ReadMeOnwardMigration.txt Interview_Metadata.doc This Word document file details the metadata collected from the interview schedule, providing categories for each variable. The data dictionary is reproduced below in text format. The data dictionary documents key variables that were collected from each interviewee. This data was gathered from interviewees at the beginning and end of the interview, and supplemented by information from the transcript when needed. Note: some country of origin and city detail has been redacted due to the sensitive nature of some cases and the need to protect anonymity in special circumstances. In such cases the place identifier may have also been removed. DataList_June_2015.xls This Excel file provides socio-demographic characteristics and metadata for each interview file. Participant_Info_Sheet_and_Consent_Forms.doc This Word document file contains the participant information sheet that was distributed to all interviewees. It also contains the Consent Form that was signed by all participants. Interview_Questions.doc This Word document file contains the questions that were asked before, during and after the in-depth interviews conducted with refugees in the UK. This folder contains 82 Word file documents that contain the in-depth interview transcripts for the project. There are 81 Word files of individual interviews and one Word file which contains the transcript of an interview with two different individuals. Prepared by Emma Stewart, 31st July 2015 Data dictionary Description of transcript identifier W, S, L, NW Location of interview: Wales, Scotland, London, North West F, M Female, Male Number Case number Label Description Interview ID Interviewee pseudonym Age Age range Gender Gender (Male/Female) Employed Are you currently employed? (Yes/No) Occupation Current occupation (Job title) Student status Student status (ESOL, Student, University Student) Marital status Marital/relationship status (Single, Married, Separated, Divorced, Widowed) Children Do you have any children? (Yes/No) Country of origin Country of origin (Country specified) Religion Religion (Christian, Muslim, Other) Year of arrival Year of arrival to UK (Year specified) Mover/Stayer Whether interviewee has moved away from or remained in the original dispersal city (Mover/Stayer) Interpreter used? Use of interpreter during interview for project (Yes/No) Place of interview Location of interview (Wales, Scotland, North West, London) Date of interview Date of interview (Date specified)