ES/J009075/1 A neuropsychological approach to dissect face perception and perceptual expertise: Phase 3 - EEG data ======================================================================= The EEG data for each individual subject. The EEG data have been preprocessed and are saved as Matlab .mat files based on the letswave software ( excel files contain the baseline subtracted responses summed across the first 8 harmonics. Raw data are available upon request. The ZIP structure is: eeg faces letswave files pre post pengs letswave files pre post EEG_faces.xlsx EEG_pengs.xlsx ESRC_QVuong_EEGTrain_Consent.pdf ESRC_QVuong_Train_Information.pdf letswave_analyses_files.docx File description - EEG_faces.xlsx: This Excel file has the final EEG response (baseline subtract amplitude) to faces for the pre-training and post-training EEG test session. See the "notes" worksheet for further detail. - EEG_penguins.xlsx: This Excel file has the final EEG response (baseline subtract amplitude) to the novel objects for the pre-training and post-training EEG test session. See the "notes" worksheet for further detail. - letswave_analyses_files.docx: This word document lists the EEG analysis steps and the file naming convention. - ESRC_QVuong_EEGTrain_Consent.pdf, ESRC_QVuong_Train_Information.pdf: Example blank consent and information sheet for subjects. These are the same as the files in the Behavioural data collection. 25/07/16, qcv