This is a file for the 2013 August Continuous Monitoring Survey of the British Election Study. Questions were added to the study to measure the foreign policy beliefs of a sample of British respondents. The sampling frame does not cover Northern Ireland. 1066 respondents were interviewed in this cross-sectional survey. w8 and w8nonpol are weight variables provided by YouGov. id is a respondent id variable date is a variable indicating when the respondent answered the survey {survey Tracker_NSF_2013_Aug widget_all_required=1 nav_back=0 hide_progress=1} { split = panman.assign_treatment(10) randp30 = random(0,40319) happyrand = random(1,2) cowleyrand = random(1,3) birchrand = random(1,2) } #randomization shared by #p30q1, p31q1, p74q1, p75q1, p75q1, p76q1, p77q1, p78q1, p79q1, p160q1 {page intro} Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. This survey covers political issues and the results will be used to inform our clients. We have tested the survey and it should take around 20 minutes to complete. Your account will be credited with 100 points within 24 hours of completing this survey. {end page intro} #[p54q1_front if happyrand==2] Thinking about your life as a whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, a little dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with your life as a whole? # <1> Very satisfied # <2> Fairly satisfied # <3> A little dissatisfied # <4> Very dissatisfied # <5> Don't know #[p54q1new_a if happyrand==1]The Government has announced that it is reducing the tax rate for people earning more than £150,000 per year from 50p to 45p. Do you approve or disapprove of this policy? #<1> Strongly approve #<2> Approve #<3> Neither approve nor disapprove #<4> Disapprove #<5> Strongly disapprove #<6> Don't know [p1q1] In which of the following regions do you live? <1> East Anglia <2> East Midlands <3> Greater London <4> North <5> North West <6> Scotland <7> South East <8> South West <9> Wales <10> West Midlands <11> Yorkshire & Humberside [p2q1] What is your gender? <1> Male <2> Female [p3q1] {dropdown default_text="Please select a year"} Which is your year of birth? <1> 1900 or earlier <2> 1901 <3> 1902 <4> 1903 <5> 1904 <6> 1905 <7> 1906 <8> 1907 <9> 1908 <10> 1909 <11> 1910 <12> 1911 <13> 1912 <14> 1913 <15> 1914 <16> 1915 <17> 1916 <18> 1917 <19> 1918 <20> 1919 <21> 1920 <22> 1921 <23> 1922 <24> 1923 <25> 1924 <26> 1925 <27> 1926 <28> 1927 <29> 1928 <30> 1929 <31> 1930 <32> 1931 <33> 1932 <34> 1933 <35> 1934 <36> 1935 <37> 1936 <38> 1937 <39> 1938 <40> 1939 <41> 1940 <42> 1941 <43> 1942 <44> 1943 <45> 1944 <46> 1945 <47> 1946 <48> 1947 <49> 1948 <50> 1949 <51> 1950 <52> 1951 <53> 1952 <54> 1953 <55> 1954 <56> 1955 <57> 1956 <58> 1957 <59> 1958 <60> 1959 <61> 1960 <62> 1961 <63> 1962 <64> 1963 <65> 1964 <66> 1965 <67> 1966 <68> 1967 <69> 1968 <70> 1969 <71> 1970 <72> 1971 <73> 1972 <74> 1973 <75> 1974 <76> 1975 <77> 1976 <78> 1977 <79> 1978 <80> 1979 <81> 1980 <82> 1981 <83> 1982 <84> 1983 <85> 1984 <86> 1985 <87> 1986 <88> 1987 <89> 1988 <90> 1989 <91> 1990 <92> 1991 <93> 1992 <94> 1993 <95> 1994 <96> 1995 <97> 1996 <99> Abstain [p4q1 if p3q1 == 94] In that case, could you say which age band you would fall into? <1> 18 to 24 <2> 25 to 39 <3> 40 to 54 <4> 55 or over [p5aq1] Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with Mr. Cameron as Prime Minister? <1> Very satisfied <2> Fairly satisfied <3> A little dissatisfied <4> Very dissatisfied <5> Don't know [p6q1] If there were a General Election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> The Liberal Democrats <4> None – won't vote / never vote <5> Other party <6> Don't know [p7q1 if p6q1 == 5] You say you would vote for another party. Which, if any, of the following would you vote for? <1> Scottish National Party <2> Plaid Cymru <3> Green Party <4> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <5> British National Party (BNP) <6> Other party [p8q1 if p6q1 in [4,6] or p7q1 == 6] Which party would you be most inclined to vote for? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> The Liberal Democrats <4> None – won't vote / never vote <5> Other party <6> Don't know [p9q1 if p8q1 == 5] You say you would be most inclined to vote for one of the other parties. Which, if any, of the following would you be most inclined to vote for? <1> Scottish National Party <2> Plaid Cymru <3> Green Party <4> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <5> British National Party (BNP) <6> Other party <7> Don't know [p10q1] Did you vote in the General Election held on the 6th May 2010, or were you prevented? <1> Yes, I voted <2> No, I chose not to vote <3> No, I was prevented from voting <4> Not old enough to vote in 2010 Elections [p11q1 if p10q1 == 1] For which party did you vote? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> The Liberal Democrats <4> None – won't vote / never vote <5> Other party <6> Don't know [p12q1 if p11q1 == 5] You say you voted for another party. Which, if any, of the following parties did you vote for? <1> Scottish National Party <2> Plaid Cymru <3> Green Party <4> Other party <5> Don't know [p13q1] Who would make the best Prime Minister? <1> Ed Miliband <2> David Cameron <3> Nick Clegg <4> Don't know [p14q1] Do you approve or disapprove of the Government's record to date? <1> Approve <2> Disapprove <3> Don't know [p15q1] Do you think that the Government has, on balance, been honest and trustworthy, or not? <1> Yes – honest and trustworthy <2> No – not honest and trustworthy <3> Don't know [p16q1] How do you think the financial situation of your household will change over the next 12 months? Will it: <1> Get a lot better <2> Get a little better <3> Stay the same <4> Get a little worse <5> Get a lot worse [p17aq1] With Britain in economic difficulties, which party do you think could handle the problem best – the Conservative Party, the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats? <1> Conservatives <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrats <4> Neither <5> Don't know [p18q1] How do you think the general economic situation in this country has changed over the last 12 months? Has it: <1> Got a lot better <2> Got a little better <3> Stayed the same <4> Got a little worse <5> Got a lot worse <6> Don't know [p19q1] How do you think the general economic situation in this country will develop over the next 12 months? Will it: <1> Get a lot better <2> Get a little better <3> Stay the same <4> Get a little worse <5> Get a lot worse <6> Don't know [p20q1] How does the financial situation of your household now compare with what it was 12 months ago? Has it: <1> Got a lot better <2> Got a little better <3> Stayed the same <4> Got a little worse <5> Got a lot worse <6> Don't know [p22qFeb] Using a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 means very likely, and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that the war against terrorism will be won in the next few years? <1> 10 – Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 – Very unlikely <12> Don't know {module p24mod order=randomize} [p24aq1] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means strongly like, and 0 means strongly dislike, how do you feel about Ed Miliband? <1> 10 – Strongly like <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 – Strongly dislike <12> Don't know [p25q1] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means strongly like, and 0 means strongly dislike, how do you feel about David Cameron? <1> 10 – Strongly like <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 – Strongly dislike <12> Don't know [p26q1] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means strongly like, and 0 means strongly dislike, how do you feel about Nick Clegg? <1> 10 – Strongly like <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 – Strongly dislike <12> Don't know {end module p24mod} [p28q1] Which one of the following do you think affects the general economic situation in this country most? <1> The British Government <2> The European Union <3> Both equally <4> Neither <5> Don't know [p29q1] Overall, do you strongly approve, approve, disapprove, or strongly disapprove of Britain's membership in the European Union? <1> Strongly approve <2> Approve <3> Disapprove <4> Strongly disapprove <5> Don't know [p30q1] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Which, if any, of the following words describe your feelings about the country's general economic situation? (Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor fixed> No feelings <10 xor fixed> Don't know [p31q1] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Thinking of the same list of feelings, do any of them describe your feelings about the financial situation of your household? (Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor fixed> No feelings <10 xor fixed> Don't know [p32q1] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat or what? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrat <4> Plaid Cymru <5> Scottish Nationalist <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other Party <10> No – none <11> Don't know [p33q1 if p32q1 in [10,11]] Do you generally think of yourself as a little closer to one of the parties than the others? If yes, please say which party? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrat <4> Plaid Cymru <5> Scottish Nationalist <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other Party <10> No - none <11> Don't know { if p32q1: p34q1 = p32q1.response_text if p33q1: p34q1 = p33q1.response_text } [p34q2 if not p32q1 in [10,11] or not p33q1 in [10,11]] Would you call yourself very strongly, fairly strongly, or not very strongly $p34q1? <1> Very strongly <2> Fairly strongly <3> Not very strongly <4> Don't know [p35q1] On a scale from 0 to 10, how much attention do you pay to politics and public affairs? (where 10 means a great deal of attention and 0 means no attention) <1> 10 - Pay great deal of attention <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Pay no attention to politics <12> Don't know [p36q1] On a scale from 0 to 10, how much influence do you have on politics and public affairs? (where 10 means a great deal of influence and 0 means no influence) <1> 10 - have a great deal of influence on politics <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - have no influence on politics at all <12> Don't know [p37q1] Think for a moment about whether people with whom you have contact can be trusted. Use the 0 to 10 scale again, where 10 means definitely can be trusted and 0 means definitely cannot be trusted. <1> 10 - People definitely can be trusted <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - People definitely cannot be trusted <12> Don't know **Now, a few questions about how active you are in politics and community affairs. Let's think about the next few years. Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you will: ** [p38q1] Vote in the next general election <1> 10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know **Let's think about the next few years. Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you will: ** [p39q1] Vote in the next election for the European Parliament <1> 10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know **Let's think about the next few years. Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you will: ** [p40q1] Work actively with a group of people to address a public issue or solve a problem (for example, like getting involved in a neighbourhood watch) <1> 10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know **Let's think about the next few years. Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you will: ** [p41q1] Participate in a protest, like a rally or a demonstration, to show your concern about a public issue or problem <1> 10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know **Let's think about the next few years. Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you will: ** [p42aq1] Join a boycott, that is, refuse to buy a particular product or to shop at a particular store. <1> 10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know **Let's think about the next few years. Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you will: ** [p42bq1] Deliberately buy certain products for political, ethical or environmental reasons? <1> 10 – Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 – Very unlikely <12> Don’t know [p43q1] Over the past few years, has anyone asked you to get involved in politics or community affairs? <1> Yes - I have been asked <2> No - I have not been asked <3> Don't know [p44q1] Over the past few years, have you volunteered to get involved in politics or community affairs? <1> Yes - I have volunteered <2> No - I have not volunteered <3> Don't know [p45q1] {open rows=5 cols=50} What do you think is the most important problem facing the country at the present time? [p46q1] Which party is best able to handle this problem? <1> There are no important problems <2> Conservative <3> Labour <4> Liberal Democrat <5> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Plaid Cymru <7> Green Party <8> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <9> British National Party (BNP) <10> Other party <11> None - no party <12> Don't know **Please say if you agree or disagree with the following statements. ** [p47bq1] Being active in politics and public affairs is a good way to get benefits for yourself and your family. <1> Agree <2> Disagree <3> Don't know **Please say if you agree or disagree with the following statements. ** [p48q1] It takes too much time and effort to be active in politics and public affairs <1> Agree <2> Disagree <3> Don't know **Please say if you agree or disagree with the following statements. ** [p49q1] Being active in politics and public affairs is a good way to get benefits for groups that people care about, like pensioners or the disabled <1> Agree <2> Disagree <3> Don't know **Please say if you agree or disagree with the following statements. ** [p50q1] The Government generally treats people like yourself fairly. <1> Agree <2> Disagree <3> Don't know [p51q1] There is often a big gap between what people like yourself expect out of life and what you actually get. <1> Agree <2> Disagree <3> Don't know [p52q1] Generally speaking, how willing are you to take risks? Are you: <1> Very willing <2> Somewhat willing <3> Somewhat unwilling <4> Very unwilling <5> Don't know [p53q1] Thinking about how well democracy works in this country, on the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, a little dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the way that democracy works in this country? <1> Very satisfied <2> Fairly satisfied <3> A little dissatisfied <4> Very dissatisfied <5> Don't know [p54q1] Thinking about your life as a whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, a little dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with your life as a whole? <1> Very satisfied <2> Fairly satisfied <3> A little dissatisfied <4> Very dissatisfied <5> Don't know #[p54q1new_b if happyrand==2]The Government has announced that it is reducing the tax rate for people earning more than £150,000 per year from 50p to 45p. Do you approve or disapprove of this policy? #<1> Strongly approve #<2> Approve #<3> Neither approve nor disapprove #<4> Disapprove #<5> Strongly disapprove #<6> Don't know {module p54mod order=randomize} [p55q1] Do you think that the crime situation in Britain these days is: <1> A lot better <2> A little better <3> The same <4> A little worse <5> A lot worse <6> Don't know [p56q1] Do you think that Britain's education system these days is: <1> A lot better <2> A little better <3> The same <4> A little worse <5> A lot worse <6> Don't know [p57q1] Do you think the number of immigrants coming to Britain these days is: <1> A lot better <2> A little better <3> The same <4> A little worse <5> A lot worse <6> Don't know [p58q1] Do you think the National Health Service these days is: <1> A lot better <2> A little better <3> The same <4> A little worse <5> A lot worse <6> Don't know [p59q1] Do you think the risk of terrorism to British citizens these days is: <1> A lot better <2> A little better <3> The same <4> A little worse <5> A lot worse <6> Don't know [p60q1] Do you think the condition of the environment these days is: <1> A lot better <2> A little better <3> The same <4> A little worse <5> A lot worse <6> Don't know {end module p54mod} [p61q1] Which of the following statements comes closest to your view? <1> Britain should increase the number of immigrants coming to the country <2> The current number of immigrants coming to Britain is about right. <3> Britain should reduce the number of immigrants coming to the country <4> Don't know {module p62mod order=randomize} [p62aq1] How well do you think the present government has handled the crime situation in Britain? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p63aq1] How well do you think the present government has handled Britain's education system? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p64aq1] How well do you think the present government has handled the number of immigrants coming to Britain? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p65aq1] How well do you think the present government has handled the National Health Service? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p66aq1] How well do you think the present government has handled the risk of terrorism to British citizens? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p67aq1] How well do you think the present government has handled the government debt? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know {end module p62mod} {module p68mod order=randomize} [p68aq1]How well do you think a Labour government would handle the crime situation in Britain? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p69aq1]How well do you think a Labour government would handle Britain's education system? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p70aq1]How well do you think a Labour government would handle the number of immigrants coming to Britain? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p71aq1]How well do you think a Labour government would handle the National Health Service? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p72aq1]How well do you think a Labour government would handle the risk of terrorism to British citizens? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [p73aq1] How well do you think a Labour government would handle the government debt? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don’t know {end module p68mod} {module p74mod order=randomize} [p74q1] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Which, if any, of the following words describe your feelings about the crime situation in Britain? (Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor> No feelings <10 xor> Don't know [p75aq1] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Which, if any, of the following words describe your feelings about Britain's education system?(Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor fixed> No feelings <10 xor fixed> Don't know [p76aq1] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Which, if any, of the following words describe your feelings about the number of immigrants coming to Britain? (Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor fixed> No feelings <10 xor fixed> Don't know [p77q1] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Which, if any, of the following words describe your feelings about the National Health Service? (Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor fixed> No feelings <10 xor fixed> Don't know [p77bq1] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Which, if any, of the following words describe your feelings about the risk of terrorism to British citizens? (Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor fixed> No feelings <10 xor fixed> Don't know [p78aq1] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Which, if any, of the following words describe your feelings about the government debt? (Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor fixed> No feelings <10 xor fixed> Don't know {end module p74mod} [p80q1] During the last 12 months, did you or a family member seek assistance from the authorities over a crime committed in your home, in your neighbourhood, or at work? <1> Yes <2> No <3> Don't know [p81q1 if p80q1 == 1] Generally speaking, how satisfied were you with this assistance? <1> Very satisfied <2> Fairly satisfied <3> A little dissatisfied <4> Very dissatisfied <5> Don't know [p82q1] Do you or a family member have any children of school-age? <1> Yes <2> No [p83q1 if p82q1 == 1] During the last 12 months, did you or a family member have any contact with school officials about your children's education? <1> Yes <2> No <3> Don't know [p84q1 if p83q1 == 1] Generally speaking, how satisfied were you with this contact? <1> Very satisfied <2> Fairly satisfied <3> A little dissatisfied <4> Very dissatisfied <5> Don't know [p85aq1] During the last 12 months, did you or a family member have any contact with immigrants to Britain? <1> Yes <2> No <3> Don't know [p86aq1 if p85aq1 == 1] Generally speaking, how would you evaluate this contact? <1> Very positive <2> Fairly positive <3> A little negative <4> Very negative <5> Don't know [p87q1] During the last 12 months, did you or a family member seek or receive medical treatment (that is, from a general practitioner or a dentist, or as a hospital patient)? <1> Yes <2> No <3> Don't know [p88q1 if p87q1 == 1] Generally speaking, how satisfied were you with this medical treatment? <1> Very