**Consider each of the following words or statements and compare yourself to your friends, colleagues and those you come into regular contact with. Indicate for each statement whether it is a very inaccurate, fairly inaccurate, neither accurate nor inaccurate, fairly accurate, or very accurate description of you. ** [w1statement2] {grid roworder =randomize} I see myself as someone who: -[w1neurot1]Worries a lot -[w1neurot2]Gets nervous easily -[w1neurot3]Remains calm in tense situations -[w1extra1] Is talkative -[w1extra2] Is outgoing, sociable -[w1extra3] Is reserved -[w1open1] Is original; comes up with new ideas -[w1open2] Has few artistic interests -[w1open3] Has an active imagination -[w1agree1] Is sometimes rude to others -[w1agree2] Has a forgiving nature -[w1agree3] Is considerate and kind to almost everyone -[w1consc1]Does a thorough job -[w1consc2]Tends to be lazy -[w1consc3]Does things efficiently <1> Very inaccurate <2> Fairly inaccurate <3> Neither accurate nor inaccurate <4> Fairly accurate <5> Very accurate <6> Don’t know [w1sex1] What is your gender? <1> Male <2> Female [w1personf1 if w1sex1 ==2] {grid roworder=randomize displaymax=7} Here we briefly describe some people. Please read each description and tick the box in each row that shows how much each person is or is not like you. -[w1Univ1f1] She thinks it is important that every person in this world should be treated equally. She believes everyone should have equal opportunities in life. -[w1Univ2f1] She wants everyone to be treated justly. It is important to her to protect the weak in society. -[w1Bene1f1] It is important to her to respond to the needs of others. She tries to support those she knows. -[w1Bene2f1] It is important to be loyal to her friends. She wants to devote herself to people close to her. -[w1Selfdir1f1] It is important to her to make her own decisions about what she does. She likes to choose her own activities. -[w1Selfdir2f1] It is important to her to be independent. She likes to rely on herself. -[w1Stim1f1] She likes to take risks. She is always looking for adventures. -[w1Stim2f1] She likes surprises. It is important to her to have an exciting life. -[w1Ach1f1] She thinks it is important to be ambitious. She wants to show how capable she is. -[w1Ach2f1] Getting ahead in life is important to her. She strives to do better than others. -[w1Power1f1] It is important to her to be in charge and tell others what to do. She likes to be the leader. -[w1Secur1f1] It is important for her to live in secure surroundings. She avoids anything that might endanger her safety. -[w1Conform1f1] It is important to her to behave properly. She believes people should do what they are told. -[w1Trad1f1] Tradition is important to her. She tries to follow the customs handed down by her religion or her family. <1> Very much like me <2> Like me <3> Somewhat like me <4> A little like me <5> Not like me <6> Not like me at all <7> Don’t know [w1personm1 if w1sex1 ==1] {grid roworder =randomize displaymax=7} Here we briefly describe some people. Please read each description and tick the box in each row that shows how much each person is or is not like you. -[w1Univ1m1] He thinks it is important that every person in this world should be treated equally. He believes everyone should have equal opportunities in life. -[w1Univ2m1]He wants everyone to be treated justly. It is important to him to protect the weak in society. -[w1Bene1m1] It is important to him to respond to the needs of others. He tries to support those he knows. -[w1Bene2m1] It is important to be loyal to his friends. He wants to devote himself to people close to him. -[w1Selfdir1m1]It is important to him to make his own decisions about what he does. He likes to choose his own activities. -[w1Selfdir2m1] It is important to him to be independent. He likes to rely on himself. -[w1Stim1m1]He likes to take risks. He is always looking for adventures. -[w1Stim2m1]He likes surprises. It is important to him to have an exciting life. -[w1Ach1m1]He thinks it is important to be ambitious. He wants to show how capable he is. -[w1Ach2m1]Getting ahead in life is important to him. He strives to do better than others. -[w1Power1m1]It is important to him to be in charge and tell others what to do. He likes to be the leader. -[w1Secur1m1]It is important for him to live in secure surroundings. He avoids anything that might endanger his safety. -[w1Conform1m1]It is important to him to behave properly. He believes people should do what they are told. -[w1Trad1m1]Tradition is important to him. He tries to follow the customs handed down by his religion or his family. <1> Very much like me <2> Like me <3> Somewhat like me <4> A little like me <5> Not like me <6> Not like me at all <7> Don’t know [w1statement1] {grid roworder=randomize} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w1rwa11] Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn. -[w1rwa21] Our customs and national heritage are the things that have made us great, and certain people should be made to show greater respect for them. -[w1rwa31] Parents and other authorities have forgotten that good old-fashioned physical punishment is still one of the best ways to make people behave properly. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w1statement3] {grid roworder =randomize} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w1human1] One should always find ways to help others less fortunate than oneself -[w1human2] People tend to pay more attention to the well-being of others than they should -[w1human3] All people who are unable to provide for their basic needs should be helped by others -[w1egal1] One of the biggest problems today is that we don’t give everyone an equal chance -[w1egal2] More equality of income would allow most people to live better -[w1egal3] Incomes cannot be made more equal since people’s abilities and talents are unequal <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know { splitUK1=random(1,2) split2 =random(1,2) split3 = random(1,2) split4 = random(1,2) split5 = random(1,2) split6 =random(1,2) splitfp =random(1,10) } [w1UKparty1 if splitUK1 ==1] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat or what? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrat <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know [w1UKparty2 if splitUK1 ==2] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Labour, Liberal Democrat, Conservative or what? <1> Labour <2> Liberal Democrat <3> Conservative <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know [w1UKparty3 if splitUK1 ==3] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Liberal Democrat, Conservative, Labour or what? <1> Liberal Democrat <2> Conservative <3> Labour <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know {page textsub1} { party = "" if w1UKparty1== 1: party = "Conservative supporter" if w1UKparty1== 2: party = "Labour supporter " if w1UKparty1== 3: party = "Liberal Democrat supporter " if w1UKparty1== 4: party = "Plaid Cymru supporter " if w1UKparty1== 5: party = "SNP supporter " if w1UKparty1== 6: party = "Green supporter " if w1UKparty1== 7: party = "UKIP supporter " if w1UKparty1== 8: party = "BNP supporter " if w1UKparty2== 3: party = "Conservative supporter " if w1UKparty2== 1: party = "Labour supporter " if w1UKparty2== 2: party = "Liberal Democrat supporter " if w1UKparty2== 4: party = "Plaid Cymru supporter " if w1UKparty2== 5: party = "SNP supporter " if w1UKparty2== 6: party = "Green supporter " if w1UKparty2== 7: party = "UKIP supporter " if w1UKparty2== 8: party = "BNP supporter " if w1UKparty3== 2: party = "Conservative supporter " if w1UKparty3== 3: party = "Labour supporter " if w1UKparty3== 1: party = "Liberal Democrat supporter " if w1UKparty3== 4: party = "Plaid Cymru supporter " if w1UKparty3== 5: party = "SNP supporter " if w1UKparty3== 6: party = "Green supporter " if w1UKparty3== 7: party = "UKIP supporter " if w1UKparty3== 8: party = "BNP supporter " } {end page textsub1} [w1UKparty4 if w1UKparty1 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] or w1UKparty2 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] or w1UKparty3 in[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]]Would you call yourself a strong $party or a not very strong $party? <1> Strong <2> Not very strong <3> Don't know [w1UKparty5 if w1UKparty1 in [9,10,11] or w1UKparty2 in [9,10,11] or w1UKparty3 in[9,10,11]] Do you generally think of yourself as a little closer to one of the parties than the others? If yes, please say which party? <1> Liberal Democrat <2> Conservative <3> Labour <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No--none <11> Don't know [w1wing1] {scale 0 10} People sometimes use the labels 'left' or 'left wing' and 'right' or 'right wing' to describe political parties, party leaders, and political ideas. Using the 0 to 10 scale below, where the end marked 0 means left and the end marked 10 means right, where would you place yourself on this scale? -[w1wing1a] Left|Right **Recent research on decision making shows that choices are affected by context. Differences in how people feel, their previous knowledge and experience, and their environment can affect choices. To help us understand how people make decisions, we are interested in information about you. Specifically, we are interested in whether you actually take the time to read the directions; if not, some results may not tell us very much about decision making in the real world. To show that you have read the instructions, please ignore the question below about your favourite colour and check pink and green as your answers. Again, please answer the question as we have instructed rather than choosing your favourite colour. Thank you very much. ** [w1filter1] {multiple} What is your favourite colour? <1> Red <2> Pink <3> Orange <4> Brown <5> Yellow <6> Green <7> Purple <8> Blue <9> None of the above [w1statement4] {grid roworder=randomize displaymax=7} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w1multi1] The UK should work more through international organisations, like the UN. -[w1multi2] In deciding on its foreign policies, the UK should take into account the views of its major allies. -[w1multi3] The best way for the UK to be a world leader in foreign affairs is to build international consensus. -[w1iso1] The UK’s interests are best protected by avoiding involvement with other nations. -[w1iso2] The UK shouldn't risk its citizens’ happiness and well-being by getting involved with other nations. -[w1iso3] The UK needs to simply mind its own business when it comes to international affairs. -[w1unilat1] Sometimes it is necessary for the UK to go it alone in international affairs. -[w1unilat2] The UK doesn't need to withdraw from international affairs, it just needs to stop letting international organisations tell us what we can and can't do. -[w1unilat3] The UK should always do what is in its own interest, even if our allies object. -[w1mili1] The UK should take all steps including the use of force to prevent aggression by any expansionist power. -[w1mili2] The UK needs a strong military to be effective in international relations. -[w1mili3] In dealing with other nations, our government needs to be strong and tough rather than understanding and flexible. -[w1mili4] The UK should be more committed to diplomacy and not so fast to use the military in international crises. -[w1ihuman1] The UK should be more willing to share its wealth with other nations, even if it doesn’t coincide with our political interests. -[w1ihuman2] The UK should spend significantly more money on foreign aid. -[w1ihuman3] The UK already does enough to help the world's poor. -[w1ihuman4] The dignity and welfare of people should be the most important concern in UK foreign policy. -[w1iegal1] All in all, I think global income inequality is justified because countries have different resources and people’s abilities and talents are unequal. -[w1iegal3] The UK’s foreign policy should primarily be focused on creating global economic equality. -[w1peace1] War is never justified. -[w1peace2] People who place a high value on peace are usually weak and cowardly. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {page themintro} **Next you will see a series of people, countries, and groups. We’d like to know how you feel about each person or group. Please use the following scales from 0 to 100, where 0 represents feeling very coldly towards that person or group and 100 represents feeling very warmly towards that person or group.** {end page themintro} {page them order=randomize} [w1q23] {thermometer range="0,100" labels={0:"Coldly", 25:"", 50:"", 75:"", 100:"Warmly"} instructions="Click on thermometer to give your rating." dk="Don't know" order=randomize} -[w1cameron1] David Cameron -[w1miliband1] Ed Miliband -[w1clegg1] Nick Clegg -[w1conser1] Conservative Party -[w1labour1] Labour Party -[w1obama1] Barack Obama -[w1uk1] The United Kingdom -[w1us1] The United States -[w1egypt1] Egypt -[w1eu1] The European Union -[w1un1] The United Nations -[w1nato1] The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) -[w1libya1] Libya -[w1israel1] Israel -[w1libdem1] Liberal Democratic Party -[w1ukip1] United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) -[w1occupy1] Occupy London {end page them} [w1UKissues1] {rank slots=3 position=left order=randomize} Please rank what you think are the most important, the second most important and the third most important issues facing the country today. <1> War and Foreign Affairs <2> Terrorism <3> The Deficit <4> Health Care <5> Pollution and the Environment <6> Economy and Jobs <7> Rising Prices and Inflation <8> Poverty <9> Immigration <10> Crime <11> Taxes <12> Social Security / Pensions <13> Abortion <14> Gay Marriage { first_ranked="" first_ranked = w1UKissues1.top.response_text } [w1UKissues2] Which party is best able to handle $first_ranked? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrat <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other Party <10> None, no party is able to handle the problem <11> Don't Know [w1econ1] How do you think the general economic situation in this country has changed over the last 12 months? Has it: <1> Got a lot better <2> Got a little better <3> Stayed the same <4> Got a little worse <5> Got a lot worse <6> Don't Know [w1econ2] How does the financial situation of your household now compare with what it was 12 months ago? Has it: <1> Got a lot better <2> Got a little better <3> Stayed the same <4> Got a little worse <5> Got a lot worse <6> Don't Know [w1statement5] {grid roworder=randomize} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w1deathp1] The death penalty, even for very serious crimes, is never justified. -[w1rehab1] Convicted criminals need to be rehabilitated rather than punished. -[w1crackdwn1] We must crack down on crime, even if that means that criminals lose their rights. -[w1fremkt1] People are better off in a free market economy. -[w1regmkt1] The government has an essential role to play in regulating the market. -[w1welfable1]The welfare state makes people less able to look after themselves. -[w1newlife1]Newer lifestyles are contributing to the breakdown of society. -[w1tradvlue1]This country would have many fewer problems if there were more emphasis on traditional family values. -[w1adjmoral1]The world is always changing and we should adjust our views of moral behavior to those changes. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {module policy order=randomize} [w1UKpolicy1] How well do you think the Coalition Government has handled foreign policy? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [w1UKpolicy2] How well do you think a Labour Government would handle foreign policy? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know {end module policy} {module iraq order=randomize} [w1UKiraq1] Do you think the United Kingdom did the right thing by using military force against Iraq? Would you say that you strongly approve, somewhat approve, neither approve nor disapprove, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of this decision? <1> Strongly approve <2> Approve <3> Neither approve nor disapprove <4> Disapprove <5> Strongly disapprove <6> Don't know [w1UKiraq2] Do you think the United Kingdom did the right thing by using military force against Afghanistan? Would you say that you strongly approve, somewhat approve, neither approve nor disapprove, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of this decision? <1> Strongly approve <2> Approve <3> Neither approve nor disapprove <4> Disapprove <5> Strongly disapprove <6> Don't know {end module iraq} [w1UKaid1 if split2==1] When it comes to the amount of aid the United Kingdom provides to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS around the world, do you feel that the government is spending much too much, too much, about the right amount, too little, or much too little? <1> Much too much <2> Too much <3> About the right amount <4> Too little <5> Much too little <6> Don't know [w1UKaid2 if split2==2] When it comes to the amount of aid the United Kingdom provides to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa, do you feel that the government is spending much too much, too much, about the right amount, too little, or much too little? <1> Much too much <2> Too much <3> About the right amount <4> Too little <5> Much too little <6> Don't know {module poor order=randomize} {page food1 if split3==1} **Please say whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.** [w1UKpoor1 if split3==1] The UK should provide food and medical assistance to people in poor countries. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {end page food1} {page food2 if split3==2} **Please say whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.** [w1UKpoor2 if split3==2] The UK should provide food and medical assistance to people in poor countries to build goodwill towards Great Britain. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {end page food2} {page iran1 if split4==1} **Please say whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.** [w1UKIran1 if split4==1] The United Kingdom should openly help dissident groups to try to overthrow the government of Iran. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {end page iran1} {page iran2 if split4==2} **Please say whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.** [w1UKIran2 if split4==2] The United Kingdom should secretly help dissident groups to try to overthrow the government of Iran. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {end page iran2} [w1UKtorture1 if split5==1] Do you think the use of torture against suspected terrorists in order to gain important information is often justified, sometimes justified, rarely justified, or never justified? <1> Is often justified <2> Is sometimes justified <3> Is rarely justified <4> Is never justified <5> Don't know [w1UKtorture2 if split5==2]Do you think the use of enhanced interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists in order to gain important information is often justified, sometimes justified, rarely justified, or never justified? <1> Is often justified <2> Is sometimes justified <3> Is rarely justified <4> Is never justified <5> Don't know {end module poor} [w1military1] Do you think that we should increase our spending on the military, keep it about the same, or cut it back? <1> Increase <2> Keep the same <3> Cut back <4> Don't know [w1statement6] {grid splitlabels=1 roworder=randomize} Each row below contains contrasting statements on a specific policy debate that you may have heard about. Imagine the choice furthest to the left represents full endorsement of the statement on the left and the choice furthest to the right represents full endorsement of the statement on the right. Choices in the middle represent positions in between. Where would you place yourself on each of these issues? -[w1HCARE1] Health care is a right and should be provided to all citizens regardless of their ability to pay. | Health care should be a privilege for those who can pay for it. -[w1GUNCONT1] The government needs to tightly regulate possession of firearms. | Britons should be free to own any type of firearm they want. -[w1FREESP1] Limit the freedom of speech of those who threaten society. | Maintain freedom of speech even if that increases threats to society. -[w1DRUGS1] Keep drugs illegal, as they are today. | Legalize all drugs. -[w1EQUALITY1] Government should get out of the business of promoting income equality. | Government should do more to reduce income inequality. <1> 1 <2> 2 <3> 3 <4> 4 <5> 5 <6> 6 <7> 7 [w1UKmilitary1] Please indicate which of the following best applies to your situation: <1> I currently serve in the British military. <2> I do not serve, but I have immediate family members or close friends who currently serve in the British military. <3> I have previously served in the British military, but I am no longer active. <4> I did not serve, but one or more members of my immediate family or close friends previously served in the British military. <5> I have never served in the British military and neither have my close friends or family. {survey P_Scotto_UK_wave2 widget_all_required=1 nav_back=0 hide_progress=1} {page introstart} This survey is on a variety of topics, and the results will be used to inform our clients. Your YouGov Account will be credited with 100 points for completing the survey. We have tested the survey and found that, on average it takes around 18 to 20 minutes to complete. This time may vary depending on factors such as your Internet connection speed and the answers you give. Please click the forward button below to continue. {end page introstart} {page statement} { splitUK1 = history.P_scotto_UK_w1.splitUK1 split8=random(1,2) split9=random(1,3) split10=random(1,2) split11=random(1,2) split12=random(1,3) split13=random(1,2) splittrde =random(1,9) } ** Consider each of the following words or statements and compare yourself