Scotto-Reifler Drone Experiment Data: 3719 respondents sampled from YouGov opt in panel 18 June 2013-20 June 2013. Sample consists of respondents in England, Wales, and Scotland, but not in the United Kingdom W8 is a probability weight included in the dataset. Frequencies below are unweighted. Variable: id YouGov ID Number Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- id | 3719 1860 1073.727 1 3719 Variable: startime Exact Time Survey was Started (Specific to Each Case) Variable: endtime Exact Time Survey was Completed (Specific to Each Case) Variable: dpq1 Voting Intention If there were a general election held | tomorrow, which party would you vote | for? | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Conservative | 843 22.67 22.67 Labour | 1,143 30.73 53.40 Liberal Democrat | 260 6.99 60.39 Scottish National Party (SNP)/ Plaid Cy | 86 2.31 62.71 Some other party | 627 16.86 79.56 Would not vote | 209 5.62 85.18 Don't know | 551 14.82 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: dpq2 Voting Intention if r answered "Some other party" to dpq1 And which of these parties would you | vote for? | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Green | 102 16.27 16.27 United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP | 462 73.68 89.95 British National Party (BNP) | 20 3.19 93.14 Respect | 10 1.59 94.74 Some other party | 25 3.99 98.72 Don't know | 8 1.28 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 627 100.00 Variable: scottosplit Variable indicating which of the experimental question forms R received . tab scottosplit scottosplit | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 978 26.30 26.30 2 | 930 25.01 51.30 3 | 892 23.98 75.29 4 | 919 24.71 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_A_1 Variable indicating respondent was in first treatment group if Scot_A_1 equals 1 Received the following Question "Is there anything in particular that is _good_ about using drones abroad for military purposes? Respondents were invited to give four open ended answers. Variable ScotA_1a_1: First open ended responst to Scot_A_1 Variable ScotA_1b_1: Second open ended responst to Scot_A_1 Variable ScotA_1c_1: Third open ended responst to Scot_A_1 Variable ScotA_1d_1: Fourth open ended responst to Scot_A_1 Variable indicating respondent was in first treatment group if Scot_A_2 equals 1 Received the following Question "Is there anything in particular that is _bad_ about using drones abroad for military purposes? Respondents were invited to give four open ended answers. Variable ScotA_2a_1: First open ended responst to Scot_A_2 Variable ScotA_2b_1: Second open ended responst to Scot_A_2 Variable ScotA_2c_1: Third open ended responst to Scot_A_2 Variable ScotA_2d_1: Fourth open ended responst to Scot_A_2 Variable Scot_B_1 Variable indicating respondent was in second treatment group if Scot_B_1 equals 1 Received the following Question "Is there anything in particular that is _good_ about using remotely piloted air systems abroad for military purposes? Respondents were invited to give four open ended answers. Variable ScotB_1a_1: First open ended responst to Scot_B_1 Variable ScotB_1b_1: Second open ended responst to Scot_B_1 Variable ScotB_1c_1: Third open ended responst to Scot_B_1 Variable ScotB_1d_1: Fourth open ended responst to Scot_B_1 Variable indicating respondent was in second treatment group if Scot_B_2 equals 1 Received the following Question "Is there anything in particular that is _bad_ about using remotely piloted air systems abroad for military purposes? Respondents were invited to give four open ended answers. Variable ScotB_2a_1: First open ended responst to Scot_B_2 Variable ScotB_2b_1: Second open ended responst to Scot_B_2 Variable ScotB_2c_1: Third open ended responst to Scot_B_2 Variable ScotB_2d_1: Fourth open ended responst to Scot_B_2 Variable Scot_C_1 Variable indicating respondent was in third treatment group if Scot_C_1 equals 1 Received the following Question "Is there anything in particular that is _good_ about using drones domestically for law enforcement purposes? Respondents were invited to give four open ended answers. Variable ScotC_1a_1: First open ended responst to Scot_C_1 Variable ScotC_1b_1: Second open ended responst to Scot_C_1 Variable ScotC_1c_1: Third open ended responst to Scot_C_1 Variable ScotC_1d_1: Fourth open ended responst to Scot_C_1 Variable indicating respondent was in third treatment group if Scot_C_2 equals 1 Received the following Question "Is there anything in particular that is _bad_ about using drones domestically for law enforcement purposes? Respondents were invited to give four open ended answers. Variable ScotC_2a_1: First open ended responst to Scot_C_2 Variable