Q1,What is your age? Q2,What is your gender? 1,Male 2,Female 3,Other Q3,What is the highest educational qualification you possess? 1,GCSEs/O-levels 2,A-levels 3,Undergraduate degree 4,Masters degree 5,Doctoral degree 6,Other Q4,Are you in a position with managerial responsibilities? 1,Yes 2,No 3,Other Q5,"If you answered yes to question 4, for how many people are you directly responsible for managing?" 1,0-5 2,06-Oct 3,Nov-20 4,21-40 5,41-80 6,81+ 7,Other Q6,For how long have you been a civil servant? 1,0-6 months 2,7-12 months 3,1-2 years 4,3-4 years 5,5-10 years 6,11-20 years 7,21-30 years 8,31+ years 9,Other Q7,Are you a member of the senior civil service? 1,Yes 2,No 3,Other Q8,"If you have answered no to question 7, what is your pay grade?" 1,Grade 6 2,Grade 7 3,Other Q9,Have you ever been employed full time in the private sector? 1,Yes 2,No 3,Other Q10,"If you answered yes to question 9, for how long were you employed full-time in the private sector?" 1,0-6 months 2,7-12 months 3,1-2 years 4,3-4 years 5,5-10 years 6,11-20 years 7,21-30 years 8,31+ years 9,Other Q11,"Do you presently work within a government department, or for a non- departmental body?" 1,Work as a civil servant within a government department 2,Work as a civil servant within a non-departmental body 3,Other Q12,Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements Q12_a,"I am clear about my personal values (i.e. my convictions of what is right and wrong, of what is important, and so on)." 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_b,My personal convictions are generally compatible with the values of my organisation. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_c,My organisation seems to be guided by high standards of morality 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_d,I find that sometimes I must compromise personal convictions to conform to my organisation's expectations. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_e,I am confident that I understand the values of my superiors with whom I work closely. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_f,I am confident that I understand the values of my co-workers (i.e. colleagues at my level) with whom I work closely. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_g,I am confident that I understand my subordinates' values 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_h,I am confident I understand my organisation's values. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_i,My superiors seem to be less concerned about ethics than I am. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_j,My co-workers seem to be less concerned about ethics and morality than I am. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_k,My subordinates seem to be less concerned about ethics and morality than I am. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_l,I would I resign if my manager insisted that I carry out some action that I strongly felt was wrong. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q12_m,I would tell people outside my organisation if my manager insisted that I carry out some action that I felt strongly was wrong. 1,strongly agree 2,agree 3,agree with some reservations 4,neither agree nor disagree 5,disagree with some reservations 6,disagree 7,strongly disagree 8,Other Q13,"An ethical dilemma is a situation in which you are confronted with the need to choose from two or more conflicting courses of action. Each of these options is compelling because it upholds some important moral principles and conforms with some of your deepest convictions regarding what is right and wrong. Listed below are some typical ethical dilemmas, please indicate how frequently you experience these difficult choices in the workplace." Q13_a,Conflict between loyalty to your manager and loyalty to the organisation 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_b,Conflict between loyalty to your manager and obligation to the law 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_c,Conflict between loyalty to your manager and what is in your view best for the community 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_d,Conflict between loyalty to your manager and professional standards of ethics 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_e,Conflict between loyalty to your manager and loyalty to a friend who is a colleague in the workplace 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_f,Conflict between your own well-being (i.e. what is in your best interest) and loyalty to your manager 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_g,Conflict between your own well-being and loyalty to your organisation 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_h,Conflict between your own well-being and what is in your view best for the community 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_i,Conflict between your own well-being and obligation to the law 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_j,Conflict between your own well-being and professional standards of ethics 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q13_k,Conflict between your own well-being and loyalty to a colleague who is a friend 1,Happens frequently 2,Happens occasionally 3,Happens infrequently 4,Happens very infrequently 5,Never happens 6,Other Q14,"When you were confronted with an ethical dilemma in performing your job, whom do you usually consult?" Q14_a,Spouse Q14_a_1,Most important Q14_a_2,Second most important Q14_a_3,Other Q14_a_Other,Other Q14_b,Co-workers (other people at my level) Q14_b_1,Most important Q14_b_2,Second most important Q14_b_3,Other Q14_b_Other,Other Q14_c,Family member(s) Q14_c_1,Most important Q14_c_2,Second most important Q14_c_3,Other Q14_c_Other,Other Q14_d,No one (I work it out myself) Q14_d_1,Most important Q14_d_2,Second most important Q14_d_3,Other Q14_d_Other,Other Q14_e,Friend(s) at work Q14_e_1,Most important Q14_e_2,Second most important Q14_e_3,Other Q14_e_Other,Other Q14_f,Friend(s) outside the