm or positive), 50 being neutral. t_british t_muslim t_camer david cameron t_bnp british national party t_amer americans t_bangl Bangledeshis t_gaymen t_chris christians t_cons conservatives t_clegg Nick Clegg t_trans Transexuals t_labour LAbour party t_atheist t_lesb Lesbians t_indi Indians t_norfolk People from Norfolk t_lectur University Lecturers t_libyan t_obama t_milli Ed Milliband t_libdem Liberal Democrats The three below are aggregates that I've used of the feeling therms. general_prej_therm -- prejudice toward Indians, Bangladeshis, Libyans, Gay men, Lesbians, Transsexuals, Atheists and Muslims glbt_therm -- gay men, lesbians, and transsexuals foreign_therm -- prejudice toward Indians, Bangladeshis, and Libyans