ScotC_2b_1: Second open ended responst to Scot_C_2 Variable ScotC_2c_1: Third open ended responst to Scot_C_2 Variable ScotC_2d_1: Fourth open ended responst to Scot_C_2 Variable Scot_D_1 Variable indicating respondent was in third treatment group if Scot_D_1 equals 1 Received the following Question "Is there anything in particular that is _good_ about using remotely piloted air systems domestically for law enforcement purposes? Respondents were invited to give four open ended answers. Variable ScotD_1a_1: First open ended responst to Scot_D_1 Variable ScotD_1b_1: Second open ended responst to Scot_D_1 Variable ScotD_1c_1: Third open ended responst to Scot_D_1 Variable ScotD_1d_1: Fourth open ended responst to Scot_D_1 Variable indicating respondent was in third treatment group if Scot_D_2 equals 1 Received the following Question "Is there anything in particular that is _bad_ about using remotely piloted air systems domestically for law enforcement purposes? Respondents were invited to give four open ended answers. Variable ScotD_2a_1: First open ended responst to Scot_D_2 Variable ScotD_2b_1: Second open ended responst to Scot_D_2 Variable ScotD_2c_1: Third open ended responst to Scot_D_2 Variable ScotD_2d_1: Fourth open ended responst to Scot_D_2 Return to all respondents: Variable Scot_nameA: Here are the names of some people who have been talked about in the media recently. Please state whether you have heard of them: Variable Scot_name_a: Theresa May Theresa May | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 3,402 91.48 91.48 I have not heard of them | 237 6.37 97.85 Don't know | 80 2.15 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name_b: Anjem Choudary Anjem Choudary | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 1,367 36.76 36.76 I have not heard of them | 2,079 55.90 92.66 Don't know | 273 7.34 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name_c: Omar Bakari Omar Bakari | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 807 21.70 21.70 I have not heard of them | 2,598 69.86 91.56 Don't know | 314 8.44 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name d: Shaker Aamer Shaker Aamer | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 465 12.50 12.50 I have not heard of them | 2,924 78.62 91.13 Don't know | 330 8.87 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name_e: Tommy Robinson Tommy Robinson | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 799 21.48 21.48 I have not heard of them | 2,637 70.91 92.39 Don't know | 283 7.61 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name_f: Russell Brand Russell Brand | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 3,454 92.87 92.87 I have not heard of them | 169 4.54 97.42 Don't know | 96 2.58 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name_g: Mohamed Sheikh Mohamed Sheikh | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 571 15.35 15.35 I have not heard of them | 2,764 74.32 89.67 Don't know | 384 10.33 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name_h: Edward Snowden Edward Snowden | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 1,553 41.76 41.76 I have not heard of them | 1,916 51.52 93.28 Don't know | 250 6.72 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name_i: Andrew Parker Andrew Parker | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 466 12.53 12.53 I have not heard of them | 2,900 77.98 90.51 Don't know | 353 9.49 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_name_j: William Hague William Hague | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- I have heard of them | 3,505 94.25 94.25 I have not heard of them | 137 3.68 97.93 Don't know | 77 2.07 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable Scot_nameB: Below are the names of several people who have been talked about in the news recently that you indicated you have heard of. For each one, we'd like you to rate your feelings toward each one as very positive, somewhat positive, neutral, somewhat negative, very negative, unable to rate, or don't know. (Respondent only received name to evaluate if they indicated in response to Scot_name_A that they had heard of individual) Variable Scot_nameb_a Theresa May | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 188 5.53 5.53 Fairly positive | 613 18.02 23.54 Neutral | 1,067 31.36 54.91 Fairly negative | 724 21.28 76.19 Very negative | 568 16.70 92.89 Unable to rate | 98 2.88 95.77 Don't know | 144 4.23 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,402 100.00 Variable Scot_nameb_b Anjem Choudary | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 16 1.17 1.17 Fairly positive | 54 3.95 5.12 Neutral | 276 20.19 25.31 Fairly negative | 118 8.63 33.94 Very negative | 619 45.28 