UK Higher Education Institution Research Data Management Policies, 2009-2016


I looked at UK HEI adopted data policies roughly in order of adoption. All are available online.

To guide comparison I utilised and adapted suggested Research Data Management Policy guides from DCC (2014) and Erway (2013)

"Digital Curation Centre. 2014. Five Steps to Developing a Research Data Management Policy [PDF]. Edinburgh: Digital Curation Centre.

Erway, Ricky. 2013. Starting the Conversation: University-wide Research Data Management Policy. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Research.

Codebook prepared by Laurence Horton, London School of Economics and Political Science, 03 November 2014.


Revisions to previous version

2016-03: added variable "membleru".

2016-06-13 added variables "counfund1415", "counfund1415g", "rfund1415", "rfund1415g", "rstaff1415", "rstaff1415g", "thesrefave14", "thesrefrank14g", "defdatalen", "reatainp", "reviewp".

Removed "countrysub", "contrycode", "policyid" variables.

"foundationgroup" renamed "foundg" and recoded.

"foundationyear" renamed "foundy"

"membrussell" renamed "membruss"

"policytitle" renamed "pol_tit"

"policyyear" renamed "pol_yr"

"policydate" renamed "pol_dat" and converted into ISO 8601 standard dates.

"policyviewed" renamed "pol_vie" converted into ISO 8601 standard dates.

"policylength" renamed "pol_len"



UK Higher Education Institution ISO 3166-1/HESA identifier

Merger of ISO 3166-1 alpha numeric three-digit country code with the HESA allocated unique identifier INSTID - Institution identifier (INSTID)

8260002 Cranfield University

8260009 Buckinghamshire New University

8260016 Edge Hill University

8260024 University of the Arts London

8260027 University of Northampton

8260040 Leeds Trinity University

8260048 Bath Spa University

8260053 The University of Central Lancashire

8260058 University of East London

8260060 University of Hertfordshire

8260062 University of Lincoln

8260065 Liverpool John Moores University

8260066 The Manchester Metropolitan University

8260067 Middlesex University

8260069 The University of Northumbria at Newcastle

8260072 Oxford Brooks University

8260075 Sheffield Hallam University

8260077 Staffordshire University

8260087 Glyndwr University

8260097 Glasgow School of Art

8260108 Aston University

8260109 University of Bath

8260110 University of Birmingham

8260112 The University of Bristol

8260113 Brunel University

8260116 University of Durham

8260118 University of Essex

8260119 University of Exeter

8260121 The University of Keele

8260123 The University of Lancaster

8260124 University of Leeds

8260126 University of Liverpool

8260131 Goldsmiths University

8260134 King's College London

8260138 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

8260139 Queen Mary University of London

8260141 Royal Holloway and Bedford New College

8260143 The Royal Veterinary College

8260149 University College London

8260154 The University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

8260155 University of Nottingham

8260156 University of Oxford

8260157 The University of Reading

8260158 The University of Salford

8260159 University of Sheffield

8260160 University of Southampton

8260161 University of Surrey

8260163 University of Warwick

8260164 The University of York

8260167 University of Edinburgh

8260168 The University of Glasgow

8260169 The University of Strathclyde

8260170 The University of Aberdeen

8260172 University of Dundee

8260176 University of Wales Trinity Saint David

8260204 University of Manchester

8260206 University for the Creative Arts


Name of UK Higher Education Institution (HEI)

Text string


Year the UK HEI was founded defined by receipt of Royal Charter

Numeric year


Cohort group in which the HEI was established

1 Ancient (1100-1800)

2 Nineteenth century (1801-1899)

3 Civic universities (1900-1960)

4 Plate glass universities (1961-1968)

5 Intermediate era (1969-1991)

6 New universities (1992-2000)

7 Second wave of new universities (2001-2016)


Institution is or was a member of UK 1994 group to June 2016

0 No

1 Yes


Institution is or was a member of UK Russell Group to June 2016

0 No

1 Yes


Institution is or was a member LERU to June 2016

Institution is or was a member of League of European Research Universities (LERU) to June 2016

0 No

1 Yes


Total funding council grant income 2014-2015 (GBP)

Institution’s total funding council grant income to the nearest £’000 in GBP for 2014-2015. Data compiled by Grant Thornton using universities’ 2014-2015 financial statements. See

Numeric value in GBP


Quartile group according to total funding council grants 2014-2015

Institutions grouped into quartiles according to institution’s amount of total funding council grants for 2014-2015. Low to high.