to your friends, colleagues and those you come into regular contact with. Indicate for each statement whether it is a very inaccurate, fairly inaccurate, neither accurate nor inaccurate, fairly accurate, or very accurate description of you. ** [w2statement2] {grid roworder =randomize} I see myself as someone who: -[w2neurot2] Gets nervous easily -[w2neurot4] Becomes overwhelmed by events -[w2extra2] Is outgoing, sociable -[w2extra4] Is always on the go -[w2open1] Is original; comes up with new ideas -[w2open4] Prefers variety to routines -[w2agree3] Is considerate and kind to almost everyone -[w2agree4] Believes that others have good intentions -[w2consc1]Does a thorough job -[w2consc4] Keeps my promises <1> Very inaccurate <2> Fairly inaccurate <3> Neither accurate nor inaccurate <4> Fairly accurate <5> Very accurate <6> Don’t know {end page statement} [w2risk1] Generally speaking, how willing are you to take risks? <1> Very willing <2> Somewhat willing <3> Somewhat unwilling <4> Very unwilling <5> Don’t Know [w2sex1] What is your gender? <1> Male <2> Female [w2personf1 if w2sex1 ==2] {grid roworder=randomize} Here we briefly describe some people. Please read each description and tick the box in each row that shows how much each person is or is not like you. -[w2Univ2f1] She wants everyone to be treated justly. It is important to her to protect the weak in society. -[w2Univ3f1] She believes that all voices are important. She wants all people to have the opportunity to express themselves. -[w2Selfdir2f1] It is important to her to be independent. She likes to rely on herself. -[w2Selfdir3f1] She wants to take her own path in life. She thinks it is important not to worry too much what other people think. -[w2Selfdir4f1] She wants to make her own plans in life. It is important to devote herself to the things she enjoys. -[w2Ach2f1] Getting ahead in life is important to her. She strives to do better than others. -[w2Ach3f1] She wants the respect of others. It is important that she be successful, and that others recognize it. -[w2Power2f1] She believes it is important for people to follow orders and instructions. She would like to be the leader giving those instructions. -[w2Power3f1] She wants to be envied by others. Status is important to her. -[w2Conform1f1] It is important to her to behave properly. She believes people should do what they are told. <1> Very much like me <2> Like me <3> Somewhat like me <4> A little like me <5> Not like me <6> Not like me at all <7> Don’t know [w2personm1 if w2sex1 ==1] {grid roworder =randomize} Here we briefly describe some people. Please read each description and tick the box in each row that shows how much each person is or is not like you. -[w2Univ2m1] He wants everyone to be treated justly. It is important to him to protect the weak in society. -[w2Univ3m1] He believes that all voices are important. He wants all people to have the opportunity to express themselves. -[w2Selfdir2m1] It is important to him to be independent. He likes to rely on himself. -[w2Selfdir3m1] He wants to take his own path in life. He thinks it is important not to worry too much what other people think. -[w2Selfdir4m1] He wants to make his own plans in life. It is important to devote himself to the things he enjoys. -[w2Ach2m1] Getting ahead in life is important to him. He strives to do better than others. -[w2Ach3m1] He wants the respect of others. It is important that he be successful, and that others recognize it. -[w2Power2m1] He believes it is important for people to follow orders and instructions. He would like to be the leader giving those instructions. -[w2Power3m1] He wants to be envied by others. Status is important to him. -[w2Conform1m1] It is important to him to behave properly. He believes people should do what they are told. <1> Very much like me <2> Like me <3> Somewhat like me <4> A little like me <5> Not like me <6> Not like me at all <7> Don’t know [w2trust1] {scale 0 10} On balance, would you say that most people can’t be trusted or that most people can be trusted? Using the 0 to 10 scale below, where the end marked 0 means “most people can’t be trusted” and the end marked 10 means “most people can be trusted,” where would you place yourself on this scale? -[w2trust1a] Most people can’t be trusted|Most people can be trusted [w2wing1] {scale 0 10} People sometimes use the labels 'left' or 'left wing' and 'right' or 'right wing' to describe political parties, party leaders, and political ideas. Using the 0 to 10 scale below, where the end marked 0 means left and the end marked 10 means right, where would you place yourself on this scale? -[w2wing1a] Left|Right [w2UKissues1] {rank slots=3 position=left order=randomize} Please rank what you think are the most important, the second most important and the third most important issues facing the country today. <1> War and Foreign Affairs <2> Terrorism <3> The Deficit <4> Health Care <5> Pollution and the Environment <6> Economy and Jobs <7> Rising Prices and Inflation <8> Poverty <9> Immigration <10> Crime <11> Taxes <12> Social Security / Pensions <13> Abortion <14> Gay Marriage { first_ranked="" first_ranked = w2UKissues1.top.response_text } [w2UKissues2] Which party is best able to handle $first_ranked? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrat <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other Party <10> None, no party is able to handle the problem <11> Don’t know [w2UKparty1 if splitUK1 ==1] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat or what? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrat <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know [w2UKparty2 if splitUK1 ==2] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Labour, Liberal Democrat, Conservative or what? <1> Labour <2> Liberal Democrat <3> Conservative <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know [w2UKparty3 if splitUK1 ==3] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Liberal Democrat, Conservative, Labour or what? <1> Liberal Democrat <2> Conservative <3> Labour <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know {page textsub1} { party = "" if w2UKparty1== 1: party = "Conservative supporter" if w2UKparty1== 2: party = "Labour supporter " if w2UKparty1== 3: party = "Liberal Democrat supporter " if w2UKparty1== 4: party = "Plaid Cymru supporter " if w2UKparty1== 5: party = "SNP supporter " if w2UKparty1== 6: party = "Green supporter " if w2UKparty1== 7: party = "UKIP supporter " if w2UKparty1== 8: party = "BNP supporter " if w2UKparty2== 3: party = "Conservative supporter " if w2UKparty2== 1: party = "Labour supporter " if w2UKparty2== 2: party = "Liberal Democrat supporter " if w2UKparty2== 4: party = "Plaid Cymru supporter " if w2UKparty2== 5: party = "SNP supporter " if w2UKparty2== 6: party = "Green supporter " if w2UKparty2== 7: party = "UKIP supporter " if w2UKparty2== 8: party = "BNP supporter " if w2UKparty3== 2: party = "Conservative supporter " if w2UKparty3== 3: party = "Labour supporter " if w2UKparty3== 1: party = "Liberal Democrat supporter " if w2UKparty3== 4: party = "Plaid Cymru supporter " if w2UKparty3== 5: party = "SNP supporter " if w2UKparty3== 6: party = "Green supporter " if w2UKparty3== 7: party = "UKIP supporter " if w2UKparty3== 8: party = "BNP supporter " } {end page textsub1} [w2UKparty4 if w2UKparty1 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] or w2UKparty2 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] or w2UKparty3 in[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]]Would you call yourself a strong $party or a not very strong $party? <1> Strong <2> Not very strong <3> Don't know [w2UKparty5 if w2UKparty1 in [9,10,11] or w2UKparty2 in [9,10,11] or w2UKparty3 in[9,10,11]] Do you generally think of yourself as a little closer to one of the parties than the others? If yes, please say which party? <1> Liberal Democrat <2> Conservative <3> Labour <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No--none <11> Don't know ** In this section, you will be asked to make a series of hypothetical decisions between monetary alternatives. Each question presents a different hypothetical amount you could receive today, and gives an alternative that you could receive next year. For each question, please indicate which alternative you would prefer. In this section, some respondents will only receive one question. ** [w2delay1] Which would you prefer, £900 today or £1000 one year from now? <1> £900 today <2> £1000 one year from now [w2delay2 if w2delay1 ==1] Which would you prefer, £700 today or £1000 one year from now? <1> £700 today <2> £1000 one year from now [w2delay3 if w2delay2==1] Which would you prefer, £500 today or £1000 one year from now? <1> £500 today <2> £1000 one year from now [w2delay4 if w2delay3==1] Which would you prefer, $300 today or $1000 one year from now? <1> £300 today <2> £1000 one year from now [w2delay5 if w2delay4==1] Which would you prefer, $100 today or £1000 one year from now? <1> £100 today <2> £1000 one year from now {module econ order=randomize} [w2econ1] How do you think the general economic situation in this country has changed over the last 12 months? Has it: <1> Got a lot better <2> Got a little better <3> Stayed the same <4> Got a little worse <5> Got a lot worse <6> Don't know [w2econ2] How does the financial situation of your household now compare with what it was 12 months ago? Has it: <1> Got a lot better <2> Got a little better <3> Stayed the same <4> Got a little worse <5> Got a lot worse <6> Don't know {end module econ} ** Now we would like to switch to another topic. ** [w2trade1] {grid roworder=randomize} Do you think globalisation—the increased trade between countries in goods, services, and investments—has had a negative effect, no effect, or a positive effect on each of the following: -[w2trdegl1] Protecting the environment -[w2trdegl2] Improving women’s rights in developing countries -[w2trdegl3] Providing jobs and strengthening the economy in poor countries -[w2trdegl4] Reducing the chances of war between nations -[w2trdegl5] British factory workers -[w2trdegl6] Improving democracy and human rights in developing countries -[w2trdegl7] Multinational corporations based in the United Kingdom -[w2trdegl8] You and your immediate family -[w2trdegl9] The British economy -[w2trdegl10] The average British consumer -[w2trdegl11] British businesses <1> Negative effect <2> No effect <3> Positive effect <4> Don’t know [w2risk2] Suppose you are the only income earner in the family, and you have a good job guaranteed to give you income every year for life. You are given the opportunity to take a new and equally good job with a 50-50 chance that it will double your income and a 50-50 chance that it will cut your income by a third. Would you take the new job? <1> Yes <2> No [w2risk2a if w2risk2==1] Suppose the chances were 50-50 that it would double your income and 50-50 that it would cut it in half. Would you still take the job? <1> Yes <2> No [w2risk2b if