79.22 Unable to rate | 134 9.80 89.03 Don't know | 150 10.97 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,367 100.00 Variable Scot_nameb_c Omar Bakari | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 21 2.60 2.60 Fairly positive | 33 4.09 6.69 Neutral | 153 18.96 25.65 Fairly negative | 89 11.03 36.68 Very negative | 291 36.06 72.74 Unable to rate | 117 14.50 87.24 Don't know | 103 12.76 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 807 100.00 Variable Scot_nameb_d Shaker Aamer | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 21 4.52 4.52 Fairly positive | 42 9.03 13.55 Neutral | 117 25.16 38.71 Fairly negative | 51 10.97 49.68 Very negative | 81 17.42 67.10 Unable to rate | 89 19.14 86.24 Don't know | 64 13.76 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 465 100.00 Variable Scot_nameb_e Tommy Robinson | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 75 9.39 9.39 Fairly positive | 83 10.39 19.77 Neutral | 207 25.91 45.68 Fairly negative | 109 13.64 59.32 Very negative | 236 29.54 88.86 Unable to rate | 36 4.51 93.37 Don't know | 53 6.63 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 799 100.00 Variable Scot_nameb_f Russell Brand | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 140 4.05 4.05 Fairly positive | 486 14.07 18.12 Neutral | 830 24.03 42.15 Fairly negative | 764 22.12 64.27 Very negative | 1,028 29.76 94.04 Unable to rate | 110 3.18 97.22 Don't know | 96 2.78 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,454 100.00 Variable Scot_nameb_g Mohamed Sheikh | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 16 2.80 2.80 Fairly positive | 28 4.90 7.71 Neutral | 168 29.42 37.13 Fairly negative | 73 12.78 49.91 Very negative | 100 17.51 67.43 Unable to rate | 83 14.54 81.96 Don't know | 103 18.04 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 571 100.00 Variable Scot_nameb_h Edward Snowden | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 204 13.14 13.14 Fairly positive | 324 20.86 34.00 Neutral | 516 33.23 67.22 Fairly negative | 175 11.27 78.49 Very negative | 120 7.73 86.22 Unable to rate | 116 7.47 93.69 Don't know | 98 6.31 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,553 100.00 Variable Scot_nameb_i Andrew Parker | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 15 3.22 3.22 Fairly positive | 55 11.80 15.02 Neutral | 218 46.78 61.80 Fairly negative | 45 9.66 71.46 Very negative | 19 4.08 75.54 Unable to rate | 65 13.95 89.48 Don't know | 49 10.52 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 466 100.00 Variable tab Scot_nameb_j William Hague | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Very positive | 299 8.53 8.53 Fairly positive | 801 22.85 31.38 Neutral | 984 28.07 59.46 Fairly negative | 685 19.54 79.00 Very negative | 523 14.92 93.92 Unable to rate | 94 2.68 96.60 Don't know | 119 3.40 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,505 100 Variable: General_Election_vote_2010 R's Reported Vote in 2010 National Election General Election vote 2010 | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Did not vote | 468 12.58 12.58 Conservative Party | 1,107 29.77 42.35 Labour Party | 946 25.44 67.79 Liberal Democrats | 830 22.32 90.10 Scottish National Party | 80 2.15 92.26 Plaid Cymru | 16 0.43 92.69 British National Party (BNP) | 27 0.73 93.41 Green Party | 57 1.53 94.94 Respect | 1 0.03 94.97 United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP | 83 2.23 97.20 Some other party | 26 0.70 97.90 Don't know | 78 2.10 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: Region R's Recorded Region New GOR | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- North | 857 23.04 23.04 Midlands | 538 14.47 37.51 East | 359 9.65 47.16 London | 536 14.41 61.58 South | 919 24.71 86.29 Wales | 175 4.71 90.99 Scotland | 335 9.01 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: partyid2010 R's Reported Party identification in 2010 partyid2010 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- Lab | 1,274 34.26 34.26 Con | 1,007 27.08 61.33 Lib | 332 8.93 70.26 Others | 336 9.03 79.30 DK/None | 770 20.70 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: Gender R's Reported Gender Gender | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- Male | 1,775 47.73 47.73 Female | 1,944 52.27 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: profile_newspaper_readership_201 Main Newspaper R Reports Reading Newspaper readership - main daily | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- The Express | 93 2.50 2.50 The Daily Mail / The Scottish Daily Mai | 643 17.29 19.79 The Mirror / Daily Record | 204 5.49 25.28 The Daily Star / The Daily Star of Scot | 20 0.54 25.81 The Sun | 336 9.03 34.85 The Daily Telegraph | 114 3.07 37.91 