## Title: Household-level agricultural inputs-outputs, off-farm income, and wild harvested products survey in eastern Madagascar (part of p4ges project) (NE/K010220/1) This archive consists of (a) primary dataset and (b) accompanying documents for 'Agricultural inputs-outputs and off-farm income' and 'Wild-harvested products' segments of the data for work packages 6 and 3 (WP6 and WP3) of the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA)-funded [P4ges project](http://p4ges.org). These parts of the work packages are concerned with the socio-economic aspects of the research undertaken within P4ges project. The survey was conducted with a sub-sample of the households selected after the first round of the surveys, documented in detail [here](http://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-852435). This phase of the surveys were designed to look more in-depth at the agricultural practices, plot-level productivity, off-farm income, and collection and use of wild harvested products. The data was collected between August 2014 and November 2015 and comprises of 171 households (169 for wild-harvested products survey). Folder structure of the uploaded files is as follows: |--ReadMe.txt |-- data |-- AGR_S01_INFO_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S02_LAND1_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S03_LAND2_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S04_LIVESTOCK_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S05_OFFINC_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S06_TEVIALA_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S07_FIELDDAT_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S08_INFOLOG_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S09_LOGLAB_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S10_LOGPROD_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S11_LOGOFFINC_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S12_INFOYIELD_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S13_YIELDQTY_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S14_CONVUNIT_25-07-2017.csv |-- AGR_S15_CROPSPRICE_25-07-2017.csv |-- WHP_S01_INFO_25-07-2017.csv |-- WHP_S02_PRODS_HARV_25-07-2017.csv |-- WHP_S03_CONTRIB_HH_25-07-2017.csv |-- docs |-- HHS_INFOSHEET.pdf |-- HHS_INFOSHEET-EN_TRANS.pdf |-- HHS_CONSENTFORM.pdf |-- AGR_WHP_METHODS.pdf |-- AGR_HH_SURVEY-MG.pdf |-- AGR_HH_SURVEY-EN.pdf |-- AGR_HH_DAILY_LOG-MG.pdf |-- AGR_HH_DAILY_LOG-EN.pdf |-- AGR_HH_WEEKLY_LOG-MG.pdf |-- AGR_HH_WEEKLY_LOG-EN.pdf |-- AGR_YIELD_MEASURE-MG.pdf |-- AGR_YIELD_MEASURE-EN.pdf |-- WHP_HH_SURVEY-MG.pdf |-- WHP_HH_SURVEY-EN.pdf |-- AGR_WHP_VARCODES_25-07-2017.xlsx ### (a) Primary data (within 'data' folder) - Primary data from the agricultural inputs-outputs and off-farm income, and wild-harvested products surveys (all anonymised) is stored in 19 data sheets in comma-separated values (.csv) format. Names of the sheets and data contained within are as follows: + *AGR_S01_INFO_25-07-2017* : Information related to the household interviews for agricultural inputs-outputs and off-farm income survey (date, time, interviewer etc.) + *AGR_S02_LAND1_25-07-2017* : Information about the households' landholding and tenure + *AGR_S03_LAND2_25-07-2017* : Information about land use, peceptions on land productivity, constraints on land use and land productivity + *AGR_S04_LIVESTOCK_25-07-2017* : Data on households' livestock keeping, and related inputs and outputs, including cash income from livestock + *AGR_S05_OFFINC_25-07-2017* : Data on off-farm income of the households + *AGR_S06_TEVIALA_25-07-2017* : Data on households' practice of *teviala* (clearance of primary forest for swidden agriculture) and their views about the practice + *AGR_S07_FIELDDAT_25-07-2017* : Plot-specific data on agricultural inputs and outputs for the respondent households + *AGR_S08_INFOLOG_25-07-2017* : Information related to the household logs (for the households in site 2 who were involved in keeping daily or weekly logs of their agricultural activities) + *AGR_S09_LOGLAB_25-07-2017* : Household log data on labour input in agriculture + *AGR_S10_LOGPROD_25-07-2017* : Household log data on yield/production from each field-plot + *AGR_S11_LOGOFFINV_25-07-2017* : Household log data on off-farm income + *AGR_S12_INFOYIELD_25-07-2017* : Information related to yield measurement from selected plots in site 2 + *AGR_S13_YIELDQTY_25-07-2017* : Data on yield/production from the plots where yield measurement was carried out (site 2 only) + *AGR_S14_CONVUNIT_25-07-2017* : Information about local and standard units of measurement related to agricultural inputs-outputs survey and related conversion + *AGR_S15_CROPSPRICE_25-07-2017* : Data on the price of key farm crops for harvest and hunger period for the survey sites + *WHP_S01_INFO_25-07-2017* : Information related to the household interviews for wild-harvested products survey (date, time, interviewer etc.) + *WHP_S02_PRODSHARV_25-07-2017* : Data on the key wild-harvested products, including collection frequency, time spent on collection, quantity collected etc. + *WHP_S03_CONTRIBHH_25-07-2017* : Data on the contribution of wild-harvested products to households' livelihood ### (b) Accompanying documents (within 'docs' folder) - Variable description and coding related to all the data files are provided within an Excel Workbook. Rest of the accompanying documents are in PDF format. Brief descriptions of the documents are provided below: + **Study outline, research design, and methodology** (*AGR_WHP_METHODS*): A PDF document with description of research questions, approach and data collection methods (6 pages). + **Variable description and coding** (*AGR_WHP_VARCODES_25-07-2017*): An Excel Workbook with sheets corresponding to each of the data files described above - for example, variable description and coding for data file *AGR_S01_INFO_25-07-2017* is listed in sheet *AGR_S01*, and so on in the Workbook. Each worksheet lists all the variables in the corresponding data file, their description, and their origin (i.e., from questionnaire or 'calculated'). + **Project information sheet in Malagasy** (*HHS_INFOSHEET*): A PDF document providing an overview of the project and purpose of household surveys handed out to local community contacts and to the survey respondents (1 page). + **Project info sheet (English translation)** (*HHS_INFOSHEET-EN_TRANS*): A PDF document with English translation of the project information sheet (1 page). + **Consent form** (*HHS_CONSENTFORM*): A PDF document containing information read out to the participants for oral consent prior to the interviews (as approved by Bangor University's Research Ethics procedures), and a template of written consent form. Due to sensitive nature of the survey, and given a very low literacy rate in study sites, and after experiences of (and learning from) the pilot surveys, only oral consent was taken for these surveys (2 pages). + **Survey questionnaires and logbook formats in Malagasy** : Original Malagasy-language questionnaires, and logbook formats used in the agricultural inputs-outputs and off-farm income, and wild-harvested product surveys, comprising of five PDF documents listed below: + *AGR_HH_SURVEY-MG* - 14 pages + *AGR_HH_DAILY_LOG-MG* - 6 pages + *AGR_HH_WEEKLY_LOG-MG* - 7 pages + *AGR_YIELD_MEASURE-MG* - 2 pages + *WHP_HH_SURVEY-MG* - 8 pages + **Survey questionnaires and logbook formats in English** : English translation of the Malagasy questionnaires and logbook formats used in the agricultural inputs-outputs and off-farm income, and wild-harvested products surveys, comprising of five PDF documents listed below: + *AGR_HH_SURVEY-EN* - 13 pages + *AGR_HH_DAILY_LOG-EN* - 4 pages + *AGR_HH_WEEKLY_LOG-EN* - 3 pages + *AGR_YIELD_MEASURE-EN* - 2 pages + *WHP_HH_SURVEY-EN* - 3 pages