1 0-24.9%

2 25-49.9%

3 50-74.9%

4 75-100%

99 not known


Total research grants and contract income 2014-2015 (GBP)

Institution’s total research grants and contracts income to the nearest £’000 in GBP for 2014-2015. Data compiled by Grant Thornton using universities’ 2014-2015 financial statements. See

Numeric value in GBP


Quartile group according to total research grants and contracts (GBP) 2014-2015

Institutions grouped into quartiles according to institution’s amount of total research grants and contracts (GBP) 2014-2015. Low to high.

1 0-24.9%

2 25-49.9%

3 50-74.9%

4 75-100%

99 not known


Number of research staff eligible for REF 2014

Number of research staff eligible for UK Research Excellence Framework 2014. Source



Quartile group according to institution’s number of research staff REF 2014

Institutions grouped into quartiles according to institution’s total number of research staff eligible for UK Research Excellence Framework 2014. Low to high.

1 0-55

2 56-169

3 170-396

4 397-2566

99 not known


Institution THES Grade Point Average for REF 2014

THES calculated Grade Point Average (GPA) of an institution’s overall quality profile for the 2014 Research Excellence Framework. Methodology



Quartile group according to institution’s grade point average (GPA) for REF 2014

Institutions grouped into quartiles according to institution’s grade point average (GPA) of their overall Research Excellence Framework 2014 quality profiles. Low to high.

1 0-24.9%

2 25-49.9%

3 50-74.9%

4 75-100%

99 Missing


Title of research data policy

Text string


Year research data policy was adopted

ISO 8601 format YYYY


9999 Missing


Year and month research data policy was adopted

ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM


9999-99 Missing year and month

YYYY-00 Missing month


Year and month research data policy was analysed

ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM



Approximate length of research data policy rounded to the nearest 50



Policy offers definitions of key RDM terms, i.e. "data", "documentation"

0 No

1 Partially defines terms or references supporting documentation

2 Offers full definitions


Word count of policy’s definition of data


-88 Partial definition

-99 No definition


Policy broadly defines the role institution plays in supporting RDM

0 No

1 Institutional support mentioned

2 Institutional support mentioned and specified


Policy specifies requirement to complete a DMP (either institutional or funder)

0 No

1 Either optional funder required but fields not specified

2 Yes, institutional or funder, with fields specified


Policy specifies who it covers

0 No

1 Staff

2 Staff and students


Policy contains a statement on institutional ownership of research data

0 No

1 Yes


Policy contains a statement on the primacy of external funding requirements

0 No

1 Mention of contractual/funding requirements

2 Specified where funder policies take priority


Policy specifies criteria on data and documentation required to be retained

0 No

1 Non-specified reference, or criteria specified in supporting document

2 Yes, specified


Policy contains a statement on minimum length of time data should be kept

0 No

1 Mentioned but not specified

2 Specified length


Policy specified minimum length of time data should be kept


1 One year

2 Two years

3 Three years

4 Four years

5 Five years

6 Six years

7 Seven years

8 Eight years

9 Nine years

10 Ten years

11 Length over ten years

-88 Mentioned but not specified length

-99 Not mentioned


Policy contains a statement on the ethical use/reuse of data

0 No

1 Mentions of relevant legislation on data protection/FoI

2 Yes


Policy contains a statement on how data will be accessed

0 No

1 External archive or repository with details available through university

2 University repository and/or external


Policy contains a statement on data availability

0 No

1 Non-specified

2 Specified requirement for data to be open (subject to funders/ethics)


Policy contains a statement on the costs of RDM

0 No

1 Mention


Policy states it is subject to periodic review

0 No

1 Review mentioned

2 Specified period and responsibility


Policy review period

0 Review less than every 1 year

1 Review every 1 year

2 Review every 2 years

3 Review every 3 years

4 Review every 4 years

5 Review every 5 years

-88 Review period not specified

-99 No review period


Hyperlink to research data policy as of October 2016