w2risk2==2] Suppose the chances were 50-50 that it would double your income and 50-50 that it would cut it by 20 percent. Would you then take the job? <1> Yes <2> No [w2trade2] {grid roworder=randomize} Many economic experts say that wages for the average British worker are not rising as fast as they could, that is, wages are not keeping up with inflation and increases in the cost of living. To the extent that this is true, how important are each of the following reasons in explaining why wages are rising slowly? -[w2trwge1] New technology requiring fewer workers -[w2trwge2] Jobs going overseas -[w2trwge3] Legal immigrants -[w2trwge4] Corporate greed -[w2trwge5] Illegal immigrants -[w2trwge6] Foreign competition -[w2trwge7] Competition at home -[w2trwge8] Lack of education <1> Not at all important <2> Unimportant <3> Neither unimportant nor important <4> Important <5> Extremely important <6> Don’t know [w2efftru1]{grid roworder=randomize displaymax=10} Please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements. -[w2efftrst1] I feel that I could do as good of a job in public office as most other people. -[w2efftrst2] I think I am as well-informed about politics and government as most people. -[w2efftrst3] I don’t often feel sure of myself when talking with other people about politics and government. -[w2efftrst4] I feel that I have a pretty good understanding of the important political issues facing our country. -[w2efftrst5] I consider myself well-qualified to participate in politics. -[w2efftrst6] Sometimes politics and government seem so complicated that a person like me can’t really understand what’s going on. -[w2efftrst7] Whatever its faults may be, the British form of government is still the best for us. -[w2efftrst8] There are many legal ways for citizens to successfully influence what the government does. -[w2efftrst9] Under our form of government, the people have the final say about how the country is run, no matter who is in office. -[w2efftrst10] If public officials are not interested in hearing what the people think, there is really no way to make them listen. -[w2efftrst11] I would rather live under our system of government than any other that I can think of. -[w2efftrst12] It maybe necessary to make some major changes in our form of government in order to solve the problems facing our country. -[w2efftrst13] People like me don’t have any say about what the government does. -[w2efftrst14] Those we elect to public office usually try to keep the promises they made during the election. -[w2efftrst15] Most public officials can be trusted to do what is right without our having to constantly check on them. -[w2efftrst16] You can generally trust the people who run our government to do what is right. -[w2efftrst17] When government leaders make statements to British people on television or in the newspapers, they are usually telling the truth. -[w2efftrst18] Quite a few of the people running our government are not as honest as the voters have a right to expect. -[w2eugood1] The existence of the EU promotes prosperity throughout Europe. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t Know {page page_scale} {text} **Let’s think about the next few years. Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means very likely and 0 means very unlikely, how likely is it that you will do the following:** {end text} {module order=randomize} [w2partic1] {scale 0 10} Wear or display a campaign badge or sticker -[w2partic1a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic3] {scale 0 10} Be active in a voluntary organization, like a charity group, or a sports club -[w2partic3a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic4] {scale 0 10} Sign a petition -[w2partic4a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic5] {scale 0 10} Boycott certain products -[w2partic5a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic6] {scale 0 10} Contact a politician or government official -[w2partic6a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic7] {scale 0 10} Work for a political party, candidate, or action group -[w2partic7a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic8] {scale 0 10} Take part in a lawful protest or public demonstration -[w2partic8a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic9] {scale 0 10} Take part in an illegal protest -[w2partic9a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic10] {scale 0 10} Vote in a local election -[w2partic10a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic11] {scale 0 10} Deliberately buy certain products for political, ethical, or environmental reasons -[w2partic11a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic12] {scale 0 10} Try to convince someone else how to vote -[w2partic12a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic13] {scale 0 10} Give money to a political party or candidate -[w2partic13a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic14] {scale 0 10} Discuss politics with family or friends -[w2partic14a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic15] {scale 0 10} Work actively with a group of people to address a public issue or solve a political problem -[w2partic15a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic16] {scale 0 10} Vote in the next election for the European Parliament -[w2partic16a] Very unlikely|Very likely [w2partic17] {scale 0 10} Vote in the next general election -[w2partic17a] Very unlikely|Very likely {end module} {end page page_scale} {module natid order=randomize} [w2natid1] How important is being British to you? <1> Not important at all <2> Very unimportant <3> Neither unimportant nor important <4> Very important <5> Extremely important <6> Don’t know [w2natid2] How well does the term British describe you? <1> Not at all <2> Not very well <3> Very well <4> Extremely well <5> Don’t know [w2natid3] When talking about Britons, how often do you say “we” instead of “they”? <1> Never <2> Rarely <3> Sometimes <4> Quite Often <5> Always <6> Don’t know [w2natid4] For me, to possess British citizenship is: <1> Not important at all <2> Very unimportant <3> Neither unimportant nor important <4> Very important <5> Extremely important <6> Don’t know {end module natid} [w2patriot1] {grid roworder=randomize} Here are some things people say about the United Kingdom. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement. -[w2patnat1] People should work hard to move this country in a positive direction. -[w2patnat2] People who do not wholeheartedly support Britain should live elsewhere. -[w2patnat3] I support British policies for the very reason that they are the policies of my country. -[w2patnat4] If I criticize Britain, I do so out of love of country. -[w2patnat5] I oppose some of Britain’s policies because I care about my country and want to improve it. -[w2patnat6] I appreciate the British political system very much, but I am willing to criticize it in order to achieve further improvement. -[w2patnat7] There is already enough criticism of Britain abroad, so we should not make things worse by saying bad things about the country. -[w2patnat8] If one feels allegiance to one’s country, one should strive to mend its problems. -[w2patnat9] In matters of international affairs, Britain is virtually always right. -[w2patnat10] I believe British policies are always the morally correct ones. <1> Strongly disagree <2> Disagree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Agree <5> Strongly Agree <6> Don’t Know {module econp order=randomize} [w2econp1] How do you think the financial situation of your household will change over the next 12 months? Will it: <1> Get a lot worse <2> Get a little worse <3> Stay the same <4> Get a little better <5> Get a lot better <6> Don't know [w2econp2] How do you think the general economic situation in this country will develop over the next 12 months? Will it: <1> Get a lot worse <2> Get a little worse <3> Stay the same <4> Get a little better <5> Get a lot better <6> Don't know {end module econp} [w2ukgene1] If there were a General Election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> The Liberal Democrats <4> None – won’t vote / never vote <5> Other party <6> Don’t know [w2ukgene2 if w2ukgene1==4 or w2ukgene1==6] Which party would you be most inclined to vote for? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> The Liberal Democrats <4> None – won’t vote / never vote <5> Other party <6> Don’t know [w2lanscare1]The government's proposed reforms of the National Heath Service were recently passed through Parliament. From what you have seen or heard about them, do you support or oppose the government's NHS reforms? <1> Support <2> Oppose <3> Don’t Know [w2statemin1 if split10==1] {grid roworder=randomize} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w2minam1a] Over the past few years, visible minorities have received less than they deserve. -[w2minam2a] Most visible minorities who receive money from welfare programs could get along without it if they tried. -[w2minam3a] Visible minorities are getting too demanding in what they expect from government. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t Know [w2statemin2 if split10==2] {grid roworder=randomize} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w2minam1b] Over the past few years, Britons have recieved less than they deserve. -[w2minam2b] Most Britons who receive money from welfare programs could get along without it if they tried. -[w2minam3b] Britons are getting too demanding in what they expect from government. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t Know [w2military1] Do you think that we should increase our spending on the military, keep it about the same, or cut it back? <1> Increase <2> Keep the same <3> Cut back <4> Don't know [w2UKcourts] {grid roworder=randomize} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w2UKcourt1] If the Supreme Court started making a lot of decisions that most people disagree with, it might be better to do away with the Supreme Court altogether. -[w2UKcourt2]The right of the Supreme Court to decide certain types of controversial issues should be reduced by Parliament. -[w2UKcourt3]The Supreme Court can usually be trusted to make the right decision. -[w2UKcourt4]People should be willing to do everything they can to make sure that any proposal to abolish the Supreme Court is defeated. -[w2UKcourt5]The Supreme Court gets too mixed up in politics. -[w2UKcourt6]People should obey a decision of the Supreme Court even if they do not agree with it. -[w2UKcourt7]It would not make much difference to me if laws were rewritten to reduce the powers of the Supreme Court. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {module policy order=randomize} [w2UKpolicy1] How well do you think the Coalition Government has handled foreign policy? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't Know [w2UKpolicy2] How well do you think a Labour Government would handle foreign policy? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know {end module policy} [w2statement4] {grid roworder=randomize} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w2multi1] The UK should work more through international organizations, like the UN. -[w2multi3] The best way for the UK to be a world leader in foreign affairs is to build international consensus. -[w2iso1] The UK’s interests are best protected by avoiding involvement with other nations. -[w2iso3] The UK needs to simply mind its own business when it comes to international affairs. -[w2mili1] The UK should take all steps including the use of force to prevent aggression by any expansionist power. -[w2mili3] In dealing with other nations, our government needs to be strong and tough rather than understanding and flexible. -[w2ihuman1] The UK should be more willing to share its wealth with other nations, even if it doesn’t coincide with our political interests. -[w2nuke1] The UK should get rid of its nuclear weapons, irrespective of what other countries do. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w2statementeu] {grid roworder=randomize} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w2eupan1] Even in its milder forms, Islam is a serious danger to Western civilization. -[w2eupan2] The United Kingdom has benefitted from the arrival in recent decades of people from many different countries and cultures. -[w2eupan3] All further immigration to the UK should be halted. -[w2eupan4] The United Kingdom should allow more highly skilled immigrants from other countries to come and live here. -[w2eupan5] The United Kingdom should allow more low-skilled immigrants from other countries to come and live here. -[w2eupan6] Most crimes in Britain are committed by immigrants. -[w2eupan7] Immigration in recent years has helped Britain’s economy grow faster than it would have done. -[w2eupan8] The Government should encourage immigrants and their families to leave the United Kingdom (including family members who were born in the UK). -[w2eupan9] Local councils normally allow immigrant families to jump the queue in allocating council homes. -[w2eupan10] Non-white British citizens who were born in this country are just as ‘British’ as white citizens born in this country. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {module iraq order=randomize} [w2UKiraq1] Do you think the United Kingdom did the right thing by using military force against Iraq? Would you say that you strongly approve, somewhat approve, neither approve nor disapprove, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of this decision? <1> Strongly approve <2> Approve <3> Neither approve nor disapprove <4> Disapprove <5> Strongly disapprove <6> Don't know [w2UKiraq2] Do you think the United Kingdom did the right thing by using military force against Afghanistan? Would you say that you strongly approve, somewhat approve, neither approve nor disapprove, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of this decision? <1> Strongly approve <2> Approve <3> Neither approve nor disapprove <4> Disapprove <5> Strongly disapprove <6> Don't know {end module iraq} [w2eucounta] {grid roworder=randomize} Thinking about countries that belong to the European Union, how you think the policies of each country in the following areas should be decided? -[w2eucount1] Rules governing trade with the rest of the world -[w2eucount2] Measures to combat pollution, climate change and global warming -[w2eucount3] Immigration -[w2eucount4] The military and defence -[w2eucount5] Agricultural policy -[w2eucount6] Labour laws/Working hours <1> Policies should be decided by the EU as a whole <2> Policies should be decided by each country on its own <3> Don’t Know [w2UKiraq5] Regardless of whether you think taking military action in Iraq was the right thing to do, would you say the United Kingdom has succeeded in accomplishing its objectives in Iraq, or has the United Kingdom failed? <1> Mostly succeeded <2> Somewhat succeeded <3> Somewhat failed <4> Mostly failed <5> Don’t know {page email} ** Now for something different.** ** Please read the following letter. On the next screen, you will be asked two questions about the content of the letter.** <
> Subject: Tomorrow's meeting From: "Ginger Holmes" gholmes@bru.ac.uk Date: Wed, May 13, 2009 8:31 am To: "Pat Jones" patjones@bru.ac.uk Priority: Normal <
> Pat, Since Christi is out of town, the staff council meeting will be held via telephone tomorrow. We will discuss the proposed reorganization of the Human Resources department to better serve the faculty and staff at BRU. During this conference call, we will also discuss the decisions reached at the 11am meeting of the University Benefits department. It is critical that all attendees of the University Benefits department, especially those who attended the morning meeting, also attend this conference call, to ensure that necessary recommendations of this committee are incorporated into our procedural changes. Details for the conference call are listed below. Also, please confirm your participation via email to me. <
> Date: Thursday, May 14 Time: 2:00 PM (EST) Number: 0800 555120 8533123 (passcode) <
> Thanks, Ginger Holmes Administrative Coordinator Recruiting and Staffing Baton Rouge University www.bru.ac.uk {end page email} {page emailquest} [w2attention1] Who is the e-mail message sent to? <1> Ginger Holmes <2> Pat Jones <3> Edward Downs <4> Sadie Stinfeld <5> Don’t Know [w2attention2] What department is holding the meeting prior to the conference call? <1> Recruiting and Staffing <2> Learning and Professional Development <3> Temporary Employment <4> International HR <5> Equal Opportunity Employment <6> Health Insurance Options <7> Compensation <8> Disability Services <9> University Benefits <10> Orientation <11> Don't Know {end page emailquest} [w2syriana if split8==1] {grid roworder =randomize} Below are some ways that the United Kingdom could intervene in the situation in Syria. Please say if you would support or oppose each action: -[w2syrian1a] Enforcing a no-fly zone over Syria so the Syrian air force cannot attack rebels or civilians. -[w2syrian2a] Providing arms to the Syrian rebels. -[w2syrian3a] Sending British troops into Syria to protect civilians from attack -[w2syrian4a] Sending British troops into Syria to help overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. <1> Strongly oppose <2> Oppose <3> Neither support nor oppose <4> Support <5> Strongly support <6> Don’t Know [w2syrianb if split8==2] {grid roworder =randomize} Below are some ways that the United Kingdom and its allies could intervene in the situation in Syria. Please say if you would support or oppose each action: -[w2syrian1b] Enforcing a no-fly zone over Syria so the Syrian air force cannot attack rebels or civilians. -[w2syrian2b] Providing arms to the Syrian rebels. -[w2syrian3b] Sending British and allied troops into Syria to protect civilians from attack -[w2syrian4b] Sending British and allied troops into Syria to help overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. <1> Strongly oppose <2> Oppose <3> Neither support nor oppose <4> Support <5> Strongly support <6> Don’t Know [w2syrian5] Thinking specifically about a no-fly zone over Syria, some people have suggested a no-fly zone should only go ahead with the support of the United Nations. Other people have suggested that the EU or NATO could impose a no-fly zone without UN approval. Which of the following best reflects your view? <1> A no-fly zone should only be imposed with the approval of the United Nations. <2> The European Union or NATO should impose a no-fly zone with or without UN approval. <3> A no-fly zone should not be imposed at all. <4> Don’t know {page themintro} **Next you will see a series of people, countries, and groups. We’d like to know how you feel about each person or group. Please use the following scales from 0 to 100, where 0 represents feeling very coldly towards that person or group and 100 represents feeling very warmly towards that person or group.** {end page themintro} [w2q23] {thermometer range="0,100" labels={0:"Coldly", 25:"", 50:"", 75:"", 100:"Warmly"} instructions="Click on thermometer to give your rating." dk="Don't know" order=randomize} -[w2obama1] Barack Obama -[w2ukip1] United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) -[w2cameron1] David Cameron -[w2uk1] The United Kingdom -[w2us1] The United States -[w2egypt1] Egypt -[w2eu1] The European Union -[w2libdem1] Liberal Democratic Party -[w2un1] The United Nations -[w2miliband1] Ed Miliband -[w2nato1] The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) -[w2libya1] Libya -[w2israel1] Israel -[w2china1] China -[w2canada1] Canada -[w2occupy1] Occupy London -[w2conser1] Conservative Party -[w2clegg1] Nick Clegg -[w2labour1] Labour Party -[w2germany1] Germany -[w2supremec1] The Supreme Court [w2outsour1] How concerned are you that you could lose your current job or not get a job because of outsourcing to a foreign country or because of competition from companies operating outside of the United Kingdom? <1> Not very concerned <2> Somewhat concerned <3> Very concerned <4> Extremely concerned <5> Don’t know [w2travel1] Do you currently have a valid passport? <1> Yes <2> No <3> Don’t know [w2travel2 if w2travel1==1] Approximately how many trips did you make out of the country for business or pleasure in the past year? <1> 0—I did not leave the country in the past year. <2> 1 <3> 2-5 <4> 6-10 <5> More than 10 <6> Don’t know [w2travel3 if w2travel1>1 or w2travel2==0] When, if ever, was the last time you travelled for business or pleasure outside of the United Kingdom? <1> Between 1 and 5 years ago <2> Between 6 and 10 years ago <3> More than 10 years ago <4> I have never travelled outside of the United Kingdom <5> Don’t know [w2travel4 if w2travel3==4] Do you ever want to travel outside of the United Kingdom? <1> Yes <2> No <3> Maybe <4> Don’t know [w2occ1] Which of the following best describes your current employment status? <1> Full-time <2> Part-time <3> Temporarily laid off <4> Unemployed <5> Retired <6> Permanently disabled <7> Homemaker <8> Student <9> Other [w2occ1open] {open} [w2occ2 if w2occ1==1 or w2occ1==2 or w2occ1==3] {open} Please briefly describe what you do in your job(s). [w2occ3 if w2occ1==4] {open} Please briefly describe what type of job you are looking for. [w2occ4 if w2occ1==5] {open} Please briefly describe what you did in your job/career. [w2occ5 if w2occ1==1 or w2occ1==2 or w2occ1==3] Is your main job <1> A permanent job <2> A non-permanent, temporary, or limited-term job [w2occ6 if w2occ1==1 or w2occ1==2 or w2occ1==3] Do you supervise other employees? <1> Yes <2> No [w2occ7 if w2occ1==1 or w2occ1==2 or w2occ1==3] How is your pay calculated, in particular are you salaried or paid by the hour? <1> Salaried <2> Basic salary plus commission <3> Paid by the Hour <4> Don’t Know/Other [w2occ8 if w2occ1==1 or w2occ1==3] Does your employer offer you retirement benefits? <1> Yes <2> No [w2occ9 if w2occ1==1 or w2occ1==3] Does your employer offer you health care