satisfied <2> Fairly satisfied <3> A little dissatisfied <4> Very dissatisfied <5> Don't know [p89q1] During the last 12 months, did you or a family member have any experience with the authorities' attempts to deal with the risk of terrorism (for example, airport security procedures)? <1> Yes <2> No <3> Don't know [p90q1 if p89q1 == 1] Generally speaking, how satisfied were you with this experience? <1> Very satisfied <2> Fairly satisfied <3> A little dissatisfied <4> Very dissatisfied <5> Don't know {module p93mod order=randomize} [p93q1] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means strongly like, and 0 means strongly dislike, how do you feel about the Conservative Party? <1> 10 - Strongly like <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Strongly dislike <12> Don't know [p94q1] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means strongly like, and 0 means strongly dislike, how do you feel about the Labour Party? <1> 10 - Strongly like <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Strongly dislike <12> Don't know [p95q1] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means strongly like, and 0 means strongly dislike, how do you feel about the Liberal Democrats? <1> 10 - Strongly like <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Strongly dislike <12> Don't know {end module p93mod} {module p96mod order=randomize} [p96q1] Using the 0-10 scale, how important a problem is the condition of the UK economy these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know [p97q1] Using the 0-10 scale, how important a problem is the crime situation in Britain these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know [p98q1] Using the 0-10 scale, how important a problem is Britain's education system these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know [p99q1] Using the 0-10 scale, how important a problem is the number of immigrants coming to Britain these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know [q100] Using the 0-10 scale, how important a problem is the National Health Service these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know [q101] Using the 0-10 scale, how important a problem is inflation these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know [q102] Using the 0-10 scale, how important a problem is the risk of terrorism to British citizens these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know [q515]Using the 0-10 scale, how important a problem is the government debt these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know [q415]Using the 0 - 10 scale, how important a problem is the environment these days? <1> 10 - Very important <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Not at all important <12> Don't know {end module p96mod} [p105q1] Regardless of how you yourself may vote, which party do you think is most likely to win the next General Election? <1> Conservatives <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrats <4> Other Party <5> Don't Know [p106q1] How often do you read a daily morning newspaper? <1> Every day <2> Sometimes <3> Not at all [p107q1 if p106q1 in [1,2]] Which daily morning newspaper do you read most often? <1> Aberdeen Press and Journal <2> Daily Mail/Scottish Daily Mail <3> Daily Star/Daily Star of Scotland <4> Daily Telegraph <5> Express <6> Financial Times <7> Guardian <8> Independent <9> Mirror/Scottish Mirror/Daily Record <10> The Glasgow Herald <11> The Scotsman <12> The Sun <13> Times <14> Today <15> None most often <16> Don't know [p108q1] Do you, or your family, own your own home or do you rent it? <1> Own <2> Rent <3> Neither [p109q1 if p108q1 == 1] Is your home paid for or do you have a mortgage? <1> Paid for <2> Mortgage [p110q1 if p108q1 == 2] Do you rent from a council or rent privately? <1> Council <2> Privately <3> Housing Association or Other [p111q1 if p108q1 == 3] Is your home some form of accommodation such as a hostel or lodging? <1> Yes <2> No [p112q1] At what age did you or will you complete your full-time education? <1> 14 or under <2> 15 <3> 16 <4> 17 to 18 <5> 19 to 20 <6> 21 or over [p113q1] What is your marital status? Are you: <1> Single <2> Married <3> Living as married <4> Separated <5> Divorced <6> Widowed [p114q1] Which of these descriptions applies to you? <1> In paid work <2> In full-time education <3> Unemployed for six months or more <4> Unemployed for less than six months <5> Permanently sick or disabled <6> Retired <7> Looking after the home <8> Doing something else [p115q1] Please tell us which one of the following options best describes the sort of work you do. (If you are not working now, please tell us what you did in your last job.) <1> Professional or higher technical work - work that requires at least degree-level qualifications (e.g. doctor, accountant, schoolteacher, university lecturer, social worker, systems analyst) <2> Manager or Senior Administrator (e.g. company director, finance manager, personnel manager, senior sales manager, senior local government officer) <3> Clerical (e.g. clerk, secretary) <4> Sales or Services (e.g. commercial traveller, shop assistant, nursery nurse, care assistant, paramedic) <5> Foreman or Supervisor of Other Workers (e.g building site foreman, supervisor of cleaning workers) <6> Skilled Manual Work (e.g. plumber, electrician, fitter, train driver, cook, hairdresser) <7> Semi-Skilled or Unskilled Manual Work (e.g. machine