organisation Q14_f_1,Most important Q14_f_2,Second most important Q14_f_3,Other Q14_f_Other,Other Q14_g,Superior(s) Q14_g_1,Most important Q14_g_2,Second most important Q14_g_3,Other Q14_g_Other,Other Q14_h,Member(s) of my professional group Q14_h_1,Most important Q14_h_2,Second most important Q14_h_3,Other Q14_h_Other,Other Q14_i,Legal professionals Q14_i_1,Most important Q14_i_2,Second most important Q14_i_3,Other Q14_i_Other,Other Q14_j,Member(s) of my religious group Q14_j_1,Most important Q14_j_2,Second most important Q14_j_3,Other Q14_j_Other,Other Q15,"In making decisions regarding how you should conduct yourself in the workplace, how important to you are the factors listed below?" Q15_a,Duty to your organisation 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_b,Professional standards of ethics 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_c,Opinions of your superiors 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_d,Opinions of your co-workers in the workplace 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_e,Opinions of your professional colleagues 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_f,Opinions of your family 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_g,Opinions of your friends 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_h,Your own conscience 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_i,Avoidance of conflict 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_j,Respect for human dignity 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_k,Respect for individual freedom and autonomy 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_l,Respect for individual privacy 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_m,Appearing selfless 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_n,Your personal integrity 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_o,Maintaining your objectivity 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_p,Your personal level of accountability 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_q,Openness to the public 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_r,Honesty 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_s,The leadership of your superiors 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_t,Fairness 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_u,Equality 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_v,Your personal well-being 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_w,Respect for the law 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_x,Respect for organisational rules and regulations 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_y,The reputation of your organisation 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q15_z,Your own reputation 1,Very Important 2,Important 3,Moderately Important 4,Only marginally important 5,Not important at all 6,Other Q16,"Unethical behaviour in organisations (for example corruption, unfairness, betrayal of organisational interests, etc.) results from a number of factors. If you were to explain unethical behaviour that might arise in your own organisation, how would you rank the relative importance of following factors? (use '1' for the most important item and '6' for the least important item)" Q16_a,Behaviour of superiors Q16_a_1,1 Q16_a_2,2 Q16_a_3,3 Q16_a_4,4 Q16_a_5,5 Q16_a_6,6 Q16_a_7,Other Q16_a_Other,Other Q16_b,Society's moral climate Q16_b_1,1 Q16_b_2,2 Q16_b_3,3 Q16_b_4,4 Q16_b_5,5 Q16_b_6,6 Q16_b_7,Other Q16_b_Other,Other Q16_c,Behaviour of one's colleagues in the workplace Q16_c_1,1 Q16_c_2,2 Q16_c_3,3 Q16_c_4,4 Q16_c_5,5 Q16_c_6,6 Q16_c_7,Other Q16_c_Other,Other Q16_d,The practices of one's profession Q16_d_1,1 Q16_d_2,2 Q16_d_3,3 Q16_d_4,4 Q16_d_5,5 Q16_d_6,6 Q16_d_7,Other Q16_d_Other,Other Q16_e,Formal organisation policy Q16_e_1,1 Q16_e_2,2 Q16_e_3,3 Q16_e_4,4 Q16_e_5,5 Q16_e_6,6 Q16_e_7,Other Q16_e_Other,Other Q16_f,Personal interests Q16_f_1,1 Q16_f_2,2 Q16_f_3,3 Q16_f_4,4 Q16_f_5,5 Q16_f_6,6 Q16_f_7,Other Q16_f_Other,Other Q17,The following list contains some suggestions which been proposed for improving ethical behaviour and decision-making among public officials. How useful do you think they are? Q17_a,Stricter hierarchical supervision 1,Very useful 2,Useful 3,Not very useful 4,Not at all useful 5,Other Q17_b,Develop training programs to cultivate a stronger sense of morality among public officials 1,Very useful 2,Useful 3,Not very useful 4,Not at all useful 5,Other Q17_c,Adopt more legislation to regulate and punish unethical behaviour in the public sector 1,Very useful 2,Useful 3,Not very useful 4,Not at all useful 5,Other Q17_d,Introduce a more detailed code of administrative ethics to guide bureaucratic actions and decisions 1,Very useful 2,Useful 3,Not very useful 4,Not at all useful 5,Other Q17_e,Create a moral climate in the public sector through exemplary political and administrative leadership 1,Very useful 2,Useful 3,Not very useful 4,Not at all useful 5,Other Q18,"During the last five years, have you personally observed any behaviour in your current workplace that you consider corrupt?" 1,Yes 2,No 3,Other Q19,"Overall, how would you rate the standards of conduct of public office holders in the United Kingdom?" 1,Very low 2,Quite low 3,Neither high nor low 4,Quite high 5,Very high 6,Don't know 7,Other Q20,And how do you think standards of public office holders in the United Kingdom today compare with a few years ago? 1,Got a lot worse 2,Got a bit worse 3,Stayed the same 4,Improved a little 5,Improved a lot 6,Don't know 7,Other Q21,How confident do you feel that the authorities in the United Kingdom are committed to improving standards in public life? 1,Not at all confident 2,Not very confident 3,Fairly confident 4,Very confident 5,Don't know 6,Other Q22,And how confident do you feel that the authorities will generally uncover wrongdoing by people in public life? 1,Not at all confident 2,Not very confident 3,Fairly confident 4,Very confident 5,Don't know 6,Other