benefits? <1> Yes <2> No {module marital if pdl.profile_marital_stat in [1,2,7]} [w2occ11]Which of the following best describes your spouse or partner’s current employment status? <1> Full-time <2> Part-time <3> Temporarily laid off <4> Unemployed <5> Retired <6> Permanently disabled <7> Homemaker <8> Student <9> Other [w2occ11open] {open} [w2occ12 if w2occ11==1 or w2occ11==2 or w2occ11==3] {open} Please briefly describe what your spouse or partner’s job(s). [w2occ13 if w2occ11==4] {open} Please briefly describe what type of job your spouse or partner is looking for. [w2occ14 if w2occ11==5] {open} Please briefly describe what your spouse or partner did as a job/career. [w2occ15 if w2occ11==1 or w2occ11==2 or w2occ11==3] Is your spouse or partner’s main job <1> A permanent job <2> A non-permanent, temporary, or limited-term job [w2occ16 if w2occ11==1 or w2occ11==2 or w2occ11==3] Does your spouse or partner supervise other employees? <1> Yes <2> No [w2occ17 if w2occ11==1 or w2occ11==2 or w2occ11==3] How is your spouse or partner’s pay calculated, salaried or paid by the hour? <1> Salaried <2> Basic salary plus commission <3> Paid by the Hour <4> Don’t Know/Other [w2occ18 if w2occ11==1 or w2occ11==3] Does your spouse or partner’s employer offer retirement benefits? <1> Yes <2> No [w2occ19 if w2occ11==1 or w2occ11==3] Does your spouse or partner’s employer offer partner health care benefits? <1> Yes <2> No {end module marital} [citizen1] Which best describes you and your parents? <1> I am a British citizen and so are/were both of my parents <2> I am a British citizen, but both of my parents are/were not citizens <3> I am a British citizen, but my mother is/was not a citizen <4> I am a British citizen, but my father is/was not a citizen <5> I am not a British citizen <6> Don't Know {survey P_scotto_wave3_UK widget_all_required=1 nav_back=0 hide_progress=1} {page introstart} This survey is on a variety of topics, and the results will be used to inform our clients. Your YouGov Account will be credited with 100 points for completing the survey. We have tested the survey and found that, on average it takes around 18 to 20 minutes to complete. This time may vary depending on factors such as your Internet connection speed and the answers you give. Please click the forward button below to continue. {end page introstart} Consider each of the following words or statements and compare yourself to your friends, colleagues and those you come into regular contact with. Indicate for each statement whether it is a very inaccurate, fairly inaccurate, neither accurate nor inaccurate, fairly accurate, or very accurate description of you. [w3statement2]{grid roworder="randomize" displaymax=8} I see myself as someone who: -[w3open1] Is original, comes up with new ideas -[w3open3] Has an active imagination -[w3open4] Prefers variety to routine -[w3consc1] Does a thorough job -[w3consc3] Does things efficiently -[w3consc4] Keeps my promises -[w3extra1] Is talkative -[w3extra2] Is outgoing, sociable -[w3extra4] Is always on the go -[w3agree2] Has a forgiving nature -[w3agree3] Is considerate and kind to almost everyone -[w3agree4] Believes that others have good intentions -[w3neurot1] Worries a lot -[w3neurot2] Gets nervous easily -[w3neurot4] Becomes overwhelmed by events <1>Very inaccurate <2> Fairly inaccurate <3> Neither accurate nor inaccurate <4> Fairly accurate <5> Very accurate <6> Don’t know [w3sex1] What is your gender? <1> Male <2> Female [w3personf1 if w3sex1 ==2] {grid roworder="randomize" displaymax=7} Here we briefly describe some people. Please read each description and tick the box in each row that shows how much each person is or is not like you. -[w3Univ1f1] She thinks it is important that every person in this world should be treated equally. She believes everyone should have equal opportunities in life. -[w3Univ2f1] She wants everyone to be treated justly. It is important to her to protect the weak in society. -[w3Univ3f1] She believes that all voices are important. She wants all people to have the opportunity to express themselves. -[w3Bene1f1] It is important to her to respond to the needs of others. She tries to support those she knows. -[w3Bene2f1] It is important to be loyal to her friends. She wants to devote herself to people close to her. -[w3Selfdir1f1] It is important to her to make her own decisions about what she does. She likes to choose her own activities. -[w3Selfdir2f1] It is important to her to be independent. She likes to rely on herself. -[w3Selfdir3f1] She wants to take her own path in life. She thinks it is important not to worry too much what other people think. -[w3Selfdir4f1] She wants to make her own plans in life. It is important to devote herself to the things she enjoys. -[w3Stim1f1] She likes to take risks. She is always looking for adventures. -[w3Stim2f1] She likes surprises. It is important to her to have an exciting life. -[w3Ach1f1] She thinks it is important to be ambitious. She wants to show how capable she is. -[w3Ach2f1] Getting ahead in life is important to her. She strives to do better than others. -[w3Ach3f1] She wants the respect of others. It is important that she be successful, and that others recognize it. -[w3Power1f1] It is important to her to be in charge and tell others what to do. She likes to be the leader. -[w3Power2f1] She believes it is important for people to follow orders and instructions. She would like to be the leader giving those instructions. -[w3Power3f1] She wants to be envied by others. Status is important to her. -[w3Secur1f1] It is important for her to live in secure surroundings. She avoids anything that might endanger her safety. -[w3Secur2f1] She is concerned with her physical well-being and staying healthy. She keeps things clean and avoids germs. -[w3Secur3f1] Having a stable society is important to her. She is concerned that the social order be protected. -[w3Conform1f1] It is important to her to behave properly. She believes people should do what they are told. -[w3Conform2f1] She believes she should always show respect to her parents and older people in her community. It is important to her to be obedient. -[w3Conform3f1] It is important to her to be polite to other people all the time. She tries never to disturb or irritate others. -[w3Trad1f1] Tradition is important to her. She tries to follow the customs handed down by her religion or her family. -[w3Trad2f1] She thinks it’s important not to ask for more than what you have. She believes that people should be satisfied with what they have. -[w3Trad3f1] She does not believe in change for the sake of change. She lives by the motto “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” <1>Very much like me <2> Like me <3> Somewhat like me <4> A little like me <5> Not like me <6> Not like me at all <7> Don’t know [w3personm1 if w3sex1==1] {grid roworder="randomize" displaymax=7} Here we briefly describe some people. Please read each description and tick the box in each row that shows how much each person is or is not like you. -[w3Univ1m1] He thinks it is important that every person in this world should be treated equally. He believes everyone should have equal opportunities in life. -[w3Univ2m1] He wants everyone to be treated justly. It is important to him to protect the weak in society. -[w3Univ3m1] He believes that all voices are important. He wants all people to have the opportunity to express themselves. -[w3Bene1m1] It is important to him to respond to the needs of others. He tries to support those he knows. -[w3Bene2m1] It is important to be loyal to his friends. He wants to devote himself to people close to him. -[w3Selfdir1m1] It is important to him to make his own decisions about what he does. He likes to choose his own activities. -[w3Selfdir2m1] It is important to him to be independent. He likes to rely on herself. -[w3Selfdir3m1] He wants to take his own path in life. He thinks it is important not to worry too much what other people think. -[w3Selfdir4m1] He wants to make his own plans in life. It is important to devote himself to the things He enjoys. -[w3Stim1m1] He likes to take risks. He is always looking for adventures. -[w3Stim2m1] He likes surprises. It is important to him to have an exciting life. -[w3Ach1m1] He thinks it is important to be ambitious. He wants to show how capable he is. -[w3Ach2m1] Getting ahead in life is important to him. He strives to do better than others. -[w3Ach3m1] He wants the respect of others. It is important that he be successful, and that others recognize it. -[w3Power1m1] It is important to him to be in charge and tell others what to do. He likes to be the leader. -[w3Power2m1] He believes it is important for people to follow orders and instructions. He would like to be the leader giving those instructions. -[w3Power3m1] He wants to be envied by others. Status is important to him. -[w3Secur1m1] It is important for him to live in secure surroundings. He avoids anything that might endanger his safety. -[w3Secur2m1] He is concerned with his physical well-being and staying healthy. He keeps things clean and avoids germs. -[w3Secur3m1] Having a stable society is important to him. He is concerned that the social order be protected. -[w3Conform1m1] It is important to him to behave properly. He believes people should do what they are told. -[w3Conform2m1] He believes he should always show respect to his parents and older people in his community. It is important to him to be obedient. -[w3Conform3m1] It is important to him to be polite to other people all the time. He tries never to disturb or irritate others. -[w3Trad1m1] Tradition is important to him. He tries to follow the customs handed down by his religion or his family. -[w3Trad2m1] He thinks it’s important not to ask for more than what you have. He believes that people should be satisfied with what they have. -[w3Trad3m1] He does not believe in change for the sake of change. He lives by the motto “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” <1>Very much like me <2> Like me <3> Somewhat like me <4> A little like me <5> Not like me <6> Not like me at all <7> Don’t know [w3wing1] {scale 0 10 dk=11} People sometimes use the labels 'left' or 'left wing' and 'right' or 'right wing' to describe political parties, party leaders, and political ideas. Using the 0 to 10 scale below, where the end marked 0 means left and the end marked 10 means right, where would you place yourself on this scale? -[w3wing1a] Left|Right [w3UKissues1]{rank slots=3 order="randomize"} Please rank what you think are the most important, the second most important and the third most important issues facing the country today. <1> War and Foreign Affairs <2> Terrorism <3> The Deficit <4> Health Care <5> Pollution and the Environment <6> Economy and Jobs <7> Rising Prices and Inflation <8> Poverty <9> Immigration <10> Crime <11> Taxes <12> Social Security / Pensions <13> Abortion <14> Gay Marriage { # this code is to find which options where the first top three ranked = int[] temp ranked1 = w3UKissues1.ranked(1).code temp ranked2 = w3UKissues1.ranked(2).code temp ranked3 = w3UKissues1.ranked(3).code ranked.append(ranked1) ranked.append(ranked2) ranked.append(ranked3) ranked1_text = w3UKissues1.ranked(1).response_text ranked2_text = w3UKissues1.ranked(2).response_text ranked3_text = w3UKissues1.ranked(3).response_text } [w3UKissues2] Which party is best able to handle $ranked1_text? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrat <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other Party <10> None, no party is able to handle the problem <11> Don’t know {page split} { splitUK1 = history.P_scotto_UK_w1.splitUK1 } {end page split} [w3UKparty1 if splitUK1 ==1] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat or what? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> Liberal Democrat <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know [w3UKparty2 if splitUK1 ==2] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Labour, Liberal Democrat, Conservative or what? <1> Labour <2> Liberal Democrat <3> Conservative <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know [w3UKparty3 if splitUK1 ==3] Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Liberal Democrat, Conservative, Labour or what? <1> Liberal Democrat <2> Conservative <3> Labour <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National Party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No-none <11> Don't know { text1 = "" if w3UKparty1==1: text1 = "Conservative supporter" if w3UKparty1==2: text1 = "Labour supporter" if w3UKparty1==3: text1 = "Liberal Democrat supporter" if w3UKparty1==4: text1 = "Plaid Cymru supporter" if w3UKparty1==5: text1 = "Scottish National Party supporter" if w3UKparty1==6: text1 = "Green supporter" if w3UKparty1==7: text1 = "United Kingdom Independence Party supporter" if w3UKparty1==8: text1 = "British National Party supporter" } [w3UKparty4a if w3UKparty1 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]] Would you call yourself a strong $text1 or a not very strong $text1? <1> Strong <2> Not very strong <3> Don't know { text2 = "" if w3UKparty2==3: text2 = "Conservative supporter" if w3UKparty2==1: text2 = "Labour supporter" if w3UKparty2==2: text2 = "Liberal Democrat supporter" if w3UKparty2==4: text2 = "Plaid Cymru supporter" if w3UKparty2==5: text2 = "Scottish National Party supporter" if w3UKparty2==6: text2 = "Green supporter" if w3UKparty2==7: text2 = "United Kingdom Independence Party supporter" if w3UKparty2==8: text2 = "British National Party supporter" } [w3UKparty4b if w3UKparty2 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]] Would you call yourself a strong $text2 or a not very strong $text2? <1> Strong <2> Not very strong { text3 = "" if w3UKparty3==2: text3 = "Conservative supporter" if w3UKparty3==3: text3 = "Labour supporter" if w3UKparty3==1: text3 = "Liberal Democrat supporter" if w3UKparty3==4: text3 = "Plaid Cymru supporter" if w3UKparty3==5: text3 = "Scottish National Party supporter" if w3UKparty3==6: text3 = "Green supporter" if w3UKparty3==7: text3 = "United Kingdom Independence Party supporter" if w3UKparty3==8: text3 = "British National Party supporter" } [w3UKparty4c if w3UKparty3 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]] Would you call yourself a strong $text3 or a not very strong $text3? <1> Strong <2> Not very strong [w3UKparty5 if w3UKparty1 in [9,10,11] or w3UKparty2 in [9,10,11] or w3UKparty3 in[9,10,11]] Do you generally think of yourself as a little closer to one of the parties than the others? If yes, please say which party? <1> Liberal Democrat <2> Conservative <3> Labour <4 if pdl.profile_GOR==10> Plaid Cymru <5 if pdl.profile_GOR==11> Scottish National party (SNP) <6> Green <7> United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) <8> British National Party (BNP) <9> Other party <10> No--none <11> Don't know {module econsit order="randomize"} [w3econ1] How do you think the general economic situation in this country has changed over the last 12 months? Has it: <1> Gotten a lot better <2> Gotten a little better <3> Stayed the same <4> Gotten a little worse <5> Gotten a lot worse <6> Don't know [w3econ2] How does the financial situation of your household now compare with what it was 12 months ago? Has it: <1> Gotten a lot better <2> Gotten a little better <3> Stayed the same <4> Gotten a little worse <5> Gotten a lot worse <6> Don't know {end module econsit} {module british order="randomize"} [w3natid1] How important is being British to you? <1> Not important at all <2> Very unimportant <3> Neither unimportant nor important <4> Very important <5> Extremely important <6> Don’t know [w3natid2] How well does the term British describe you? <1> Not at all <2> Not very well <3> Very well <4> Extremely well <5> Don’t know [w3natid3] When talking about Britons, how often do you say “we” instead of “they”? <1> Never <2> Rarely <3> Sometimes <4> Quite Often <5> Always <6> Don’t know [w3natid4] For me, to possess British citizenship is: <1> Not important at all <2> Very unimportant <3> Neither unimportant nor important <4> Very important <5> Extremely important <6> Don’t know {end module british} [w3patriot1]{grid roworder="randomize"} Here are some things people say about the United Kingdom. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement. -[w3patnat1] People should work hard to move this country in a positive direction. -[w3patnat2] People who do not wholeheartedly support Britain should live elsewhere. -[w3patnat3] I support British policies for the very reason that they are the policies of my country. -[w3patnat4] If I criticize Britain, I do so out of love of country. -[w3patnat5] I oppose some of Britain’s policies because I care about my country and want to improve it. -[w3patnat6] I appreciate the British political system very much, but I am willing to criticize it in order to achieve further improvement. -[w3patnat7] There is already enough criticism of Britain abroad, so we should not make things worse by saying bad things about the country. -[w3patnat8] If one feels allegiance to one’s country, one should strive to mend its problems. -[w3patnat9] In matters of international affairs, Britain is virtually always right. -[w3patnat10] I believe British policies are always the morally correct ones. <1> Strongly disagree <2> Disagree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Agree <5> Strongly Agree <6> Don’t Know {module nxtyr order="randomize"} [w3econp1] How do you think the financial situation of your household will change over the next 12 months? Will it: <1> Get a lot worse <2> Get a little worse <3> Stay the same <4> Get a little better <5> Get a lot better <6> Don't know [w3econp2] How do you think the general economic situation in this country will develop over the next 12 months? Will it: <1> Get a lot worse <2> Get a little worse <3> Stay the same <4> Get a little better <5> Get a lot better <6> Don't know {end module nxtyr} [w3ukgene1] If there were a General Election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> The Liberal Democrats <4> None – won’t vote / never vote <5> Other party <6> Don’t know [w3ukgene2 if w3ukgene1==4 or w3ukgene1==6] Which party would you be most inclined to vote for? <1> Conservative <2> Labour <3> The Liberal Democrats <4> None – won’t vote / never vote <5> Other party <6> Don’t know [w3lanscare1]The government's proposed reforms of the National Health Service were recently passed through Parliament. From what you have seen or heard about them, do you support or oppose the government's NHS reforms? <1> Support <2> Oppose <3> Don’t Know [w3military1] Do you think that we should increase our spending on the military, keep it about the same, or cut it back? <1> Increase <2> Keep the same <3> Cut back <4> Don't know [w3UKcourts] {grid roworder="randomize"}Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w3UKcourt1] If the Supreme Court started making a lot of decisions that most people disagree with, it might be better to do away with the Supreme Court altogether. -[w3UKcourt2]The right of the Supreme Court to decide certain types of controversial issues should be reduced by Parliament. -[w3UKcourt3]The Supreme Court can usually be trusted to make the right decision. -[w3UKcourt4]People should be willing to do everything they can to make sure that any proposal to abolish the Supreme Court is defeated. -[w3UKcourt5]The Supreme Court gets too mixed up in politics. -[w3UKcourt6]People should obey a decision of the Supreme Court even if they do not agree with it. -[w3UKcourt7]It would not make much difference to me if laws were rewritten to reduce the powers of the Supreme Court. -[w3UKcourt9] The British Parliament should NOT be able to override the Supreme Court’s opinions even if Parliament thinks they are harmful to the United Kingdom. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w3UKcourt10] Regardless of how you answered the questions above, how familiar would you say you are with the Supreme Court? <1> Very Familiar <2> Somewhat familiar <3> Not very familiar <4> Never heard of this Court <5> Don’t know [w3UKpolicy1] How well do you think the Coalition Government has handled foreign policy? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't Know [w3UKpolicy2] How well do you think a Labour Government would handle foreign policy? <1> Very well <2> Fairly well <3> Neither well nor badly <4> Fairly badly <5> Very badly <6> Don't know [w2statement4] {grid roworder="randomize" displaymax=8} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w3multi1] The UK should work more through international organisations, like the UN. -[w3multi2] In deciding on its foreign policies, the UK should take into account the views of its major allies. -[w3multi3] The best way for the UK to be a world leader in foreign affairs is to build international consensus. -[w3iso1] The UK’s interests are best protected by avoiding involvement with other nations. -[w3iso2] The UK shouldn't risk its citizens’ happiness and well-being by getting involved with other nations. -[w3iso3] The UK needs to simply mind its own business when it comes to international affairs. -[w3unilat1] Sometimes it is necessary for the UK to go alone in international affairs. -[w3unilat2] The UK doesn't need to withdraw from international affairs, it just needs to stop letting international organisations tell us what we can and can't do. -[w3unilat3] The UK should always do what is in its own interest, even if our allies object. -[w3mili1] The UK should take all steps including the use of force to prevent aggression by any expansionist power. -[w3mili2] The UK needs a strong military to be effective in international relations. -[w3mili3] In dealing with other nations, our government needs to be strong and tough rather than understanding and flexible. -[w3mili4] The UK should be more committed to diplomacy and not so fast to use the military in international crises. -[w3ihuman1] The UK should be more willing to share its wealth with other nations, even if it doesn’t coincide with our political interests. -[w3ihuman2] The UK should spend significantly more money on foreign aid. -[w3ihuman3] The UK already does enough to help the world's poor. -[w3ihuman4] The dignity and welfare of people should be the most important concern in UK foreign policy. -[w3iegal1] All in all, I think global income inequality is justified because countries have different resources and people’s abilities and talents are unequal. -[w3iegal3] The UK’s foreign policy should primarily be focused on creating global economic equality. -[w3peace1] War is never justified. -[w3peace2] People who place a high value on peace are usually weak and cowardly. -[w3gates1] British aid to developing countries strengthens our political influence in the world. -[w3gates2] British aid to developing countries helps to prevent international terrorism. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w3ECHR] {grid roworder="randomize"} Please say whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: -[w3ECHR3]The European Court of Human Rights can usually be trusted to make the right decision. -[w3ECHR5]The European Court of Human Rights gets too mixed up in politics. -[w3ECHR6]Britain should obey a decision of the European Court of Human Rights even if a majority of Britons do not agree with it. -[w3ECHR7]It would not make much difference to me if laws were rewritten to reduce the powers of the European Court of Human Rights. -[w3ECHR8] If the European Court of Human Rights started making a lot of decisions that most people disagree with, it might be better to do away with the European Court of Human Rights altogether. -[w3ECHR9] The British Parliament should NOT be able to override the European Court of Human Rights’ opinions even if Parliament thinks they are harmful to the United Kingdom. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w3ecourtf1] Regardless of how you answered the questions above, how familiar would you say you are with the European Court of Human Rights? <1> Very familiar <2>Somewhat familiar <3>Not very familiar <4>Never heard of this Court <5>Don’t Know {module Iraq order="randomize"} [w3UKiraq1] Do you think the United Kingdom did the right thing by using military force against Iraq? Would you say that you strongly approve, somewhat approve, neither approve nor disapprove, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of this decision? <1> Strongly approve <2> Approve <3> Neither approve nor disapprove <4> Disapprove <5> Strongly disapprove <6> Don't know [w3UKiraq2] Do you think the United Kingdom did the right thing by using military force against Afghanistan? Would you say that you strongly approve, somewhat approve, neither approve nor disapprove, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of this decision? <1> Strongly approve <2> Approve <3> Neither approve nor disapprove <4> Disapprove <5> Strongly disapprove <6> Don't know {end module Iraq} [w3UKiraq5] Regardless of whether you think taking military action in Iraq was the right thing to do, would you say the United Kingdom has succeeded in accomplishing its objectives in Iraq, or has the United Kingdom failed? <1> Mostly succeeded <2> Somewhat succeeded <3> Somewhat failed <4> Mostly failed <5> Don’t know ** We are interested in what sections people like to read in the newspaper. What people read in the paper might affect their opinions on current events. We also want to see if people are reading the questions carefully. To show that you’ve read this much, please mark both the classified and none of the above boxes below. That’s right, just select these two options only.** [w3attention1]{multiple} Regardless of how frequently you read the newspaper, what would you say are your favourite newspaper sections to read? (please check all that apply) <1> National <2> Local <3> Real Estate <4> Comics <5> Classified <6> Style <7> Sports <8> Business <9> Science and Technology <10> None of the above <11> All of the above {page split2} { split8 = history.P_Scotto_UK_wave2.split8 } {end page split2} [w3syriana if split8==1]{grid roworder="randomize"} Below are some ways that the United Kingdom could intervene in the situation in Syria. Please say if you would support or oppose each action: -[w3syrian1a] Enforcing a no-fly zone over Syria so the Syrian air force cannot attack rebels or civilians. -[w3syrian2a] Providing arms to the Syrian rebels. -[w3syrian3a] Sending British troops into Syria to protect civilians from attack -[w3syrian4a] Sending British troops into Syria to help overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. -[w3syrian6a] Using unmanned aerial vehicles--also known as drones--to kill senior Syrian military and political leaders. <1> Strongly oppose <2> Oppose <3> Neither support nor oppose <4> Support <5> Strongly support <6> Don’t Know [w3syrianb if split8==2] {grid roworder="randomize"} Below are some ways that the United Kingdom and its allies could intervene in the situation in Syria. Please say if you would support or oppose each action: -[w3syrian1b] Enforcing a no-fly zone over Syria so the Syrian air force cannot attack rebels or civilians. -[w3syrian2b] Providing arms to the Syrian rebels. -[w3syrian3b] Sending British and allied troops into Syria to protect civilians from attack -[w3syrian4b] Sending British and allied troops into Syria to help overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. -[w3syrian6b] Using unmanned aerial vehicles--also known as drones--to kill senior Syrian military and political leaders <1> Strongly oppose <2> Oppose <3> Neither support nor oppose <4> Support <5> Strongly support <6> Don’t Know {page themintro} **Next you will see a series of people, countries, and groups. We’d like to know how you feel about each person or group. Please use the following scales from 0 to 100, where 0 represents feeling very coldly towards that person or group and 100 represents feeling very warmly towards that person or group.** {end page themintro} {page therm order="randomize"} [w3q23a] {thermometer range="0,100" labels={0:"Coldly", 25:"", 50:"", 75:"", 100:"Warmly"} instructions="Click on thermometer to give your rating." dk="Don't know" order=randomize} -[w3obama1] Barack Obama -[w3ukip1] United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) -[w3cameron1] David Cameron -[w3uk1] The United Kingdom -[w3us1] The United States -[w3egypt1] Egypt -[w3eu1] The European Union -[w3libdem1] Liberal Democratic Party -[w3un1] The United Nations -[w3miliband1] Ed Miliband -[w3nato1] The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) -[w3libya1] Libya -[w3israel1] Israel -[w3china1] China -[w3canada1] Canada -[w3conser1] Conservative Party -[w3clegg1] Nick Clegg -[w3labour1] Labour Party -[w3germany1] Germany -[w3supremec1] The Supreme Court -[w3echr1] The European Court of Human Rights -[w3armforce1] The UK Armed Forces -[w3parliament1] Parliament -[w3italy1] Italy -[w3france1] France -[w3police1] The Police {end page therm} [w3statement6] {grid splitlabels=1 roworder="randomize"} Each row below contains contrasting statements on a specific policy debate that you may have heard about. Imagine the choice furthest to the left represents full endorsement of the statement on the left and the choice furthest to the right represents full endorsement of the statement on the right. Choices in the middle represent positions in between. Where would you place yourself on each of these issues? -[w3HCARE1] Health care is a right and should be provided to all citizens regardless of their ability to pay.| Health care should be a privilege for those who can pay for it. -[w3GUNCONT1] The government needs to tightly regulate possession of firearms. | Britons should be free to own any type of firearm they want. -[w3FREESP1] Limit the freedom of speech of those who threaten society. | Maintain freedom of speech even if that increases threats to society. -[w3DRUGS1] Keep drugs illegal, as they are today. | Legalize all drugs. -[w3EQUALITY1] Government should get out of the business of promoting income equality. | Government should do more to reduce income inequality. -[w3GAYM1] Marriage between Gay and Lesbian couples should be recognized. | Marriage should only be a union between a man and a woman. <1> 1 <2> 2 <3> 3 <4> 4 <5> 5 <6> 6 <7> 7 {page split3} { split14 = random(1,3) } {end page split3} [w3agric1a if split14==1] Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with this statement: The governments of poor countries of the world who need our agricultural surpluses should be able to receive them for free or at a substantially reduced price. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w3agric1b if split14==2] Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with this statement: The people living in poor countries of the world who need our agricultural surpluses should be able to receive them for free or at a substantially reduced price. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w3agric1c if split14==3] Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with this statement: Non-governmental organizations working in poor countries of the world who need our agricultural surpluses should be able to receive them for free or at a substantially reduced price. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know {module china order="randomize"} [w3china2] Thinking about British Policy towards China... do you think it is important to be tough with China on economic and trade issues? <1> No, Not at all important <2>No, Not too important <3>Yes, Somewhat important <4>Yes, Very important <5>Don’t Know [w3china3] Thinking about British Policy towards China... do you think it is important to be tough with China on military issues? <1> No, Not at all important <2>No, Not too important <3>Yes, Somewhat important <4>Yes, Very important <5>Don’t Know {end module china} {page split4} { splitUK15 = random(1,2) } {end page split4} [w3falk1a if splitUK15==1] Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with this statement: Britain must be ready to negotiate with Argentina over the eventual handover of the Falkland Islands. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w3falk1b if splitUK15==2] Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with this statement: Britain must be ready to negotiate with Argentina over the eventual handover of the Falkland Islands, a distant outpost of a forgotten colonial era. <1> Strongly agree <2> Agree <3> Neither agree nor disagree <4> Disagree <5> Strongly disagree <6> Don’t know [w3defcut1] As you may know, under the Coalition’s latest spending reductions, defence spending will be cut by about 10% over the next 2 years (about £3.4 billion total over that period). If these cuts take effect, how much of a negative effect do you think they would have on the military's ability to do its job? <1> A very large negative effect <2>A somewhat large negative effect <3>Not a very large negative effect <4>No negative effect <5>Don’t know