operator, assembler, postman, waitress, cleaner, labourer, driver, bar-worker, call centre worker) <8> Other <9> Have never worked [p116q1 if p113q1 in [2,3]] Which of these descriptions applies to your husband, wife or partner? <1> In paid work <2> In full-time education <3> Unemployed for six months or more <4> Unemployed for less than six months <5> Permanently sick or disabled <6> Retired <7> Looking after the home <8> Doing something else [p117q1 if p113q1 in [2,3]] And please tell us which best describes the sort of work your husband, wife or partner (where appropriate) does or did. <1> No husband, wife or partner <2> Professional or higher technical work - work that requires at least degree-level qualifications (e.g. doctor, accountant, schoolteacher, university lecturer, social worker, systems analyst) <3> Manager or Senior Administrator (e.g. company director, finance manager, personnel manager, senior sales manager, senior local government officer) <4> Clerical (e.g. clerk, secretary) <5> Sales or Services (e.g. commercial traveller, shop assistant, nursery nurse, care assistant, paramedic) <6> Foreman or Supervisor of Other Workers (e.g building site foreman, supervisor of cleaning workers) <7> Skilled Manual Work (e.g. plumber, electrician, fitter, train driver, cook, hairdresser) <8> Semi-Skilled or Unskilled Manual Work (e.g. machine operator, assembler, postman, waitress, cleaner, labourer, driver, bar-worker, call centre worker) <9> Other <10> Have never worked [p118q1] Do you belong to a trade union? <1> Yes <2> No [p119q1 if p113q1 in [2,3]] Does your husband/wife/partner belong to a trade union? <1> Yes <2> No [q120] To which of these groups do you consider to belong? <1> White British <2> Any other white background <3> White and Black Caribbean <4> White and Black African <5> White and Asian <6> Any other mixed background <7> Indian <8> Pakistani <9> Bangladeshi <10> Any other Asian background <11> Black Caribbean <12> Black African <13> Any other black background <14> Chinese <15> Other ethnic group [q121] Could you tell me your total annual household income before any taxes or other deductions? <1> Less than £ 5000 per year <2> £5000 to £9999 <3> £10 000 to £14 999 <4> £15 000 to £19 999 <5> £20 000 to £24 999 <6> £25 000 to £29 999 <7> £30 000 to £39 999 <8> £40 000 to £49 999 <9> £50 000 to £59 999 <10> £60 000 to £69 999 <11> £70 000 to £79 999 <12> £80 000 to £89 999 <13> £90 000 to £99 999 <14> £100 000 or more <15> Prefer not to say [q122] How much do you use the internet in a typical week? <1> Not very much <2> A fair amount <3> A great deal <4> Don't Know {module p123mod order=randomize} [q123] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you would EVER vote for the Conservative Party? <1>10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know [q124] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you would EVER vote for the Labour Party? <1>10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know [q125] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you would EVER vote for the Liberal Democrat Party? <1>10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know {end module p123mod} [q126 if p1q1 == 6] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you would EVER vote for the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP)? <1> 10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know [q127 if p1q1 == 9] Using the 0 to 10 scale, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is that that you would EVER vote Plaid Cymru? <1> 10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know [q246] Using a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means 'no trust' and 10 means 'a great deal of trust', how much do you trust political parties. <1> 10 - Great deal of trust <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - No trust <12> Don't know [q247] Using a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means 'no trust' and 10 means 'a great deal of trust', how much do you trust politicians. <1> 10 - Great deal of trust <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - No trust <12> Don't know [q423] On a scale that runs from 0 to 10 where 0 means 'very unhappy' and 10 means 'very happy', generally speaking, how happy are you? <1> 10 - Very happy <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unhappy <12> Don't know Now, thinking about yourself, please say if you agree or disagree with the following statement [q141] I would be SERIOUSLY neglecting my duty as a citizen if I didn't vote <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don't know [q145] Using a scale that runs from 0 to 10 where 0 means a very incompetent leader and 10 means a very competent leader, how would you describe Ed Miliband? <1> 10 - A very competent leader <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - A very incompetent leader <12> Don't know [q146] Using a scale that runs from 0 to 10 where 0 means a very incompetent leader and 10 means a very competent leader, how would you describe David Cameron? <1> 10 - A very competent leader <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - A very incompetent leader <12> Don't know [q261] Using a scale that runs from 0 to 10 where 0 means a very incompetent leader and 10 means a very competent leader, how would you describe Nick Clegg? <1> 10 - A very competent leader <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - A very incompetent leader <12> Don't know [q227] Have you <personally> been affected by the financial crisis that is affecting world markets? <1> A great deal <2> Somewhat <3> Not much <4> Not at all <5> Don't know [q228if q227 in [1,2,3]] {multiple} Please indicate the ways in which you have been <personally> affected by the current financial crisis (Please check all that apply): <1> My mortgage <2> My bank account <3> My pension fund <4> My investments <5> My weekly budget <6> My job <7> My business <8> My travel costs <9> Affected in other ways [p150q2] {open} <10 xor> Don't know [q230] {multiple max=4 order=randomize($randp30)} Which, if any, of the following words describe your feelings about the current financial crisis? (Please tick up to FOUR) <1> Angry <2> Happy <3> Disgusted <4> Hopeful <5> Uneasy <6> Confident <7> Afraid <8> Proud <9 xor fixed> No feelings <10 xor fixed> Don't know [q231] How well do you think the present government has handled the financial crisis? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [q232] How well do you think a Labour government would handle the current financial crisis? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [q233] {multiple order=randomize} Who do you think is responsible for the current financial crisis? Please check all that you think are responsible: <1> Gordon Brown <2> George W. Bush <3> The British government <4> The European Union <5> The American government <6> British banks <7> American banks <8> People who took out big mortgages <9> Oil Companies <10> International financiers <11 fixed> Other people or organizations [p190q2] {open} <12 xor fixed> It's nobody's fault - it just happened <13 xor fixed> Don't Know [q236] Using a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means 'very unlikely' and 10 means 'very likely', how likely is it that the financial crisis will be solved over the next year? <1> 10 - Very likely <2> 9 <3> 8 <4> 7 <5> 6 <6> 5 <7> 4 <8> 3 <9> 2 <10> 1 <11> 0 - Very unlikely <12> Don't know {page p211intro} ######### CSR STUFF START ################ [q530]{single}Public spending in Britain is estimated to be approximately £697 billion. The Government has proposed spending cuts of about £81 billion. Overall, how much do you think public spending should be cut, if at all? <1> No cuts at all <2> Cut by £25 billion <3> Cut by £50 billion <4> Cut by £81 billion <5> Cut by £100 billion <6> Cut by £130 billion <7> Cut by £150 billion <8> Cut by £200 billion <9> Cut by more than £200 billion <10> Don’t know {page introcsr} Please indicate how far you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: {end page introcsr} {module q212toq217 order=randomize} [q531]{single}The Government’s cuts in public expenditure are essential for the long-term health of the UK economy. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [q532] {single}The Government’s public expenditure cuts are primarily the result of Labour’s failure to manage the economy properly when it was in power. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [q533]{single}Strikes in the public sector in Britain of the type that have occurred in other countries are justified to oppose the cuts that the Government is proposing. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [q534]{single}The cuts in public expenditure that the Government proposes are likely to cause serious financial difficulties for me and my family. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [q535]{single}Excessive public sector spending is the main cause of Britain’s debt. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [q535b]{single}Substantial public spending cuts are necessary mainly because of the irresponsible behaviour of big banks and other financial institutions. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {end module q212toq217} [q552]{grid roworder=randomize}The Government plans to cut public expenditure in several areas to reduce the level of public debt. Thinking about the overall fairness of the proposed cuts, please indicate your views about the fairness in the size of the proposed cuts in each of the following areas: -[q553]Schools -[q554] Universities -[q555] Students -[q556] Pensions -[q557] Child benefit -[q558] Housing benefit -[q559] NHS -[q560] Social Security benefit -[q561] Unemployment benefit -[q562] Armed Forces -[q563] Police <1> Fair <2> Unfair <3> Don’t know [q564]{single}Which of the following statements comes closest to your view about the overall impact of the proposed public expenditure cuts? <1> The public expenditure cuts will strengthen Britain’s economic growth and international competitiveness <2> The public expenditure cuts will damage Britain’s economy by pushing it further into recession <3> Don’t Know [q536]{single}Do you think <>tax increases<> are needed to help reduce the deficit? <1> Big tax increases are needed <2> Moderate tax increases are needed <3> Small tax increases are needed <4> No tax increases are needed <5> Don’t know ######### CSR STUFF END ################ #### Mar 13 Battery ##### {module mar13 order=randomize} [q1160]{single}Using the 0 to 10 scale below, where the end marked 0 means that government should cut taxes a lot and spend much less on health and social services, and the end marked 10 means that government should raise taxes a lot and spend much more on health and social services, where would you place yourself on this