"Women on Bank Notes Campaign" We collected Twitter data historically using Datasift from April to October 2013. Our exact query was: (interaction.content any "male,female,man,women" AND interaction.content any "banknote,bank of england,banknotes") OR interaction.mentions in "CCriadoPerez, WeekWoman, TheWomensRoomUK" OR interaction.author.username in "CCriadoPerez, WeekWoman, TheWomensRoomUK" OR twitter.links substr "change.org/en-GB/petitions/bank-of-england-keep-a-woman-on-english-banknotes" The data includes the ids of all tweets, which can be used to query the Twitter API to get the full content and other details of each tweet. ---------------------------- "Save our bees" We collected all tweets mentioning the term "bees" between December 2012 and July 2014. This dataset comes from a commercial provider and provides full coverage (firehose). Exact query: interaction.content any "bees" The data includes the ids of all tweets, which can be used to query the Twitter API to get the full content and other details of each tweet. ------------------------------------- "Malala" We collected all tweets with the string "Malala" (case insensitive) from August 2012 to April 2013. This dataset comes from a commercial provider and provides full coverage (firehose). Exact query: interaction.content substr "Malala" The data includes the ids of all tweets, which can be used to query the Twitter API to get the full content and other details of each tweet.