The Financial Times | 16 0.43 38.34 The Guardian | 193 5.19 43.53 The Independent | 75 2.02 45.55 The Times | 107 2.88 48.43 The Scotsman | 21 0.56 48.99 The Herald (Glasgow) | 24 0.65 49.64 The Western Mail | 8 0.22 49.85 Other local daily morning newspaper | 158 4.25 54.10 Other Newspaper | 282 7.58 61.68 None | 1,425 38.32 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: Partyid_2010 Full Report of Rs' Party ID partyid | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Yes - Labour | 1,274 34.26 34.26 Yes - Conservative | 1,007 27.08 61.33 Yes - Liberal Democrat | 332 8.93 70.26 Yes - Scottish National Party (SNP) | 77 2.07 72.33 Yes - Plaid Cymru | 9 0.24 72.57 Yes - Green Party | 63 1.69 74.27 Yes - UK Independence Party (UKIP) | 147 3.95 78.22 Yes - British National Party (BNP) | 25 0.67 78.89 Yes some other party | 15 0.40 79.30 No don't think of myself as any of th | 669 17.99 97.28 Don't know | 101 2.72 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: Social_Grade R's Social Grade socgrade4 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- AB | 1,416 38.07 38.07 C1 | 1,108 29.79 67.87 C2 | 517 13.90 81.77 de | 678 18.23 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: Currvote Voting Intention of R Voting | intention | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- Con | 843 24.02 24.02 Lab | 1,143 32.56 56.58 Lib Dem | 260 7.41 63.99 SNP / PCY | 86 2.45 66.44 Other | 619 17.64 84.07 Don't know | 559 15.93 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,510 100.00 Variable: headvote Voting intention of R Headline | Voting | Intention | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- Con | 843 28.57 28.57 Lab | 1,143 38.73 67.30 Lib Dem | 260 8.81 76.11 Other | 705 23.89 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,951 100.00 Variable: othvote If R indicates would vote for 'other' above, which party? Other Parties | Voting | Intention | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- SNP / PCY | 86 2.91 2.91 Green | 102 3.46 6.37 ukip | 462 15.66 22.03 bnp | 20 0.68 22.70 Respect | 10 0.34 23.04 Other | 25 0.85 23.89 DELETE - Others | 2,246 76.11 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,951 100.00 Variable: novote R Directly Indicates They Would Not Vote Non Voters | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Would Not Vote | 209 5.62 5.62 Don't know | 559 15.03 20.65 DELETE - Others | 2,951 79.35 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: Age_and_Gender Respondents' Grouped Age and Gender Age and | Gender | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------+----------------------------------- Male 18-24 | 121 3.25 3.25 Male 25-39 | 387 10.41 13.66 Male 40-59 | 702 18.88 32.54 Male 60+ | 565 15.19 47.73 Female 18-24 | 151 4.06 51.79 Female 25-39 | 492 13.23 65.02 Female 40-59 | 790 21.24 86.26 Female 60+ | 511 13.74 100.00 -------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: Banded_age Respondents' Grouped Age Age | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 18-24 | 272 7.31 7.31 25-39 | 879 23.64 30.95 40-59 | 1,492 40.12 71.07 60+ | 1,076 28.93 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: Age Respondents' Age What is | your age? | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 18 | 32 0.86 0.86 19 | 32 0.86 1.72 20 | 33 0.89 2.61 21 | 33 0.89 3.50 22 | 44 1.18 4.68 23 | 47 1.26 5.94 24 | 51 1.37 7.31 25 | 50 1.34 8.66 26 | 49 1.32 9.98 27 | 48 1.29 11.27 28 | 62 1.67 12.93 29 | 66 1.77 14.71 30 | 68 1.83 16.54 31 | 55 1.48 18.02 32 | 60 1.61 19.63 33 | 63 1.69 21.32 34 | 73 1.96 23.29 35 | 52 1.40 24.68 36 | 51 1.37 26.06 37 | 56 1.51 27.56 38 | 61 1.64 29.20 39 | 65 1.75 30.95 40 | 80 2.15 33.10 41 | 62 1.67 34.77 42 | 74 1.99 36.76 43 | 62 1.67 38.42 44 | 72 1.94 40.36 45 | 66 1.77 42.13 46 | 81 2.18 44.31 47 | 83 2.23 46.54 48 | 76 2.04 48.59 49 | 82 2.20 50.79 50 | 91 2.45 53.24 51 | 75 2.02 55.26 52 | 74 1.99 57.25 53 | 92 2.47 59.72 54 | 84 2.26 61.98 55 | 68 1.83 63.81 56 | 69 1.86 65.66 57 | 69 1.86 67.52 58 | 63 1.69 69.21 59 | 69 1.86 71.07 60 | 68 1.83 72.90 61 | 74 1.99 74.89 62 | 81 2.18 77.06 63 | 83 2.23 79.30 64 | 77 2.07 81.37 65 | 82 2.20 83.57 66 | 93 2.50 86.07 67 | 88 2.37 88.44 68 | 66 1.77 90.21 69 | 68 1.83 92.04 70 | 56 1.51 93.55 71 | 36 0.97 94.51 72 | 33 0.89 95.40 73 | 28 0.75 96.15 74 | 29 0.78 96.93 75 | 22 0.59 97.53 76 | 21 0.56 98.09 77 | 16 0.43 98.52 78 | 10 0.27 98.79 79 | 11 0.30 99.09 80 | 9 0.24 99.33 81 | 6 0.16 99.49 82 | 5 0.13 99.62 83 | 7 0.19 99.81 84 | 5 0.13 99.95 85 | 1 0.03 99.97 90 | 1 0.03 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 3,719 100.00 Variable: W8 Probability Weight Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- W8 | 3719 1 .7574675 .0625371 7.032292