ReadMe file for “Post-War Attitudes in a de facto State: Nagorno Karabakh, 2013” List of files: 1. Nagorno Karabakh_September 2013_Deposited Survey.dta Description: STATA file with the survey responses. The column headings/variable names are question numbers (except the 11 first columns, which provide practical information about timing of interview, etc.). The question numbers correspond to the question numbers in the Questionnaire file. The label for each variable gives the wording of the survey question (up to 80 characters), and the “codebook” for each variable provides information about the value label for each answer option. The rows include information for each respondent (N=1000). 2. Nagorno Karabakh_September 2013_Questionnaire.pdf Description: PDF file with the full survey questionnaire and answer options. 3. Nagorno Karabakh_September 2013_Info and Consent.pdf Description: PDF file of the first page of the survey questionnaire (also included in the questionnaire file), giving the respondents information about the project and asking if the respondents are willing to participate.