scale? <1> 0 – Government should cut taxes a lot and spend much less on health and social services <2> 1 <3> 2 <4> 3 <5> 4 <6> 5 <7> 6 <8> 7 <9> 8 <10> 9 <11> 10 – Government should increase taxes a lot and spend much more on health and social services <12> Don’t know {end module mar13} ##### End Mar 13 Battery ##### ### DFID Pilot Aug 13 ### **Now thinking about government spending on overseas aid . . . ** [dfid0]Do your think the British government should increase or decrease the amount of money it spends on overseas aid to developing countries? <1>Increase a great deal <2>Increase somewhat <3>Stay the same <4>Decrease somewhat <5>Decrease a great deal <6>Don't know **Here are some statements other people have made about helping to reduce poverty in poor countries. Please say how much you agree or disagree with each one.** [dfid1]The corruption in poor country governments makes it pointless donating money to help reduce poverty <1>Strongly agree <2>Agree <3>Neither agree nor disagree <4>Disagree <5>Strongly disagree <6>Don't know [dfid2]I personally should be giving money to tackle poverty in poor countries <1>Strongly agree <2>Agree <3>Neither agree nor disagree <4>Disagree <5>Strongly disagree <6>Don't know [dfid4]I generally trust government to act in the country’s best interest <1>Strongly agree <2>Agree <3>Neither agree nor disagree <4>Disagree <5>Strongly disagree <6>Don't know [dfid5]It is in the UK’s interest to increase the amount the government spends on development aid to poor countries <1>Strongly agree <2>Agree <3>Neither agree nor disagree <4>Disagree <5>Strongly disagree <6>Don't know [dfid6]Most financial aid to poor countries is wasted <1>Strongly agree <2>Agree <3>Neither agree nor disagree <4>Disagree <5>Strongly disagree <6>Don't know [dfid7]There is nothing I can do personally to help reduce poverty in poor countries <1>Strongly agree <2>Agree <3>Neither agree nor disagree <4>Disagree <5>Strongly disagree <6>Don't know [dfid8]Which best describes how you feel about levels of poverty in poor countries? <1> Very concerned <2> Fairly concerned <3> No strong feelings either one way or the other <4> Not very concerned <5> Not at all concerned <6> Don’t know ### End DFID Pilot Aug 13 ### ######### Risk Q ############# [StanRisk]{single}Finally, in general do you dislike taking risks, or do you like taking risks? Please use the scale below where 0 means 'really dislike taking risks' and 10 means 'really like taking risks' to indicate how you generally feel about taking risks. <1> 0 - Really dislike taking risks <2> 1 <3> 2 <4> 3 <5> 4 <6> 5 <7> 6 <8> 7 <9> 8 <10> 9 <11> 10 - Really like taking risks <12> 12 Don't know ######### ADMIN STUFF ################ {module admin if panman.is_panelist} {page three_strikes if random(1,10) == 1} {goto survey three_strikes} {end page three_strikes} {page upJump} {goto survey Profile_Update} {end page upJump} {page QC if panman.is_panelist} Please take a moment to rate the questionnaire you just took. This information will be used to improve our surveys. {module sample=1} [qualityControl_understand] {scale 1 9 required=HARD} Overall, how easy or difficult did you find it to understand the questions? On a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 means the questionnaire was ‘difficult to understand’ and 9 means the questionnaire was ‘easy to understand’. -[qualityControl_understand_scale] Difficult to understand most of the questions|All of the questions were easy to understand [qualityControl_interest] {scale 1 9 required=HARD} Overall, how boring or interesting did you find the questionnaire? On a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 means you found the questionnaire boring and 9 means you found the questionnaire interesting. -[qualityControl_interest_scale] I found the questionnaire boring|I found the questionnaire interesting {end module} {module sample=1} [qualityControl_fairness] {scale 1 9 required=HARD} Overall, how fair and balanced did you find the questions? On a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 means ‘none of the questions were fair and balanced’ and 9 means ‘all of the questions were fair and balanced’. -[qualityControl_fairness_scale] None of the questions were fair and balanced|All of the questions were fair and balanced [qualityControl_problems] {pdl-update qc03_problems required=HARD} {end module} [qualityControl_overall] {scale 1 9 required=HARD} Please rate this questionnaire overall ? On a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 means the questionnaire was ‘Poor’ and 9 means the questionnaire was ‘Excellent’, -[qualityControl_overall_scale] Poor|Excellent [comments] {open rows=6 cols=70 required=0} Do you have any comments on your experience of taking this survey (optional)? In the case that you would like a response to your comment please contact us at [pdl_welcome if 0] {pdl-update welcome_suite} { if qualityControl_understand_scale: pdl.qc_understand.set(qualityControl_understand_scale) if qualityControl_interest_scale: pdl.qc_interest.set(qualityControl_interest_scale) if qualityControl_fairness_scale: pdl.qc_fairness.set(qualityControl_fairness_scale) if qualityControl_overall_scale: pdl.qc04_overall.set(qualityControl_overall_scale) panman.grant() pdl.QC_team.set(5) RandomID=random(1, 1000000) temp welcome = pdl_welcome.code if welcome in [2,3]: pdl.welcome_suite.set(welcome + 1) } {end page QC} {end module admin}